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Everything posted by Johndoe

  1. Strange. Mine is here. I copied the BB code but It just embedded the link? I'll try it on this thread A Reminder of My Youth by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Nope! Not embedding?
  2. Just posted a pic from flickr and it didn't embed? Is it flickr or a glitch with PIO?
  3. ask the mods to do it. Only they can delete
  4. It's pretty widespread on the net but it's clearly not an islamic woman wearing traditional burqa. She is wearing a hijab with (apparently) the face veil as an afterthought
  5. 2 men's watches to be correct along with bloody huge rings and the burqa?...............I've never seen a burqa yet that has the top of the head in one colour and the face veil a different colour. The burqa, to the best of my knowledge, (I could be mistaken), is normally a "one piece" where the face veil and head covering are one. It looks very much like a photoshop job with the intention of creating controversy
  6. "Lone wolf"? Far from it. In this instance it has taken considerable planning and the expertise of a "team" to perpetrate. I'm prepared to bet that not one of the recent spate of attacks are "lone wolf" as human nature being what it is, the ego of claiming martyrdom/bravery/commitment to the cause would over-ride the need for total secrecy and they would invariably share/involve others. No different than the criminal community...........how many criminals are brought down due to boasting/sharing their exploits. True "lone wolf" attacks are perpetrated not by the right, the left, Muslim or Christian but by "nutjob loners" FWOABW with no REAL commitment to anything other than themselves A "lone wolf" attack (as indicated by security forces/police/media) is nothing more than one where those forces have not been able to prove any involvement of others..............it doesn't mean that there wasn't any. The Muslim community is likely fully aware of "threats from within" and either too scared to out potential threats or passively complicit. Someone in their community is aware, just as criminals are aware of other criminal's activities. Elders should be doing more, if only to combat the threat to their own communities standing but that doesn't seem to be the case as is evidenced by (from memory) a survey showing that over 60% of Muslims wouldn't report suspect activity within their community to the police............so why? and as that is a fact............are they not just as guilty for what eventuates from that activity?
  7. It's an almost instantly recognised image (amongst photographers) from publications relating to the Great Depression in the USA and was taken by Walker EvansI Another one of his from the same family
  8. . . Some of Qld's wildlife Fruit Bat - Flying Fox (17) by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Sunset from Green Mountain Lamington State Forest (4) by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Goanna Lamington National Park (3) by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Lamington National Park (2) by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Rainforest (2) by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Startled Pademelon Lamington National Park, Qld, Australia by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Koala with Cub (5) by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr
  9. I've got solar hot water but my bill still comes to $400 a quarter even after pensioner rebates and I reckon it's the average 7 showers a day that is costing me. Josh has a minimum of 3 a day due to going to the gym daily and then working at Maccas. He stinks of grease when he comes in from work. His clothing doesn't help the bills either as he sometimes gets through 3 shirts a day and the washing machine is on at least 3 times a week as Jake will only wear his pyjamas for one night and his clothes for one day.
  10. For those interested in cheaper electric take a look at this plan. 18% discount across the board which includes supply charge. Also, unlike most other providers, you get that 18% on a continuous basis and don't have to renegotiate each year https://www.clickenergy.com.au/energy-price-fact-sheets/energex/click-opal/524/
  11. Noosa National Park by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Storm Clearing at Sunset by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Whitehave Beach, Whitsunday Isles, Queensland, Australia by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Nr 1770, Qld, Australia by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Whitsunday Isles, Qld, Australia by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr
  12. Dunno where you went to school, but I went to a grammar school "oop norf" in the late 50's early 60's and sport had great emphasis placed on it. All the head boys had been captains of cricket and rugby teams and tbh, some of them were as "thick as a brick" (relative to most students)..........no pun intended as Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull) was in my year. That album btw was based on a fictional 8yr old genius called Gerald Bostock and as there was a very large and absolutely thick lad in our school with the same surname,who was utilised as a very effective forward in the rugby team. It often got me to wondering whether this in some way influenced the album?
  13. You may have different reasons for moving back but the majority that do and who post in similar circumstances quote "missing family" as one of the main reasons for returning. In your case, your family is here so I think that you should think long and hard as to how much you'll miss them before you up sticks. Good luck
