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Everything posted by Ausvisitor

  1. Also some states won't even look at sponsoring you if you choose more than one state for sponsor application - so whilst you can apply for both a 189 and a 190 i would make sure your 190 application is targeted to a single state rather than a couple or open application
  2. No limit to how many you apply for, which state are you looking at settling in and do you know if your ANZSCO code is on the 190 /489 lists for those locations? If you know the place you want to live (and are fixed on it) and the occupation is on the "sponsor list" for that state/territory then the 190 is almost certainly the quicker way to get to an invite. You will be locked to that location for 2 years but if that is where you want to be anyway that shouldn't be an issue. Given the things that a 489 denies you (immediate PR, access to certain benefits, not guaranteed free schooling for kids) and the fact the rules on progressing a 489 to a PR could always be changed I'd not be looking at that option given your points total for a 190 unless you really needed to get there quick and/or you are on one of the pro-rata occupations like software dev or accountant
  3. The question you asked was "Why would you agree to ..." - that is between the poster and their employer - the fact it may cause issues is relevant the why they agreed to it is irrelevant
  4. Surely that is between him and his employer, and irrelevant now as it's in the past. Does anyone know if this is going to cause him issues now though?
  5. So true, tax-agents don't have access to special "agent only" deductions, they just know the list of available deductions inside-out. If your life and financial affairs are pretty mundane (in terms of salary, wages, investments) the likelihood an agent could get you anything significantly more than you can do yourself is questionable. Of course they do all the work, so if you value your time doing this more than the cost they charge for it then why not use them?
  6. It's exactly the same list as it would be for a 189 - just that because you are transitioning from a temp visa it's technically another visa class
  7. You do realise that they have literally hundreds of "stock" questions for each assessment - knowing what someone else was asked is about as useful as knowing that this time last year I had steak for tea. Yes it might happen again, but it's much more likely something completely different will occur. Concentrate on knowing your stuff and don't worry too much about having prepared answers to a question that most likely will never come up.
  8. Unfortunately MaggieMay is totally correct here; whilst you can't influence others doing their part of the process (lodging the sponsorship change papers) you could have followed the part you are responsible for - which is to only work for the employer that has sponsored you - you would have been made aware that the sponsor change had gone through, and it is your responsibility to make sure the new employer has the approval to sponsor you in hand before you do a minute of work for them. Essentially you've been working illegally for 2 years....... Don't try to solve this alone, you'll get tied up in knots, you need to take independent advice from an agent - don't rely on the company to do this properly for you either - they've already proven they can't I would think that the best you can hope for is that the immigration dept forgives your mistake and grants you a sponsorship for the new employer, however as they can't retrospectively "permission" you for the 2 years you spent working without proper authority to do so, I suspect that the clock on applying to alter to permanent residency would reset to zero on award of the sponsored visa
  9. Whilst I sort of agree, I also don't (on the points bit at least). I had 60 points and applied for the state sponsorship (which once approved would give the magic 65 pts). I was offered an invited from NSW to apply for state sponsorship in under 24 hours from hitting submit on the EOI. The grant of sponsorship (or whatever the technical term is) came through in 13 days and we have now made the full application (with sponsorship) to the authorities for a 190 visa. *The VetAssess came back with 7.8 years of skilled work so technically 3 months under the 8 I needed to get to the magic 65 points independently. Our agent advised that we could wait a short time and apply for the 189 as it would be 8 years if we waited a little - but that would mean going in at the bottom of the queue on 65 pts. By instead going for sponsorship we didn't need to wait and as the states don't really follow any sort of queue concept (just cherry pick from the people interested) it went quick. One the subject of the VA assessment we did consider appealling as it's been the same job for 16 years and was qualified to do it by degree and experience before that too - but that was a 6 month wait and delivered no discernible benefit
  10. Your bank account showing you tend to spend money in establishment in the state would go a long way to showing residency.
  11. https://www.ielts.org/ Will give you a list of all places you can take it. About £175 sometimes less depends on the centre. But it's about the right ballpark
  12. Based on what @Sarz says above, you also need IELTS to satisfy the teaching assessment board that you are able to teach in Australia (which I guess makes sense as you will be teaching a generation of kids and if you aren't much cop at the English language they won't be either) Some people get hung up on the "but I'm a teacher of course I can speak English" but unfortunately the rules apply to everyone and not all teachers are as good with the English language as others. I've got a masters in English and I managed to "fail" IELTS the first time, totally aced PTE though
