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Everything posted by Aussiebird

  1. Hi everyone, Has anyone applied for and been granted a 5 year RRV 155 from outside Australia when they have in the last 5 years, resided in Australia for just under the 2 year requirement, due to personal ties that went in there favour? Im just curious as my husband may only get the 1 year (if that) if he applies now as we was in Australia for just under 2 years, in the last 5 years. We are hoping that the DOI will consider it. He needs to apply now as once we get to end of May, we would have been outside Australia for 5 years and we need the 5 year to be granted as we want to make the move once my son has finished secondary school in the summer/autumn of 2020. One would say well why not just apply at a later date and get the 1 year, but its just in case there are any delays in going (ill health....) so having 5 years we could go when suits. This is to avoid having to apply for another Partner Visa, which has now expired. Any thoughts on this please? Thanks so much. Xx
  2. Hello, Can anyone please tell me the current cost of a RRV 155 please? I have noticed that different websites are displaying various prices and its confusing! Many thanks. Xx
  3. Sorry this is an old post.
  4. Hello everyone again, Really sorry to be posting aboit this visa again! Husband now just wants to see if he would be sucessful. He went online in his immi account to start the application. He answered all the questions but nothing flagged up to attach any documents, but at the end the price came up to pay $365 then submit the application. I am assuming once the money has been processed the case will be looked at and supporting documents etc will be requested etc....... OR does the fact it was requested to pay the money mean that no further information is needed? Our plan will still be to apply for another subclass 100 visa if the above fails. Thanks in advance x
  5. What would happen if you was granted a 1 year RRV but didnt travel in that time? Would you just apply again?
  6. Thank you for your reply. It sounds quite long winded to keep reapplying but my concern would be if after 2 years, he doesnt qualify for a 5 year RRV, he would have to apply for another Partner Visa. Do you happen to know the cost of applying for a 5 year RRV? THANK YOU so much.
  7. Thank you Marisawright for your reply. My husband will probably want to visit family in the UK at least once a year.
  8. Thank you everyone for your replies. I have just emailed an agent to see if he would get either the 1 or 5 year. Only downside is sometimes they just dont bother replying!
  9. I totally understand that, thank you Nemesis. It will have to be new statements in that case.
  10. Hello and Happy New Year! Me and my husband lived in Australia from 2012-2014. He was granted a partner visa. I have many family members in Australia (I am an Australian Citizen.) We are wanting to move back to Australia but my husband doesnt know if he is entitled to a RRESIDENT RETURN VISA or if its applying again for a partner visa? The cost of the RRV is significantly cheaper than a new partner visa but we are wondering if we have been back in UK too long now to be granted a RRV? Any help on this matter would really put his mind at rest. If he has to apply for another partner visa, would he be able to use any statements etc provided in support of his application that he used in the first place? Would save him a lot of time etc....but the documents have date stamps on them from around 2011. Thank you so much in advance. Xxx
  11. Hi newjez, Thank you for your reply. We will be looking from secret harbour, down towards halls head areas, hopefully beach side.
  12. Thank you CEP, I'll take a look at the link.
  13. Hello, Can anyone tell me please what is roughly involved in buying our first property? We are hoping to buy and not have a mortgage as we will be selling our UK property. I would like to know what fees are paid etc.....how long does a sale take in Western Australia in general? Is it weeks or months..... Just need to get a rough idea so we know what to expect. Many thanks in advance. Xxx
  14. Thank you Ali. Ive read somewhere on here it all changed in 2015.
  15. Hello Andrew, I currently work for the NHS and are moving back to Australia in the very near future. Is it correct that I will not be able to transfer my pension to Australia ? And what would I do or how do I get my UK state pension when living in Australia? Many thanks.
  16. Hello, Please correct me if i am wrong but am i right in thinking anyone working for the NHS cannot transfer there pension to Australia? How would you claim your payments when retired then? And what would happen to the money ? Thanks in advance. Xxx
  17. Hello, My husband hasn't quite paid the 30 years National Insurance contributions so far in the UK, but can he make payments from Australia to top it up, so that when it reaches 30 years contributions, he can hopefully claim his UK state pension whilst living in Australia in the very near future. (Will also need advice on how to go about this please). Any advice would be most aprreciated please and thank you in advance. Happy New Year too! Xxx
  18. Hello, I have read it's 10 years resident but with 5 years that must be continuous. Would this count for citizens who do not live in Australia at the moment but have spent 2 years in Australia a few years ago 2012 to 2014. (now back in UK but planning to move permanently back to Australia in the near future). Many thanks.
  19. Hi to you all, I wonder if anyone can advise please? My mother lived in Australia from 1969-1981(I was born in 1969 in Australia) As far as I know she didn't apply for citizenship as my father wouldn't allow it for some reason. I am planning our move back to Australia as been in UK for a while now but I wondered if my mum could get a RRV so she could come with us? My 2 brothers live in Australia and when I go, all her children will be living there (she also has a sister in law, nieces and nephews and grandchildren in Australia). Would she be granted one after all this time? She can't afford a parent visa due to finances/time. It would be so awesome if she could come with us. Thank you in advance for any replies. Xx
  20. Many thanks for the replies, that's cleared that up.
  21. Hello to you all, I would like to know if spouses can get citizenship by descent, the same as passing it on to your children? Was a subject mentioned in conversation recently so just thought I would enquire. Many thanks.
  22. A permit controller. Have asked a friend what the job role entails.
  23. Hi all, I would just like some advice please if anyone knows about jobs for a permit issuer? A friend of mine does this job in Perth and my husband is going to be doing a course in March (in UK). He is trying to do as much as he can to support finding work when we move back to Australia in the near future. Thanks kindly.
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