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Everything posted by AJ

  1. Drink it! you cant bring opened bottles anyway
  2. Just because you have had a bad experience does not mean all of Australia is the same!
  3. Do you mean, the house has an extra bedroom extension which does not have planning permission from the council, so the bank will not lend? Did you add a clause subject to finance on your offer? If you did, then you should be able to pull out as you cannot get the finance approved.
  4. He will need and RRV in July 2018, but he might only get a 1 year or 3 month one depending on how long he has been in Australia for.
  5. And I bet the agencies that are telling you that want to sponsor you under a labour agreement! I would be wary they will want a percentage from you and you will be paid off at a minutes notice if their client pulls the pin! If a company is going through a third party like that probably they don't meet the requirements to sponsor by themselves
  6. I cant tell you about work but childcare costs around the same as in the UK. It used to cost me 40gbp a day and that was a few years ago so depending on exchange rate not much difference, at least you get half back here.
  7. Rent is definately cheaper but if they are going THAT cheap there must be a reason!! Maybe check what its next door to, or the photos will be years old and its probably a dump!
  8. Really? We got ours in 2008 as well and it was definately only one year.How old is he? If he is under two you dont have to pay for his flight so if only one person brought him across even just for a few days wouldnt cost too much.
  9. by the time you paid all the port charges would you not be just as cheap getting a company to do it?
  10. But havent you said that your not moving back to where you were before, so are they going to play such a big part in your life?
  11. I am in the UK just now and finding that prices are not that much different for lunch for 2 with a couple of drinks! Maybe if you go to Wetherspoons and eat microwaved cardboard it will be!
  12. why did you post the same question 6 times?
  13. I bet this agent is also an Training place that provides the course, they will tell you anything to sign up!
  14. so why have t you gone for PR in that 7 years?
  15. You will find out there is quite a lot of incorrect information posted not just by Bungo!
  16. An underactive thyroid is not a visa stopper, once you are on the right dose, a blood test once a year and thyroxine tablets are cheap as chips here!
  17. Thats what it sounded like and why I asked the question! I would try a proper Migration Agent first and what options you have before you let this lot talk you into a course that has no guarantees!
  18. Is this a Migration agent you are talking to or an Agent for one of the training organisations that provide the course?
  19. You cant add anyone to the visa once it is granted. If you have a baby now in the UK it will need a separate child visa.
  20. It really doesnt take 2 years to do a Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care, you could do that in 6months easy online. I wouldnt think it would be enough to get you a visa.
  21. AJ


    Why dont you just go for an RRV just now, buy yourself another 5 years to get yourself sorted out.
  22. It wont be good for anyone if they get deported for Visa fraud!
  23. AJ


    The clothes have been awful for a few years now. Maybe they should have changed their buyers before now because they obviously aren't getting the right stuff!
  24. I would call those common sense rather than insider secrets!! not exactly Rocket Science!
  25. Loads of people have them here in Perth, usually called Granny Flats. I really dont think you would be allowed to put one in a rental it would need planning permission.
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