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Everything posted by can1983

  1. can1983

    Glad to be home!

    Once you get back and decide the uk is right for you don't you feel like it's time to move on from this forum after a while? It is called poms in oz after all
  2. Today's revisited.. apparently getting a student visa counts as permanent migration and all of the family can chose to come along too including adult children and parents over 50 really BBC it's a good bit of entertainment but why are some episodes so unrealistic with visas it's verging on an outright lie a couple of days ago the family took 3 years to get a visa and eventually made the move isn't that more like the truth?
  3. I've just seen an engineers Australia report which stated that my occupation 233916 naval architect /marine designer has an average of less than 10 grants a year! Wow I'm rare ? Has anyone got a more random occupation from the sol or csol?
  4. how would the lady beauty therapist with a 21 year old graduate and 19 year old ever get a visa .......
  5. there are only 510 days in this period - surely that answers why there is a delay.... They probably don't consider you are a genuine tourist
  6. I find it hard to believe that everyone on the show would be better off financially in oz. ive done 3 years in Sydney and the rest in the uk. I think things were pretty similar TBH in both countries for us. The show obviously converts everything to pounds which I suppose the general public need them to do and the rate now makes salaries look more than they are but then again expenses and income are counted aren't they and everyone reckons they'd be £1000 plus a month better off in oz
  7. What about the guy who was a mature student in the uk whilst his wife worked. They were moving to oz after realising they would be £31k better off a year once they moved ...... of course the programme glossed over the fact they were both going to be working in oz so go from one job to two and double your income ........ well duh!
  8. why would you bother? its a risk of rejection for a few dollars when the total cost of the visa is many thousands
  9. My wife and I want to move to Hobart, but it's all about getting a job ... there's only one place I can work, hope they're hiring
  10. well we all face the exchange rate problem I suppose... We wont sell our house and rent it instead because we refuse to move our money for less than $2.00 It's cheaper to rent for 5 years then move your money at $2.00 than move it at $1.50 now thing is it was $1.47 when I lived in oz in 2011-2013 it went back to $2.05 ish in 2015 now its $1.63 it only needs Donald trump to say Australia is a stupid country and it will be back over $2.00 within a month
  11. Brexit? really do people really move to the other side of the world because of one vote?
  12. Actually it was an email in September from "family Migration" in London asking for medical and police checks for OZ and UK together with some missing / replacement evidence. I had absolutely no other contact or correspondence at all from them. I can understand that they don't want to waste time on emailing but to spend $7000 on a one way process where you cant contact them easily is frustrating at times I should add the September email said I had 70 days to do everything listed or else the decision would be based on what was submitted at that time. So if I had waited until today to get my medicals done I would have been rejected I suppose!
  13. online, I do think its not a straight queue however as some people have more complicated circumstances than others I also have 3 years living in Australia in the last 5 if that makes a difference on a 457
  14. I don't know exactly as it was a submission form rather than an email Something along the lines of: I have a spouse visa application being processed. I am visiting Australia for a family wedding from 25th Feb to 15 March 2017. I understand that I am required to be offshore for the grant of this visa. Can you please advise whether I can expect this visa to be granted prior to early February 2017 or whether it is more appropriate to apply for a tourist visa for this trip. As we have a young son and flying will be difficult our preference is to have the visa granted prior to this trip so that this trip can act as my validation trip rather than an additional trip later in the year.
  15. The validity is one year I think. so if you organise them now you are committed to validating the visa (PR) by then. My grant letter says "must enter by 7th October 2017 (this date cannot be changed)" which is fine for me as I already have a holiday booked in feb but if you do yours now and the grant doesn't happen until December you could face a short notice trip to validate (expensive flight) otherwise no risk to early medicals / police checks id say. If there is a big delay for some reason they can be done again just not after grant
  16. Isn't it! we are a simple case I think aus partner by birth married 3 years with child no medical conditions or criminal convictions
  17. I've been granted my permanent visa today! applied 16th August 2016 CO assigned 27th September 2016 pr visa granted 11th January 2017 under 5 months!! only two days ago I sent a message to Europe service centre asking when I will get my visa as I'm travelling to Australia in February and wanted to know whether to get a tourist visa. Not sure if it's a coincidence I've got it today.?
  18. I asked this same question on here a few months back, here's our conclusions and what we did (we are in UK however): 1/ You can apply via skilled route but Australia is not obliged to accept skilled migrants (they can limit numbers for each profession as they choose) 2/ Partner visa's are guaranteed so long as you meet the requirements for genuine relationship and have no serious convictions. Sure they take longer and cost more but you are entitled to the visa. 3/ You need the two years defacto plus child needs to be born and registered, on the way doesn't count to stand a chance of going straight to pr. We waited until our son was born before applying because our five years defacto was hard to prove (no common mortgage only bank accounts) whereas two years married and a born child cannot be disputed. I wanted pr straight off, actually put it in my application
  19. Thanks for the advice. It's a long time to wait though 3 1/2 years to become a UK citizen when we don't want to live here long term in any case.
  20. Hi all, was wondering if anyone has been in the same position that my wife and myself are in i have a Australian partner visa application being processed I suppose i expect it to be finalised between April and September 2017 could be sooner but who knows! my wife is currently on a UK spouse visa 1st 2 1/2 years which expires end feb 2017. We won't move until my visa is in place probably in sept next year obviously we could renew her 30 month visa and just use 6 months of it however: - it seems such a waste - it will cost £811 plus £600 NHS fee and is a hassle to fill in when you've just done it all the other way around - she doesn't work at the moment as she is looking after our child so needs no work rights - from memory last UK visa we did we had to declare our intention to live in the UK and settle blah blah which is technically a lie this time around because we are leaving so I'm not sure what to do. One option is a holiday visa for 6 months we are going to oz for a holiday around that time so transition would be ok. I have read to CAB website which is government site that it might be more appropriate for short visits up to 6 months any advice or experiences shared would be greatly appreciated!
  21. Yes the timeline is hard to define, ALL cases are given 10-14 months in the UK as the time, my letter said the same so we have to assume that is what it takes BUT clearly if your sponsor and you have been together just 12 months, they have Australian citizenship via asylum, you are their second sponsorship, there are children of yours that are not your sponsors, you have served time inside, had TB a year ago and you once served in the Iranian armed forces then its more complicated than married to an aussie by birth for 10 years.....
  22. I understand not hearing might seem ok but I don't want to receive an email in 3 months time saying that the colour photocopy of blah blah isn't good enough quality etc and my visa has been delayed (if you see what I mean?). I was hoping to get confirmation I had properly addressed the 6 or so things they had asked for in their letter not using an agent, visa is expensive enough without one!
  23. Hi, was just wondering how you actually contact your case officer? I used familymigrationlondon************** but it generates an automatic "thank you for the email, if we need to read it we will other if we don't your wont here back blah blah"!
  24. Pretty sure over 75's need to pass a medical to obtain a visitor visa. I looked into it for my grandparents to come to our wedding in oz.
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