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Everything posted by Katiebobbles

  1. Heya,I think most people front loaded medical and both theirs and their partners police checks with the inital application so dont expect contact until a yes /no on the grant. Good to hear they are looking at applications though.... would be nice to hear of a few grants coming out of London soon .... reignite the hope a bit. Let us know how you get on ... were you applying out of London?
  2. Yeh its a bit of a minefield isnt it..... especially with Tax laws in both countries as well ..... Ideal is obviously to sell up and buy in Oz but who knows ...... also dont want to put it on the market to sell (poss below market with Brexit) then not get a grant and be paying more in rent than the mortgage! We will all get there ..... just need someone to look at our applications, if i log in and only see Status: Recieved again i could cry!!!!!
  3. Heya SydneyBound, Yeh i always knew I was a limited edition... will be nice to have others around who are just as crackers and may find my bad jokes funny!!!!!!!!! You should take pitty on me and pat me on the head and say there, there!!!!! All crossed we hear before xmas too .... we would love to get our house on the market in the new year but worst case if Brexit tanks the economy we may rent it out for a few years before selling ..... have to wait and we see. So many unknowns at the moment ..... just gotta see where we are when we get the grant, and take it from there .... I saw someone say grants are usually first and last week of the month so hopefully we hear in the next few weeks.
  4. Hey SydneyBound, Welcome to the waiting game, the worst game you will ever play but with the best prize! You are just before me so hopefully we hear around the same time. Although we are heading to BrisVegas so i guess we will be rivals (State of Origin) when we arrive [emoji23]
  5. Well fingers crossed it starts moving again soon. Have a week off work to start the tip trips and de-clutter a bit so that its not all overwhelming at the end. Also to stop myself from going mad!!!!! Good luck and fingers crossed we all hear something soon, i know some have been waiting a lot longer than me but would be nice to see some movement from London at least we know they are looking at our pile then!!!!!
  6. Lodged in June 18, Medical and police checks completed by 31st July 18, so should be decision ready. However still sat on "recieved" and not a peep. Have limited myself to checking it once a week as a max, otherwise will go mad!!!! Have you lodged Askem??? What are your stats???
  7. Hey all, Although all still seems quiet out of London still did you see the new grant times were published this week. 75% in 13 months and 90% in 17 months for the 309. Although the 90% has gone up by a month its nice to see the 75% continue to drop ...... fingers crossed all starts to move soon.
  8. So i think your question needs a 2 part answer. But this is just my understanding so a senior member may have more info. First entry is set when the visa is granted. This is usually 1 year from when the medicals or police checks were done (whichever was first) not the visa being granted, so if you front load the application with these included but it takes 6 months to get the grant your first entry must be within the latter 6 months. However this can be a quick trip just to activate the visa. In terms of a perm move when the visa has been validated you will have this date on your application also which is usually 5 years after the medical /police check (dont hold me to 5 years maybe someone who has had a grant can confirm) However be aware if you leave it to the last minute you wont be eligible for a RRV (right to return) visa, as i think you need to have been in the country for 2 of the past 5 years to qualify for this. As such you can go into OZ but cant leave without not having a valid visa to go back. again full criteria around this is something you will need to look i to and check. hope i pointed you somewhat in the right direction. sorry cant be more definitive but as we are hoping for a grant and then moving pretty much straight away i know we would meet the RRV criteria so havent checked whats needed too much.
  9. Hi Jon, That is great news someone is getting a grant. Can i ask the only ones I have seen are where further info was requested back at the start of the year and not "new assesment" cases. Is this the case in the one you saw or are they onto new previously unassessed cases?? I only ask as I dont think anyone here has a status other than Received, (please let me know if i am wrong... we are still just received) and therefore no case officers have looked yet. I am just trying to figure if they are on our queue or not..... I think you are first in our timeline line queue so hopefully you have good news soon and we all start moving soon after..... Its the not knowing thats killer ... especially with all the negative press in Aus re Peter Duttons policies and their potential fallout to partner visas and timelines ...... we all sound pretty straight forward i hope its just getting someone to asses our cases. Sorry for the ramble ....
  10. Hey, congrats on the 100... looks like they are catching up on those visa where further info was requested so hopefully new applications are next. I assume you mean 21st March 19??? If i have read that right then i think you need to enter Australia before 21/3/19, but that doesnt mean you need to move, you just need to clear immigration and validate the visa. I think you have to move by the second date. But tbh i would call them to check, this is just my understanding of how it works. Exciting times .... best of luck with the move
  11. Hey Shaunbradford28 .... yeh the long wait. It gets harder each week that passes doesnt it. Have you front loaded your application??? Just seems so strange not to have heard of any grants out of the UK in so many months ... hopefully it picks up soon. Are you hoping for the 100 or the 309??