  14. Rainbow Over Noosa by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Peregian Beach by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Dingo Beach by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Fishing In Paradise - Airlie Beach by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Mount Coonowrin by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr Towards Mount Bartle Frere, Qld, Australia by Kevin Dickinson, on Flickr
  15. Can't help with the jobs but don't worry about flooding. Brisbane flood zones are well documented for when you wan't to buy a house and ther's been lots of flood mitigation since the last serious floods. The flood awareness map is her. Just type in the post code, street, house number of the area that you are looking at and you'll get a map showing the likelihood of flooding http://floodinformation.brisbane.qld.gov.au/fio/
  16. Click on Bracken Ridge. There's a mention of a couple of suburbs in there. Good schools in the suburb and surrounds
  17. I don't have first hand experience but know of quite a few nurses who couldn't wait to find a position in another hospital after they started working there. OTOH, I know of some that are quite happy there. It's more to do with the individual wards than the hospital itself I would guess. It has the nickname of "The Rabbit Warren" due to it's size and the difficulty of finding your way around it.................very "impersonal"
  18. Sorry. I tend to be abrupt :-) To rule out Brizzy because of "floods" proves that you are, to be other than concise, quite ignorant. You haven't done your homework. I did mine over 20 yrs ago when we didn't have the "climate modellings" that they have now and I have moved 5 times within Brizzy area and never been flooded. Back to the OP.................get yer @rse up to Brissy, it's great.............no more to be said
  19. That's oft quoted........europe is just a hop skip and a jump away but are there stats to show that the average Brit punter takes that hop skip and a jump? How many are frightened of driving on the wrong side of the road? Worried about language? What do you mean by "action?' The dilution, or imposition, of Brit identity because nightclubs feature Brit music, or does "action" relate to uprisings/protests in the Arabic/Algeria sectors?
  20. Maybe on the surface, but the intent of not just that reply,l but their previous postings is IMHO to illustrate that those who "delight" in Oz are somehow intellectually and culturally ignorant. Long time posters/members recognise the "gist" and also the "air of superiority"...........feckin' amazing if you can translate that into the script of a novel but all it does here is say, "I recognise that supercilious tone, has he changed his moniker?..................and more................or less importantly................why?....................just a sad sack with only a forum to gob off to..............just like me :-)
  21. Strangely enough mate, I get sick and tired of folk saying that they ain't no beaches in Brisbane..............there's plenty, they just don't have surf, and if you've got nippers, you don't want surf anyway. Brizzy has so much going for it and cheaper..............more relaxed and laid back................feck the rat race and get yer @rse up here
  22. Can't answer the main body of your post because I'm inQld, but despite what is oft quoted on this forum, IME Ozzies are very easy to get on with and make friends. The fact that your partner is Aussie should make it so much easier
  23. If he went back to what he knew I doubt he'd be happy. His happiness seems to resolve around (supposedly) enlightening us to our inability to "see" what he sees. The "imperfections" of Oz, the World, (and ourselves) are (he thinks) known only to him and it seems it is his lifelong (aka forum) goal to enlighten us.............how sad is that? that an obviously educated aka elevated person, (his scripts seem to elevate himself above others) has little else to do than tell us (the great unwashed) just how much more "familiar" he is with what the world is really like than us mere mortals could ever comprehend? To these "elevated persons" I would say, "How much time do you spend 'on the street' voicing your concerns?"....................I'm guessing that you don't because your "personna" would be buried in the voice of an enlightened and educated crowd and so you seek a forum/soapbox where you think that your ego will be better massaged................a forum where you think that your intellect and intelligence is superior to those that you "preach" to and that intellect and intelligence makes your opinions "right" Some of the worlds greatest minds have made the worst alliances and decisions.!!..................some may not have your number, but I have
  24. Johndoe

    Bribie Island

    Long stretch of surf beach on the eastern side with the Western side being totally different and more like an estuary. Easy access to offshore fishing for the biggies on the Eastern side with plenty of places to explore by tinny for inshore species and mud crab haunts. Abundance of varying wildlife and wild camping in the state forest (fourby only) although the access fee is bloody ridiculously high. Visiting migrating birds hard to find elsewhere totaling a population of 350 species. Other than that, I visit, but wouldn't live there for a gold clock............I think the place is a dump :-)
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