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  1. Hiya... Just a couple of things I would suggest to take pressure off the first year... 1) visit your dentist before leaving as dental treatment is might expensive here 2) have any medical checks should as eyes, Pap smear, family planning etc and obtain enough medications for several months... ensure everyone’s vaccinations are up to date (have proof for them for Work or school enrolments) 3) visit places where you have always wanted to go ( wish we had done the big tourist spots in London with the kids ) 4) ensure your uk banks know about your immigration ( keep them going to make bank transfers easier ) close all accounts that can’t be accessed by internet etc 5) Ensure all work reference contact details are correct and advise them that new employers may ask for information. 6) If you have kids christening certificates or evidence etc bring it along as some religious school like to sight them. Thats all I can think of atm but if I remember anything else I’ll post again best of luck and safe journey
  2. Ahpra will contact you via email if they need any information. If you have a nursing degree then hopefully you won’t have any problems. If your degree is in child nursing then obviously you will be registered solely for paediatrics.
  3. Hi All, My daughter has also just gone through the nursing visa process. Don’t forget if you decide to do Aphra reg first you would need to present yourself in person within 3 months. For this reason it may be more cost effective to apply for Anmac skills assessment first ( do ielts before applying so this should be your first step ). When skills assessment returned put in a EOI and once invited submit full application with all the trimmings ( medicals, Working evidence including bank statements and tax return etc etc ) During the waiting game you then need to decide how soon you would like to come to Australia. If it’s asap and you are ready to leave promptly or are planning on a reccie to validate then you can risk sending in for aphra registration about 3 months after visa submit or once you hear that you have a case officer etc - with some luck it should arrive and tie in with visa grant. If however you want to play it safe and need time to wrap up your life then wait for visa grant to arrive before submitting for registration to aphra ( once registration in principle determined you will need to go an aphra office to complete within 3 months so time this to when you want to arrive in Australia ) Aphra registration from application date took about 3 months. For those about to go through this process start collecting stuff now such as obtaining full birth certificate, putting together your work evidence for however many years you are claiming for etc etc ) Some stuff is very repetitive, has no time lapse and will be utilised for all applications, but other stuff such as police checks and the aphra international criminal history check have limited life before they run out and you need to reapply so check ensure these are only done when necessary. Good luck folks, and I hope you have deep pockets
  4. My daughter got her grant yesterday ? Had lodged end of June, so waited just over 4 months
  5. Congrats susie, can an I ask have you got aphra reg yet? If so how long was the wait ?
  6. Best of luck, lots of us Brits around Mandurah if you need any advice or assistance ?
  7. Start planning your evidence to support a defacto relationship now, open a joint bank /savings account, insure or add each other to car insurance, keep joint invitations and holiday bookings etc... Once you move in together get all documents in joint names.
  8. Cheers, my adult daughter has just had invite for 189 and I just wanted to know if any benefits to state sponsored. Things have changed a lot over past few years.
  9. If you are on the list, what are the benefits to state a WA sponsored visa other than a possible shorter waiting time for visa grant ?
  10. I would suggest you all check your uk nmc letter saying where the good standing was posted to as my daughter just glanced at hers and only discovered that they had sent it to wrong place once she had come to top of Anmac waiting list... This cost her an extra 5 wks wait as nmc made her wait another 20 days before sending it to correct anmac address even though it was their error ?
  11. 11th feb was online application date
  12. Hi my daughter had hers back today. Was just over 12 wks before they started to process it, then discovered uk nmc had sent good standing to wrong place so needed resending, nightmare and has ended up taking 4 months ( she applied on 11th feb ) They do send you email copy so at least you can get eoi in while waiting for paper copy to arrive. Hope that's helpful x
  13. Anmac has received a surge in applications recently ( they updated the website today to reflect this ) and will obviously impact on your timeframe for a getting a letter of determination.
  14. How long must you be in a relationship to include your partner on a skilled visa?
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