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Everything posted by Aussiebird

  1. Congratulations! Will you be applying for citizenship?
  2. Hi all, Just wondered if anyone has the answer please: Does the length of time residing in Australia have to consecutive 4 years when applying for citizenship? My husband would need to apply at some stage but was wondering if the time we spent in Australia on his partner visa count? (2012-2014) We are now back in UK but planning to move back permanently at some stage. Depending on what visa he applies for when we go, he will want to make visits back to UK to see family and not sure if this would affect elegibility for citizenship? Thanks in advance. Xx
  3. Who is required to approve the sponsor?
  4. He had a partner visa 309/100..
  5. Hi Ali, Yes i have thought about this too. So if he applied for another partner visa, he would have 2 visas on the go? Depending on when we go, he may only be given a 3 month RRV as we have been back in UK now for 5 years this May. We want to sell up too so have been thinking about renting our house out if he only gets a 3 month RRV, making the move and stay with my brother until we get jobs etc...then sell our UK home so we can buy our first Australian home. The thought of trying to sell up in a 3 month period is a bit tricky and with no jobs to go to in Oz is very frightening. We dont want to lose everything otherwise it would be a disaster. Anyone else be in this position? Thank you. Xx
  6. Hi all, Ive been reading on line the new changes regarding spouse visa and have a question: Is it only referring to if it is applied whilst in Australia and not applying offshore? I understand the sponsor has a different part to play before submitting the application for a spouse visa, but it seems only if applying onshore? I think we may apply for a RRV first but may have to apply for another spouse visa for my husband if he doesnt get an RRV. We are still in the UK and planning our permanent return back to Australia. Any advice greatly appreciated. Xx
  7. Yes lol!! He is 44.
  8. What is the age please wrussell? Thank you.
  9. Because we are not sure yet when we actually go, he may not get a RRV as time will be passing. It may not be for a few years yet hence querying another partner visa.
  10. Aussiebird


    Is there an age limit on partner visas? Many thanks.
  11. Hi and thanks for your reply, He may well be 17+ but not sure if he will go on to college, depends if he can get an apprenticeship before we emigrate. He has Australian citizenship by descent. May have to look at TAFE. We will be looking in the southern regions of Perth (Mandurah, Halls Head etc...as have family there.)
  12. Hello all, I would like some advice please. My son will finish secondary school in the UK in summer time 2020. If we make the move to Australia once he has left, will he be able to find work straight away once we arrive in Australia? He will not be going to College in the UK. He wants to be an electrician so not sure what is required for him to do this in Australia? Thanks in advance. Xx
  13. Thanks for all the replies. Much appreciated. Xx
  14. Hello, My husband has just raised a question so i thought i would put it on here as there is such a lot of posts on here with regards to a RRV! And possibly a lot of confusion. He said if he got a 1 year RRV but for whatever reason we wouldnt be able to make the move within that year, but he made a trip for a couple of weeks, does that mean he would have to apply again and would only get another 1 year RRV? He said sometimes life takes unexpected turns that are out of anyones control so he is curious as to what would happen. Thanks in advance.
  15. Sorry to hear this, i hope he sorts something out. Is that how much a partner visa is now?
  16. Your wife as a sponsor, will have to write a statement yes. I cantbcomment on the police check as not sure, sorry. Would you find the answer on the immigration website maybe? Good luck!
  17. Thanks Ken. So with no job to start on arrival in Australia my husband wouldnt get job seekers allowanace whilst looking for work? Have things changed because im sure he got it when we last lived in Australia as he got permananet residency straight away on his 309/100 partner visa. As soon as he found work it stopped. Im an Australian Citizen so i got it too until i found work, which thankfully didnt take long.
  18. Hello, Is having experience in fork lift driving beneficial when looking for work in Australia? Many thanks.
  19. His first one was granted in 2011. Its quite nerve racking to go through this all again as i remember first time round its a very lengthy process.
  20. Hello, Can anyone advise please? If one sells a property the UK and transfers the money into an Australian bank account (which we have), to buy a property in Australia, would the lump sum be taxed? We are really not in favour of renting as want to own our first property in Australia when we move back. We hope to find jobs as quickly as possible but would we be expected to live off the money from the sale of our UK home? We have no savings. My husband would come over on a Partner Visa so i know he is entitled to Medicare etc....but cant remember about Centrelink whilst looking for employment? I appreciate any feedback. Thank you in advance.
  21. Hello to you all, As you may see from my recent posts about the RRV (some information quite confusing!) for my husband, I am just wondering if it might be easier for him to apply for another partner visa, but my question is: Does anyone know if there have been many changes to this visa in recent years as his first one (travel facility ) has now expired. He done the application himself and was straight forward and granted, no problems. Also wondering if he stands a good change of being granted one second time? We are still happily married and still have strong ties with my family in Australia. Any info greatly appreciated, thank you.
  22. I've contacted Agents on here and some do not even reply, so how can that help anyone going forward?
  23. Thanks Ali, i have since my post seen the prices on home affairs.
  24. He had a Partner Visa which had 5 years on it. But we came back to live in UK before the 5 years on it was up.
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