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Everything posted by Dawny


    <p>Hi Julie,</p>

    <p> Just want to wish you all the very best with your plans, where in the uk are you heading back to?</p>

    <p>Its hard when your kids are so unhappy, Mine hated oz from the day we landed, didn't last nowhere near as long as you though!</p>

    <p> Dawn x</p>



    <p>Thanks Connie, </p>

    <p> So you have managed to upset the mail woman! Well done you lol,</p>

    <p>Speak soon Dawn xx</p>


  3. <p>Good luck with the shippers tomorrow, Hope all goes well, speak soon x</p>

  4. <p>Boo!!!!</p>

  5. <p>No worries there Tania, we are just pleased now to be going home, Kids are getting so excited it does to be honest make it all worth while x</p>

  6. <p>Hi Tania, so sorry only just seen your post today, so pleased you are settling back in, wonderful news, wishing you all the best Dawn x</p>

  7. <p>lol you are so nosey lol, will pm u later xx</p>

  8. <p>Thanks Sarah, im pleased you have settled so well, We thought we would rather return home while the kids have happy memories of oz, before they decide they hate it! That way maybe they would be feel a lot better when we return for a holiday, And actually look forward to coming back! So who knows what will happen over the next couple of years at least we still have the option, with regards to our visa, so the door will always be open x</p>


    <p>Its all very well you moaning about the gale force winds, but have you not forgotten about Mr & Mrs Possum? I would have thought you being a expectant grandma you would have been out looking for them! Shame on you woman!!!!!</p>

    <p> We head back on the 18th hun, No car now, its been sold!! <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />. So you will have to visit moi!!!!! xxxx</p>


  10. <p>Hi my little prowler lol, hows you my sweet xx</p>


    <p>Hi Sarah, sadly yes!</p>

    <p>Kids are just so unhappy, its untrue! But hey ho we live and learn x</p>


  12. <p>lol, guess you are a pio junkie, to be on line this early, Pleased im not the only one lol x</p>


    <p>Hi Kelly!</p>

    <p> Thanks for your message hunny!</p>

    <p>I guess nobody really knows how things will turn out until you get here, We are just as shocked really, came here with the idea it would be for a very long time, no rose colored spec's etc, work hard, kids would be happy! It just hasn't worked, so no point in prolonging it! We said like so many give it at least two years!!! To be honest we really couldn't see it happening like that for us now! Kids happiness is far to important, Oh well its been an amazing extra long expensive holiday lol, with some fantastic memories to take home with us!!! Hows things with you xxxx</p>


  14. <p>Don't tell me you are lurking also!!! pmsl xx</p>

  15. <p>Don't blame you not telling anyone, some can be real backstabbers, as i have found out! I had great satisfaction deleting them from my friends list lol!! Good luck with the house, hope it all goes through really quickly for you, we have had a set back with ours, typical!!! Hey ho we plough on!!!</p>


    <p>Hi hunny, hows you?</p>

    <p>Hope you had a nice birthday!!</p>

    <p>Whats new, anything good to report xx</p>



    <p>Hi Connie,</p>

    <p> Same as you, sold the house and now just buying a house like you that needs renovating, We are just waiting to sign the papers, Which seems to be taking forever, Not sure how long you have been here, bet you can't beat us lol, we landed on May 13th, guess we didn't last the two years then!! Hey ho, expensive holiday i think! Are you on facebook?</p>

    <p>Dawn x</p>



    <p>Hi Connie,</p>

    <p> Whereabouts are you returning to, we are heading back to Bournemouth landing on the 19th at a very unhealthy 6am lol x</p>



    <p>Happy Birthday hun!</p>

    <p>Hope you have a fantastic day!!</p>

    <p>((hugs)) xxx</p>


  20. <p>ha you couldn't keep away could ya lol x</p>


    <p>Hi Tash hunny! Hows you??? Any news yet on the visa front,</p>

    <p>Any at all, getting very bored now with all this waiting, You must be tearing your hair out! ((hugs)) to you!!</p>

    <p>Love Dawny xxx</p>



    <p>Hi Kelly, All going really well here, will post very soon, having a few problems with the dongle lol, fingers crossed should have internet connection next week, so will spend some time doing a thread after that,</p>

    <p>Hope things are going well with you, Hows all your plans coming along, xx</p>


  23. <p>Hi Tash, just checking in hun, My fingers are well and truly crossed for you come the start of July, i can only imagine how you must be feeling, just want you to know im thinking of you xxx</p>

  24. <p>pmsl, just the 26 then....we counted them off on the calender, couldn't come quick enough, the days will fly by, will do an update on here soon, thought i would leave it around the 4 week mark, can't believe how much we have done in so little time, talk about stressful! but its all good hun xxxx</p>


    <p>Hi Cath,</p>

    <p>we are missing them like crazy, but they will be back with us next friday, best thing is the kids have no idea so it will be a surprise for them when they come home from school! Things here are just great, really loving it! Hows things going with you? counting the days i bet! xxx</p>


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