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Everything posted by Waitingawhile

  1. Sorry to hear that - i hoped it would be the same for you, we were so confused by it as nothing was clearly spelt out!
  2. My partner didnt get a seperate invite but i had indicated on our applications we were linked and expected to be invited together. When I phoned and checked the invite did include him too.
  3. hi we have been back just over a year-it was tough at first as we did it on a wing and prayer financially although I had managed to secure work before I left the uk which gave us security. we have bought a lot of second hand stuff and it was tough in the first four months. We have moved back to the same area and love it. I have experienced home sickness but not with the intensity I had before and I feel very lucky to have had this second chance- I feel like the uk is still easily accessible and I don't have great yearnings to get back although i will - i just like being here more right now. When i got on the first flight back it felt right although i still felt sad at leaving. i must admit to still feeling in transition a bit but feel I have a better appreciation of what is on offer. As I was driving to work this morning, the sun was breaking through and there was low lying mist in the fields along the freeway, got into Perth and opened the window as I was driving along the Swan and I could hear the most beautiful bird song. By mid day it was 25 degrees and just lovely. Got my first lemons growing on my lemon tree. Last night was at an oyster bar listening to pink floyd being played live on acoustic, not crowded, very chilled - this has been a good move for us this time. Good luck with your move proview
  4. Thanks Peach, really? how great - a good weekend for me on line then
  5. Hi guys I just wondered what peoples experience is of buying goods on line through various uk stores etc and having them shipped to Australia- are you hit with taxes or is there a limit you need to be aware of - hope someone can help as missing my favorite shops a little :wub:
  6. Hi astle,you need to give a bit more info about your circumstances - are you looking at prospects for an employee sponsored visa under the skill of medical assistant? - if so you would need to see if it is on any of the relevant skills lists first to do this you should check on the department of immigration and citizenship site. if you are in Australia and want to know about jobs in this area then others will have more knowledge.
  7. http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/residents/155/eligibility.htm check out this and then tel a Mara registered migration for advice such as Go Matilda or Ian Harrop as he may still have a route in and it is always better to check out your options with a specialist- they often give the first 15 mins free of any consultation and will advise if it is complicated or not good luck
  8. info about cautions here https://www.gov.uk/caution-warning-penalty best policy is to declare everything and if you get it wrong on the visa be proactive declare it and explain why and what your conviction or caution was for and what changes you have made in life taking responsibility! You can always take advice form a MARA agent especially if you have a complicated case
  9. hi Ceri - each state has a corrective service so if you google corrective service with the particular state you are interested in living you could have a look on their sites to get an idea of what they look for and what jobs are available- some corrective services employ their own prison educators but also there will be partnership agencies like those in the Uk- it can be difficult to know where to look at first but if you google in prison education in the state you want to go to it could be a starting point. I would also look at community education with offenders too perhaps and see what this throws up for you. hope this helps
  10. I really envy those who know what they want and can stick with their decisions- for me I had to feel what it was like coming back too - we have been back for almost four years and both were lucky to obtain decent work and we should have been content but we aren't, we are ok but it is just not what we want -we too miss the warmth - OH has just bought some more 'thongs' and shorts and can't wait, although it will be the start of winter when we get back! We will be doing it on a shoe string as our savings went the first time round and everything we have had since has been sunk into the visa process -we will have enough for a banger and a rental and will have to start all over again. it still feels a no brainer to go back
  11. Hi hoping someone out there can help - I am trying to understand the eligibility for the graduate 18 month visa- could some confirm which list the nominated occupation should be on eg schedule 1 or can it be from either 1 or 2? suspect it means schedule 1 as it says SOL not CSOL? :nah:
  12. Dandandbex hope your return goes ok, you do hear horror stories about the UK and its true things are still going to get a whole lot worse in the next year or two. The cost of living has gone up incredibly and they forecast another rise however life does go on, and we have found no probs job wise so far. Hang in there deanthebrickie I really do hope things turn around for you.I think Oz needs to focus on its infrastructure and building more not less at the moment! Quoll I really hope that the thought and fear of going back does not spoil your time in the UK, I was so pleased for you in getting to go back. We are def not burning any bridges in going, my OH prob couldn't stand to return again and I wouldn't want to do it to him again but if things go wrong we do both know we can come back, as you have found you never know what comes up!
