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Everything posted by Ausvisitor

  1. I'm older than you and got my NSW pre-invite for sponsorship earlier this month, 48 hours after lodging the EOI. 65 base points just like you have. So don't lose heart yet...
  2. Where is the best place to go to research move cube and other shipping options (without having to actually talk to a shipping company) Things I'm looking at are Size Approx Cost Taxes on import etc
  3. Which two are you asking, some are bothered about not being your only choice, some aren't
  4. Has he already got the PTE full marks, I've known people have to try six or seven times to get the right mark
  5. Have you already had your career assessed (VetAssess or similar) and taken any English exams you need for extra points. People often assume that getting superior English is easy, it isn't (it's not impossible either) and the way the assessing bodies determine years that are applicable for experience is a complete mystery to everyone. If you haven't done these yet you can't be sure the points total you have given in your EOI is correct and if after getting an invite it transpires you over estimated the application will be void and you may get a ban from reapplying. This is why we used an agent, to double check everything. The actual process is straightforward but as someone else said this isn't a cheap process so the cost of an agent to take away the stress is (in my mind anyway) worth paying
  6. I think you'd struggle to find "big towns outside Sydney" that are looking for software engineers. Almost every company that employs your skillset is based in Sydney CBD, Melbourne CBD or Perth CBD. It's a vanity thing they don't want to be seen as not as successful as the competition so they all cluster in a couple of square miles in three or four cities
  7. NSW They prioritise selection based on the career need, English language PTE/IELTS score and Education. So if you have a "in need" anzsco assessment with superior English and a degree then you are in their "sweet spot"
  8. Well it's pretty easy, when you look for a job you apply to more than one company, but once you get an offer you are happy to commit to then you commit and now out of the others gracefully
  9. I submitted on 65 + 5 to NSW this month, got pre invite selection in 48 hours
  10. You don't lose anything by sticking in your EOI at 75 for a 189 visa. You might though gain an unexpected invite (unlikely but stranger things have happened). I got my 190 pre-invite within 48 hours of submitting it - so it all depends on if you care greatly about where you are going to live.
  11. Has she got a formal accounting qualification, as all those skills assessments require a formal professional accounting qualification
  12. May as well put it in they don't cost anything. We are coming close to the 11th may (the "draw" is every 11th) so if you stick in a 75 EOI then you might get lucky Once you get the partner points proven you just edit your EOI to be 80 points - it will change your date of expression, however it will only be the same date as if you waited to get proof of the 80. Which state are you planning to live in, because I don't see a reason not to include a 190 application at the same time for the state you want to live in
  13. Well the own the UK one outright so the concept of paying monthly to live somewhere is quite alien. It's been 5 years of pure joy ... We will end up buying out there once we find the right location but will rent in the meantime. Hypothetical discussions with friends and colleagues who do my job out there already suggest , $190k a year is about the ballpark for my job. This seems plenty and then I go and look at rental websites and see that unless I want to live an hour out of town it is barely adequate
  14. Just getting my head around taxation and the like. I understand the Aussie Income tax rates etc but I wondered do you also have a UK Council Tax Equivalent that you pay to the local city for services or is it all covered by income taxes?
  15. I should have been more precise Our teen is emigrating with us but will be commuting back to the UK for the next three years for University and then settling here once studies completed. I work in consulting so proximity to good transport is more important than closeness to a single office location. I can see me being in Sydney CBD a lot but also all with a decent amount of travel to other cities, states and countries as work meetings dictate
  16. Thanks, that gives a ballpark to aim at
  17. So we are getting close to a hopeful 190 grant for NSW. What sort of income would two adults and a teenage/uni age child need to have a decent lifestyle in Sydney?
  18. Honestly I'm surprised the one true test of a management consultant is being able to recognise that sometimes it's worth paying for expert advice. (After all it's how you get paid). Anyone applying for MC without an agent is essentially saying they themselves don't see the value a consultant can bring. It's a really difficult career to get assessed and really easy to stray outside the narrow boundaries VetAssess set, a good agent is worth every penny in this process
  19. For the 489 there are only a few, TAS, NT at the moment - this may change at the start of the New Finance Year in Australia. Are you sure you are a Management Consultant though? It's a difficult career to get through the assessing bodies and those who major more towards the IT side of consulting are being turned away and told to apply in the IT consulting codes instead
  20. If you can easily get the 189 then there are no perks of the 190. However if you are on the low side of points then 190 (if selected by the state) gives you bonus points. Also the state's can "cherry pick" you out of the waiting queue if they want someone of your skills (essentially making the points tally irrelevant so long as you have the minimum amount) The flip side is you have to live there for 2 years - but if you were going there anyway that's a non-issue
  21. If they do them in the UK but "come home" to you on all the holidays then some of that time in Oz will also count, but it will take longer to reach the threshold and you have to be aware that the last year before you apply you can only be away for 3 months at most, and only 12 months in the four year period - so if you time it right the last two years of Uni could count as residence years to qualify. All down to exact dates and other time out of country
  22. If that was the case though I'd never take a job, I've never had a job longer than 12 months (well not in the last 10 years anyway) because I choose to work as a "hired expert" on specific engagements - work wherever in the world the most interesting projects are. I'm certainly not a second rate employee that has to take these temp gigs because I'm not good enough to get a perm offer, on the contrary I'm so good I don't have to take a perm job - this is the type of person temp visas are designed for. That said I'm most of the way through my PR process
  23. Don't know what career (anzsco code) you are applying with and which state you want to live in but if you already know a state it seems that the 190 is a much quicker route unless by adequate points you mean 80+ 75 points and a decent wait seems to be the norm at the moment for the 189, and superior English is not a given even if you are a native speaker
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