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Everything posted by Aussiebird

  1. How does he apply for an exemption? X
  2. Things have changed and he/we cannot wait to go back, even if we have to wait.
  3. Thanks for the reply Jon the Hat, we also have a house to sell and are thinking of putting it on the market in the next month or two and see what happens. We are so desperate to go and it's very frustrating at the moment. We may also have to wait until next year too if things do not improve!
  4. Aussiebird

    When to go?

    Hello to you, As a dual Citizen and with my other half been granted his 309/100 visa back in February, we are just waiting to see when flights to Perth will resume from UK. Will we have to have special permission to leave UK to make the move, even if it's in for example, 6 months time? Would we also have to self isolate for 2 weeks when we arrive too? Ive been looking at flights to Perth, some showing with Emirates (i put dates in of November, January) but other airlines hardly showing any flights. I don't even know if WA borders are still closed atm? TIA. Xx
  5. We are just going to wait and see how things go this year, initial entry date is 3rd Feb 2021 on 309/100. We really had hoped to move this year but can't see it happening realistically as we have to sell our home and 2 cars, the virus has really messed everything up. Will keep watching the dollar and uk house prices to see how things go. I expect alot of other people waiting to move are doing the same thing. We are lucky enough to be able to stay with my brother when we eventually arrive, so that will be a huge help to us. Good luck for the future.
  6. That's good to hear! Thank you.
  7. I am a Phlebotomist and Health Care Assistant. I have contacted my previous employer in Australia who have asked to see my cv when we eventually arrive, so I'm hoping my profession is still in demand. But I never give up and will keep trying!!
  8. I am in the Health profession, clinical position, with experience of working in both hospitals and GP surgeries.
  9. Hi all, Is age a problem when looking for work in Australia? What sort of age would be looked upon as too old to perform the requirements of a job role? I had no problem getting a job in Australia before (2012) but I'm 50 now and wonder if it would be a problem? I certainly hope not! I'm still in the same job role so have plenty of experience here in UK and jist hope my age won't go against me. TIA XX
  10. Gosh I hope so!!!! Really hoping to go by the end of the year if we can see our property though!!
  11. Hi all, I think due to the covid 19 situation, it very much looks like we will not be making our move to Australia this year, but my question is: First entry date by 3 Feb 2021, if situation is still not back to normal, can we apply for an extension in case we can't fly to Australia to activate visa? Hoping it will all be over by then but you never know!!!! TIA. Xxx
  12. So is it better to leave house sale funds in the UK until ready to buy in Australia?
  13. I have read somewhere if you have sold your principle home it's excluded?
  14. Hi people, I can't find any info on here or government website/centrelink: Is the money from the sale of our principal home in UK regarded as an asset in Australia when claiming rightful benefits upon our arrival in Australia and when seeking employment? We would be buying a house as our main residence in Australia with the money as we have no savings. If we are told the money is to be used as an income when seeking employment then it would run out very quickly.
  15. When did you use them? We found our quotation had a few errors and they won't negotiate price at all, so will be trying PSS at a later date. Did you have a 20 or 40 container? Xx
  16. Hang in there!! Your prepared for the move so your half way there. You've noy got the hassle of selling your house now which is great, best of luck for the future, who knows how things will be in 6 months. We want to sell our home this year if everything starts to get back to normal, we also want to be in Australia by Feb 2021. Where in Australia are you moving too? Stay safe. Xx
  17. We are hoping to be back in the areas near where we lived, but will depend on house prices there too, fingers crossed they dont go up!!
  18. Thank you, I hope so. Lucky you! Where and when are you heading to in Australia?
  19. Yes that's very true, I guess will just have to wait and see how things throughout the year. Really hope we can sell our house this year!! Thanks for the reply. X
  20. Thank you. I can't see that we would be moving by beginning of Feb 2021 and really we want to do the move without the extra flight for activation first, so I wonder if my other half could try and get the date extended, even if things start going back to normal? We have a home to sell so can't see the market will be strong this year.
  21. I can't see us making the move this year now but other half has to activate his visa by 3rd Feb 2021 so will have to see if he can get an extension on his activation date.
  22. Hi all, Has anyone, who is planning on moving to Australia and had visas granted, wondering if the Coronavirus will have a huge impact on selling homes in UK and if itwill affect finding work in Australia? Will it have a long term affect globally and cause a recession and an increase in tax payers having to pay back the money the government is dishing out sothat people can survive this awful crisis? So many questions now over all of our futures!!
  23. We've got a 2 bed bungalow and was told we wouldn't get everything in a 20ft!! Its a small bungalow too, but we have got quite a bit in the loft, garage and some bulky garden furniture, so coming in at around 1100 cuft, which is just over for a 20ft container. The surplus (garden furniture) could go in a shared container i suppose.
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