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Everything posted by Aussiebird

  1. It's a 309/100 visa, needs to be validated by beginning of Feb. Funny enough, I was thinking maybe he could fly straight back without leaving the airport too, but haven't heard at all if this is allowed? I expect all states will be charging for quarantine at some point. For 2 adults and a teenager, will be $$$. Would have to come out of the sale of our home so would affect what we have left to buy in Australia. Same here too, house and 2 cars to sell. Quit both our jobs. Tbh, properties just aren't selling, we are now on with 2 agents, property went live on 10th June. Not a peep from any prospective buyers. Too much uncertainty in the UK with regards to jobs, unemployment, the virus and looming Brexit. Every corner turned is a huge brick wall.
  2. Just reading this thread, how does it work for Partner Visa holders going over to validate and returning back to UK until ready to make the move? If 2 weeks in quarantine to start in Australia and it takes 4 weeks to get approval for permission to leave Australia, what employer would allow that to happen in the UK? Thats basically a 6 week period off work!!!! Not a chance. I cannot see that happening so would have to try and extend the entry date on the visa. Unless we sell ou house this year and make the move, everything is going to get very complicated and become impossible, this situation is stressing me out so much, I just feel this move is not going to happen at all sometimes.
  3. Well that was a waist of time, no show for our first viewing, absolutely fuming!! Especially getting house and garden ready in this heat!!! They didnt even tell the agent they weren't coming and the agent can't get hold of them either!
  4. It's very tough and a waiting game. We have got our first viewing this afternoon, but not getting excited, i dont want to get my hopes up. We just want to get going, once in Australia we can then take things as they come. I fear if staying in UK to see if things improve with the economy, housing market, and things do get really bad, then we risk staying for much longer and may never make the move, so its now or never so to speak!! The quarantine doesn't phase us as its what it is, at least we would be in Australia. Xx
  5. Hi, Do customs clearance open everything? We was thinking of buying some flat pack furniture and getting the items wrapped and packed in their boxes to save on space in the container. Is this allowed? TIA. XX
  6. It has been on the market now for 12 days, no interest so far. So many properties are popping up on the market so probably great for buyers but with more to choose from, it's going to be tough, we will see the listing through till the end of the contract, if no buyer, then may re think and wait till next year, it's just pot luck i think if we sell during these difficult times. We may not have to quarantine if we sell next year if the WA border has reopened to international arrivals. There is hope I suppose.
  7. So, house now on the market, early days but no enquiries as yet. My mum has been alot better the last few days, I think someone has had a word with her as she has been lot better and not upsettig me with horrible messges, BUT i sense she is up to something, as gone from one extreme to the other, maybe she is hoping our house wont sell during these difficult times and we wont be able to make the move, so the thought of that makes her happier!! Who knows!! But enjoying the peace and quiet from emotional blackmail at the moment. With regards to selling up, is anyone struggling to sell? Xx
  8. I can't remember what airport you are flying from in UK? Are you flying to Adelaide? Those prices are cheap too
  9. As if moving to Australia isn't stressful enough, although still exciting, I am now going through emotional blackmail from my parents, which has left me in tears and playing with my mind. Who else has suffered this because of moving to Australia?
  10. So now I'm confused again, even as a Citizen returning to live in Australia with my partner, who has a Partner Visa 309/100 giving him PR, we both still have to fill out the form on Home Affairs to be able to enter Australia? So would we have to fill out section B.2 "People who cannot enter WA without receiving prior approval" Compassionate grounds or persons otherwise seeking approval to enter WA? It would appear we do not fit the sections in A on the form. Sorry hope this makes sense?
  11. Unless it's a necessity that you must travel to Australia, I don't think you can apply for a visitor visa at the moment, although if I am wrong, someone on here will correct. Have you looked on the Home Affairs website, it will have Covid/travel restrictions into Australia information, including visas.
  12. Although we mentioned our future plans to our parents last year, I think it was April, we have today told them Visa was granted in February and our house is going up for sale tomorrow, so it's a relief to have that off our chest, we can now concentrate on our progress one step at a time. Xx
  13. Never heard of Harris Dale? We will be anywhere between Singleton and Halls Head. And you?
  14. Yes we thought the same, just in case house prices start to drop, Brexit looming etc.. . Just hope we can sell very soon, like you! Thank you.
  15. Wow congratulations! Ours is going live on Monday, will see how things go with that! Did you expect to sell so fast? Apparently buyers are to be in a position to proceed, rather than just randomly viewing properties, putting in offers and seeing if they can get a mortgage, so hopefully there is someone out there who wants to buy ours! Best of luck with your move, when are you hoping to move to Oz? Do you have flights booked? Xx
  16. We have an account with a reputable company, always used them. The money will be from the sale of our home so a bit tricky as haven't sold yet, but we have to pay 10% upfront of the total value we want to exchange.
  17. Sorry didn't mention it's for a large sum of money, so hence my question .
  18. Hello to you all, Just a thought but has anyone locked in a rate of exchange or is it a bit risky? Thoughts please, much appreciated. Xx
  19. If any airline is displaying flights on any given date then surely they would fly on that date? Otherwise it's a lot of waiting around etc if they are cancelled and not knowing when anyone can actually fly! and its more to worry about!!
  20. We have flown with them several times too, but what I meant was are there only certain airlines flying to Australia from the UK? Are they special flights which are only on the website when they are guaranteed to fly on specific dates? Are flights to Australia only flying certain routes too? Thank you xx
  21. Are you just looking at certain airlines for flights to Australia?
  22. Hi everyone, hope you are all well. Just wanted to highlight how frustrating things are becoming with the dollar falling rapidly, the Australian economy, recession, houses not selling etc etc..... I think tbh it really is not a good time to sell in the UK as now the dollar is falling like a brick out the sky and who knows what it will be for the rest of the year? The chances of buying in Oz with a good exchange rate is slipping through our fingers on a daily basis. My husbands visa needs to be activated and even that could be a problem (his employer doesn't know our plans) if he has to quarantine on arrival, on top of the length of time he will be staying for a bit. He has till Feb next year but might be worth leaving it till after Christmas to do it and see how things are? We keep going backwards and forwards with making decisions and feel like we are constantly hitting a brick wall, taking 2 steps forward and 10 back!! Anyone else feel like this lately? Really dont know what to do for the best!! We are desperate to go!! We dont want to rent in Oz and are lucky enough to be able to stay with family, so not sure to continue with sale of our home in UK and when the dollar is strong again, send the money over to buy in Oz, but it may not be good again for years???? Oh my head hurts through worry at the moment!!
  23. Also, predictions are that by October it will be around the $1.55 to the GBP!! So this is not good at all.
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