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Everything posted by jen85

  1. Its a very hard situation and I can relate being an aussie child of a family you have described, Both my parents are english and I was born here, however I only have my mum really as my sister is now married with kids and does her own thing. All my extended family is in the UK and I miss them terribly after a recent visit finally being able to get to know them properly after 28 years on this planet! I do wonder sometimes how things would have been had we all grown up together but I'm rectifying that next year as me and mum are moving back, can't wait!!
  2. jen85

    Stay or go

    Sounds like a compromise needs to be made by someone, you can't both go on unhappy its not way to live and your son will pick up on it. Maybe you could try the UK and if it doesn't work out you can always return. Costly exercise I know, believe me but I think it helps to solidify your needs and wants in life.
  3. jen85

    Stay or go

    Maybe your partner should go and at least see if he likes it for your sake before just saying no, you never know if you pick a nice spot he might love it! It is very important that BOTH parents are happy because your kids will pick up on it if you aren't, you can't go through life to please everyone else sometimes you have to be selfish for your own sanity. Good luck
  4. I'm similar to you however in the reverse, I'm a 28yr old Aussie and planning to move to the UK next year (with mum) but am nervous as last time I went it didn't work out and I ended up back here! I know my job will be different there and wages less than half of what I get here but I have minimal family here (sister & mum), mum doesn't really want to be here anymore and my sister doesn't bother with us ever, I could go 3 weeks without seeing her or the kids! Doesn't seem to be much point staying here when nothing works out, people are such a big part of your life and I just don't have that here, its sad because the lifestyle of Australia is the best part. Hope you come to a decision that will suit you best! Good luck
  5. Sounds like your very excited which is good! I'm also moving back in March next year and pretty anxious actually but I think thats normal. This will be my second try now and I don't want it to end up like last time. Being an Aussie it seemed that employers were using the ol' local experience excuse even there!
  6. Depends on the type of insurance you are after, generally the shipping companies only provide total loss which means essentially if the container falls off the boat or the boat sinks. If you google transit insurance you should have some luck.
  7. She sounds like a right B*#!@, sounds like you might need to stand up to her shes probably taking advantage because she knows your on a visa. Approach your boss about the situation and make sure you have proof (keep your scribbled paper and record any conversations if possible). The employer can't ignore bullying otherwise they will have immense issues. Good luck!
  8. Lets be honest here we all feel better when its sunny! I'm sure the weather has a great deal to do with Brits reasons for moving here. Maybe if you can move somewhere different in the UK you will feel as though its a new start, maybe somewhere with mild weather. Good luck to you and the family!
  9. I can understand the attraction to Aus for Brits but as OP says it isn't for everyone, your not moving to a sunny Britain everything is different!
  10. Really?! Is it that much better? That is one of mums worst fears that the medical care won't be as good i.e. here in oz you can just pop to the specialist clinics etc without having to go into hospitals and they didn't seem to have that kind of setup where we lived.
  11. Feeling anxious is very normal! When we make big decisions in life your bound to second guess it or yourself at some point, but you have to remind yourself why your doing it and I'm sure your kids will adapt. Your eldest is still very young to fall in love so if its meant to be I'm sure they can make it work somehow. Good luck to you all!
  12. Problem with amazon is that it hasn't been released on there yet but it is in stores over there. JB Hifi is where I always buy them but as I said in Australia we don't get things until like 6 months after the UK and I wanted it now hence the request for an online UK company! Thanks all for the suggestions looks like I might just have to wait Fishpond doesn't have it and I don't use Ebay for good reasons.
  13. Hello All, I am trying to find a secure online DVD shop that ships to Australia. I want to buy Top Gear and as it has already been released in the UK and generally cheaper I was hoping to buy it and have it sent over? Does anyone know of any sites that are secure and provide a good variety? Thanks
  14. I'm an aussie and have lived here my whole life but done a recent stint in the UK, I was only there 6 months however not being able to find work and generally struggling to settle I decided to move back home to Oz! It was only when I got here that I realised things weren't so bad there and having a relationship with my extended family was soo great and I missed that greatly. I have since been able to look at the "whole picture" for both countries and decide that the UK is where I want to be for now. Oz has changed alot in the past 10 even 15 years and things aren't the same, I find people more angry and the certain things about Oz grind on me more now than before and I can't wait to get back to the peaceful countryside!
  15. Your son sounds very in tune! Good for you that he puts family as the most important thing to him. I think we know it when we are young but somewhere along the line its gets forgotten we get caught up in our own worlds, bless him!
  16. I've heard this can be a costly exercise with shipping and handling costs given cars are so cheap in the UK wouldn't you be better off selling it and buying another. Granted if you bought it here brand new then you will probably loose quite abit depending on the make.
  17. Thanks that is very useful!
  18. Is it true that you have to pay the council rates when you rent a place in the UK? I have heard this before I want to make sure I am prepared for any extra costs that I'm not used to paying for here. Any thoughts would be appreciated
  19. Why did you move to begin with? It sounds like you never really wanted to leave, was it your husbands desire? If so, your feelings should be taken into consideration. There's no point living somewhere you are unhappy and you can never get that time lost back with your family. I hope you get to return as it sounds as though you need it. Good luck.
  20. Not sure about the more opportunities but it depends on your field of work I guess, I wouldn't move just for the job I would consider everything else as well. Perth is a long way away from anything really and flying is expensive.
  21. Get a quote for repairing the damage first (1) the insurer will want this anyway and (2) if its under excess you would just pay for it without claiming.
  22. If you haven't cut ties completely with the UK (still have house & bank accounts) and your kids were educated in the UK at some point, I don't see why a uni wouldn't consider it. I would approach a few to find out what their take is on it. You haven't been here long at all as a WHV is standard 4 years anyway and doesn't give you automatic residency.
  23. As everyone else has said you have to go back and check it out for work etc but if you don't like it here anyway sounds like you've already made your decision! Good luck
  24. jen85

    Fit in or go home

    Its a matter of opinion and you are entitled to yours however I have lived in both Sydney and Perth and Perth people in my opinion are by far and away ruder! And I'm an Aussie and I don't see the need to behave the way certain people do here. Not all are like it of course just seems to be more on average than I ever came across in other parts of Oz.
  25. Not unless they do defacto visas which I haven't heard of before, not to say it isn't a recent thing maybe.
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