  13. dinkydoo, what a long road back, congrats on getting the visa at last! We are of a similar opinion, life is 'just different' in OZ and suits some more than others, we are going back with our eyes wide open but know it is where we both want to be. We have been talking about how to deal with bouts of home sickness, and talking with friends who have successfully made the transition about this. They say that they do still experience this but know also that it is because they want their friends/family to be with them not that they want to be in the UK making a strong distinction. Other friends content themselves with visits back and some report that after these, although bitter sweet it is a relief to get back home to Oz but still feel pangs for months afterwards for the people they have left behind. just looking forward to the feeling of space again can't wait for May.
  14. I think that skillselect is misleading to people new to the process in this respect- although the idea presented is that employers could identify prospective candidates using skillselect this is not something that actually occurs.Tthey had a similar process previously whereby you could lodge your details on a database if you didn't meet points criteria and no one ever reported being recruited by employers in this way either- I don't understand why DIAC keep on pushing this as it is so confusing and raises hopes unfairly.
  15. What a fantastic and uplifting post to read. Congratulations to you and your other half :jiggy:
  16. could you get 5 pts for a skill yourself- have you tried speaking to a migration agent they often give 20-30 mins free you could run through your situation
  17. How have your broken down your points calculation- people take the IELTS test to gain extra points eg you can get up to 20 pts for scoring 8's and 10 for scoring 7's and then there is state sponsorship which you can apply for and is 5 pts non regional permanent visas and 10 for a temporary visa in regional areas which allows you then go to permanent after you have tried living and working in oz for a length of time?
  18. Hi Doherty967 we are going back mid May after coming back in 2009, we are going back with our eyes wide open this time and know it will be hard at times. sad but can't wait for the feeling of warm bricks under my feet when I go out to put the washing out, really miss the feeling of space! ps it still feels a massive move and expensive but one that is not so overwhelming as it was last time and we are truly determined to make it work
  19. Thanks Cam I really hope it works out for you moving back and that you also get the chance to go back then, it's horrible when you know you don't want to truly leave and everything is motion. I can remember sitting in the garden on our last day waiting for the last things to be sorted by the removal men and knowing that it was not the right decision to move back and discussing with my OH that it would take us some years to get back but we would do what it takes!
  20. Hi thanks locket12 it is so expensive here in the uk too compared to five years ago however you cannot beat the range of shops available when you need to shop cheaply which you can still do here. Whereabouts in Oz did you pingpong to? Hi coast to coast, that is so good to hear, I have felt so unsettled since we came back to the UK in 2009 and really hope it feels like we are home at last when we return this time.
  21. Thank you for sharing. I find it reassuring to hear that not all people don't settle for good straight away and also that some feel they have to pingpong one two or more times before they make up their minds either way.
  22. That's exactly what is going through my mind, I have suspected that it will feel quite normal after a few weeks, to be back although I hope to feel more at home than I have done for the last 4. Dreading the financial change though and we too have only been away since 2009. I think you are wise to weather the financial storm in Oz, which is also a part of my thinking currently to be honest with a view to then to see what the landscape is like in a few years after we have had a good go at settling properly. I really would like to think we could make it a forever move this time, just wish it was a £10 ticket for us instead of the £1000s it took to move over and then back again but hey no regrets at least we are in position to have a choice.
  23. Just wanted to hear the good and the bad really - last time we felt like we were visitors as we were on a 457 and dependent on employer sponsorship. Although I didn't want to and wouldn't have changed jobs I think the temporary status permeates your work relationships especially if you experience any conflict. I also felt like we couldn't put down roots- this time we are permanent residents and we will give it a good go. But never say never and you do what is right for you. Thanks for sharing CAM sounds like you have given it a good go each time.
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