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Everything posted by Johndoe

  1. <p><p>Yeah, it was top notch when it came out but there's better now, albeit it'd cost you more. That sounds a bit pricey as I know they go for around $420 online. I'd try and talk 'em down a bit on the price. A mate of mine got one and he wasn't impressed by the layout as he was used to canon, but the picture quality was certainly top notch.</p></p>

  2. <p><p>You didn't post the link</p></p>

  3. Couple of mundane photos from Australia Zoo, that I've tried to turn into something more pleasing on the eye Asian Small-Clawed Otters by bidkev1, on Flickr Asian Small-Clawed Otters by bidkev1, on Flickr
  4. <p><p>I didn't think harvey norman stocked the 650? That's a good price if it's got both lenses</p></p>

  5. <p><p>Take a look at the canon 700D which replaces the 650d.........not much difference. The 650d kits will have come down in price now that they have a successor so the 650 kit will get you as much/more for less.</p></p>

  6. That's bloody cheap but how are you going to eat all that ham???? :tongue: I pay 4.99 a kilo for a full or half ham. Used to pay 3.99 but they've put the price up..
  7. Buy a joint of Ham, (they're already cooked here) steak it, and cook as you would gammon, but only until it's thoroughly hot....................hard pressed to tell the difference.
  8. Luckily, we applied for her licence when she was here last year.
  9. Will try later...................still very busy. The grand-daughter's got 80 hrs in so another 20 hrs and she'll take het test and hopefully get a permanent job at Australia Zoo. Unfortunately, I think the Jehova's or "Born Again's" have got to her :biglaugh:
  10. I'm not posting mine 'cause of my rose tinted specs............................it's all lies I tell you!
  11. <p><p>Not me....................I'm a good boy :-)</p></p>

  12. <p><p>Thanks for asking Fi. Have been snowed under and will post as soon as.</p></p>

  13. yep! kids eh!?? 3 yrs at uni studying psychology and she goes to work in a zoo!...................whatever makes her happy though.
  14. Soime from when my grand-daughter was working as a volunteer at australia zoo.........................she's out for good in July and already has a job lined up there
  15. If he's a lazy bugger, (and I haven't yet met one who isn't) and is carrying a small parcel/packet for you that needs signing for, he'll leave a docket in your letterbox telling you to pick it up at the post office................as opposed to getting off his arse and knocking on your door.
  16. That word, was in use in the british forces as far back as I can remember and still is.
  17. Figjam...................someone with a high opinion of themselves who let's you know it............Fnck I'm good, just ask me
  18. Brizzy, Qld. Just to turn your stomach................."brown eyed mullet" a turd in the sea where you're swimming :embarrassed:
  19. Or even local? I've heard some terms by schoolkids where a kid from another school has no idea what they're talking about.
  20. In all the time that I've been here, I've never heard that turn of phrase..................round here, they're callled "joggers"
  21. A lake/pond is a "dam" whether it had a dam on it or not. A stream is a creek "bream" (as in fish) is pronounced "brim" An aluminium boat is a 'tinny" as is a can of beer. methylated spirits are "metho" and have innumerable uses from hardening corns and skin prior to removing, to dabbing on ticks to get 'em to drop off, to adding to home brew (depending on culture and not advisable) "bangaroo" is a marathon sex session "buckleys" means "no chance" "goon" box of wine "woop woop" middle of nowhere..............generally out bush.
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