  13. If you aren't getting the marks in the PTE reading test it is probably because you are rushing the answer, a lot of them require multiple answers to the multiple choice, so say there are five options maybe 3 are correct. If you choose two correct ones and then miss the third answer you only get 1 pt for the 3 pts (because it is negatively marked). Similarly if it wants you to select two answers and you only choose one you get zero (1 point for the correct answer and 1 pt off for not choosing the second one). Take your time with the multiple choice (that relate to paragraphs of text comprehension) and be sure you have exhausted all potential correct answers. With the writing it is generally that you are writing too much and so give yourself more options to be marked down for suspect grammar, spelling or word usage. Generally most people lose marks here because it doesn't have a spell check (and who types without a spellchecker nowadays) so they don't re-read and so don't spot the easy spelling mistake; even if you really stuff up the answer (like it asks for a discussion and you just give a one-sided view) you can pass because the negative marks for not answering in the correct style come off the supporting skills (that Oz migration doesn't care about - but a university might) I found the online sample tests very helpful - but ultimately it was taking my time that I think was the most important bit (and double checking everything) Good Luck - you are nearly there on those marks
  14. Just to help you in the next attempt, in the sentence you used above it is "off" not "of" - maybe good for a mark
  15. I'm not so sure it is - we don't know where they live In almost no country is heavy drinking illegal, marajuana usage is legal in some countries and posting on the internet in this way is only an issue under a very narrow set of circumstances I totally agree it is not a good situation but it isn't necessarily illegal - it could be though
  16. Are you looking for options to live in Australia because your post doesn't say that. I would suggest your first port of call if you are worried about your daughter is citizens advice or social service. However as crap as his behaviour was there is nothing illegal or threatening about a child being around their parents partners (the fact they are from dating sites and he was married is immaterial) many kids in the UK come from homes where the parents have split and one or both are dating others
  17. Assuming those details are correct and not massaged to look like the conditions had been met when they hadn't - that is fraud and the applicant would be barred from applying for future visas (and have the current one voided) and the employer would open themselves up to fines and possibly worse If it's truthful and it's just the employer can't (or won't) be bothered to document it properly then go ahead, if it's a fabrication then I'd avoid and just hope that telling the truth gets you what you want
  18. Good point I think my test was £145, in the scheme of £3500 (visas for family) £1500 (medicals and police checks) £4000 flights, £3000 shipping, £4000 first month living (with more set aside) £7000 UK estate agent fees and a migration agent the £145 for the language test was chicken feed
  19. The same probably applies to ACT, it was just on looking at the list and taking advice from my agent we decided for me NSW was the best place to try our luck.
  20. Which state are you applying to? They all do it differently (if you are planning on applying for a 489 without a specific state be aware they only offered 10 of these a month this year if that) The state sponsored visas work off the state's requirements not the standard 189 DIBP rules. In terms of window there isn't really one, each state will start accepting applications on a date they choose and will continue to make offers to people they think will fill a hole in their state until such time as they reach their target or decide to stop. It isn't a simple window open first in line get places queue it's much more of a selection when you are asking for sponsorship and the most needed skills get the places first
  21. I'm assuming you meant 70 for the 190 and it was just a slip of the finger on the keyboard 65 is currently nowhere near the invite level for a 189 which has been 75+ all year (which runs July-June) Of course no one really knows what next year will bring in terms of points targets but I think most people view is much of the same again... For the 190 the criteria is very different and each state can make up it's own mind, some place high emphasis on superior English, others on a specific anzsco code and others on education. The way a state makes its nomination for a 190 is a bit of black art. What I can tell you though is I got a 190 invite to NSW on 70 (65 + 5 sponsor) within 2 days of lodging the application in April this year and acceptance of the nomination in mid May.
  22. Can you let us know your MARA number so we can verify you are in fact registered No registered agent would object to providing this information, look forward to your response
  23. Ausvisitor

    Mrs EMJ

    Ultimately if you've looked at the situation and an agent isn't possible then that's just how it is. You sound like you've got your finger on the ball and will do the necessary research. Good luck with it
  24. The problem is that things like determining staffing rosters etc. Is part of the definition of cafe manager. The fact the owner said they did this themselves (and you've said they want to keep doing it) makes me think they want a "supervisor" not a manager and so I would suggest that the decision was right based on immigrations definition of what is required for the role and what the employer described the role as
  25. Ausvisitor

    Mrs EMJ

    The amount of time an agent will spend on each case is probably measured in the scale of weeks - so I personally think the prices they charge are fair (and sometimes probably less than they could charge) Yes it's expensive, but if you get a decorator in to paint your entire house for 2 solid weeks you'll be looking at 1500 (at least where I live) so it's comparable with any other "task" you outsource
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