  12. I know nothing is guarenteed but the London applications always used to run quicker than the "averages" given on the websites. I am hoping this is the case and the UK applications remain under 6 months. Its interesting how there was such a flurry up until April time then nothing .... hopefully they are just working on other types of visas and will come back around to partner visas soon with a wave of golden emails to us all .... Btw i am not basing this on anything but blind hope!!!
  13. No worries..... i agree its all gone super quiet out of London so i think we are all hoping for a flurry of activity soon Where ru heading??
  14. @dondons1uk When you apply for the 309 you apply for the 100 at the same time so yes ur agent would have done both. Even if only the 309 is granted you wont have to do everything again for the 100 in 2 years its just a further upload of latest evidence i believe but havent looked into that one too much ..... just waiting to see what happens. Looking at your stats i think you should qualify for the 100 (perm visa) if there is enough evidence and i assume as u went through an agent they would have requested that for you ..... sure you can ask them if you dont get the 100 why not
  15. Heya No when you apply for the partner visa offshore its a 309/100 The 309 is the temporary visa (supposed to be for 2 years) then you can apply for the permanent visa (the 100), obvs you can be in oz on the 309 but think it is harder to get a mortgage etc. However if you meet criteria of being together for i think 3 years, or 2 if you have a dependant child together, you can skip the 2 year temp visa and be granted the permanent straight away. However i have heard of cases where people who meet the time criteria are only granted the 309 (maybe due to lack of evidence) .... hence my hope to be a 100 case but obvs not guarenteed. I would just take the golden email at this point (i am the person who opens xmas presents early!!!!!) Hope that helps ... i assumed u went for the partner visa did you??
  16. Hey guys. We are at the back of this queue i think. Applied June 18 Police check ordered and medical booked for end of July. Everything else inc partners Aus and UK police checks already uploaded. Only had automated request for medical and status is recieved on the site. We are hoping for a 100 as together 8 years, married 5 and have a 2year old so hopefully uploaded enough evidence to egt the 100 ... who knows eh Just got the medical then the long wait with no more to be done really starts!!! Will be heading to Brissy where the extended fam is but aimjng for an early 2019 move date so we have time to sell and de-clutter!!!!
  17. Thanks for that Beffers and Unzippy.... it really isnt something i considered. I knew i would have to learn the Aus specifics but didnt think it would be a re-set of career to do it. Better to know now .... maybe the rental will be for a bit longer than initially anticipated!!!!
  18. Thats interesting unzippy. What field are you in and what level are you at ifbyou dont mind me asking. I think a good job is key for us as it will mean out of the inlaws, into our own place and settling. I never thought Aus experience could be a blocker.
  19. Agreed ... the daunting task of actually moving scares the life outta me. When are you heading and where to??? Congrats on validating and the visa, now the exciting bit.
  20. I was thinking the same too. This forum especially was super helpful for us to know what to gather etc. Maybe no one is applying from the UK and therefore we are going to be top of the pile!!!![emoji23][emoji23] you can but dream right. We applied 16th June for 309/100 but hoping for a straight to 100. Medical is booked for 31st July (as timelines have been extended on immi site so want to be sure we are not paying to do it twice) and police checks are ... well on route from aus and Uk apparently, but i never hold my breath with aus post! Would be good to hear from others in the UK at first stage to gauge how long its taking at the moment. I am wondering if because we are at the end of the financial year if it all slows down and there maybe a bit more actuvity after July. I hope so anyway. If you want to come de-clutter us as well that would be fab, honetly the thought of it fills me with dread!
  21. Sorry i have another question. Can someone other than a partner or the applicant pay for the application. Basically our UK bank will charge us 3% for a non sterling transaction fee. I can paypal a friend/family member the $7,000AUD who lives in australia and has a bank account in AUD but can they pay on my behalf if i have their card details??? I know its cheeky but its £130 that could be spent on something else!!!! I promise we are scanning docs as sending this message so will stop asking questions soon and start posting stats!!!!!
  22. Hey. This maybe a daft question so apologies in advance. If we apply in May and have the sponsor AFP and UK police check back in June (say 8th June) and the applicants UK police check and medical back on the same day (say 8th July) would first entry for visa validation be by June or July the following year??? Thanks
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