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Everything posted by northernbird

  1. I'm also from the North of England and I've lived in this area (not Joondalup though) for 7 years and yes there are lots of British here but nowhere near the levels you describe which can be misleading for people reading.
  2. According to the latest census statistics just 16.7% of residents in Joonalup are English born which is a long way off the figures quoted by your real estate person. For posters wanting accurate figures of demographic makeup suggest you look here http://www.abs.gov.au/websitedbs/censushome.nsf/home/quickstats?opendocument&navpos=220
  3. Warnbro would be your closest, a short drive North.
  4. Joondalup Family Centre run a 3's programme. Ask in the Connolly PS office about it as one of the ladies who works in the office knows all about it. Connolly PS also run a playgroup on a Wednesday morning, again ask the office staff about it.
  5. Someone was asking about the cost of the zoo in the UK, I just googled. I don't give a crap about comparisons to be honest, I just answered someone's question.
  6. 8.80 GBP per adult and 6.40 GBP per child at my old local in Huntingdon.
  7. I won't compare London zoo because that is unrealistic in terms of quality and size. Chester zoo is 18 quid for an adult and 14 quid for a child.
  8. I agree, I have been to a few of the top Perth restaurants and not paid that for dinner, let alone lunch!!
  9. the old phrase 'misery loves company' is probably quite apt. Happy people seek out happy people, unhappy people usually find the same as themselves.
  10. It is indeed a lovely new suburb with nice housing. However if you want to be close to the beach, want a decent state high school and have a wife that doesn't drive then it isn't the best option. The OP needs to give a bit more information about his requirements and personal situation for us to give a better answer.
  11. I bank with Bankwest and I can only use their ATMs and Commonwealths without being charged a couple of dollars. I think the other banks have similar restrictions and charges.
  12. Perth is a City of roughly 1.5 million people. Where will you work, what are your interests, what kind of housing do you like (old or new), do you mind driving or taking public transport? Does the wife drive? You will need to narrow it down a bit before people can help you.
  13. Yes your child will be eligible for Kindy in 2013. Most schools do 2 full days rather than 4 mornings but some still do 4 mornings. Changes have been made to Kindy hours and from next year most schools should be offering 15 hours a week. Bob has given you the link for 2013 term dates.
  14. No benefits whatsoever on a 457 so once your sick leave is up you are on your own, sadly. Good luck with the operation.
  15. An extra 2.3% for the Scots (3.8 in Connolly), the Welsh don't have a listing. Still lower than people make out. Butler is no more little Britain than Connolly.
  16. I would also say Edgewater. As for Butler being little Britain, if you check the census statistics, Butler comes in at just over 23% born in England, Edgewater not far behind at 21.6% and my own suburb of Connolly a massive 27.6%. It's quite interesting as although Butler would appear to be a magnet for poms, there are in fact other suburbs that have a surprisingly high % of English. Hocking is 12% in case you were interested.
  17. How about learning to cook?? Also if you buy the whole egg mayonnaise in Woolies it is just as nice as Helmans. You don't need to buy $56 worth of crappy indian curry. You could have got a takeout for that in my area. It has become more expensive in the 7 years I have been here but you can't complain when you are wasting money like you have on this meal IMO.
  18. I will echo that about John Curtin. One of my best friends son graduated last year and she spent so much time ferrying him around and we live near Joondalup. If I was in the same boat as the OP I would be looking at Leeming, Bull Creek and surrounding areas. Good schools and not a bad run to the airport. Close to most everything and not far to the beach, because lets be honest if you are going with kids and all the paraphernalia that goes with them you would drive even if you lived a kilometre away.
  19. She is only 15 so may well change her mind although given some recent exposure to depression, anxiety and suicide amongst very close friends she has emerged as a bit of a rock for some of her friends. I think she would be quite good at it but who knows. You know what teenagers are like, she may well want to be a beauty therapist tomorrow!
  20. Been luck in my shire in Perth. in 6 years it has gone from $1100 to $1500, we had a rise of $50 this year which I don't mind at all.
  21. My eldest wants to be a psychologist and my youngest a vet, professions which could take them anywhere. My youngest is a triple citizen so the world is truly her oyster. As for feeling stranded, I know I won't feel like that as I have brought my children up to be resilient, confident individuals and they will feel comfortable and have no guilt doing what they please (or going where they please) when they are older. Close knit families struggle obviously, I have often read of mothers who say they won't be able to manage bringing up their kids without the support of their families. I am thankfully not one of those women. With hindsight and we have lived in Canada, US and here with short stints in Norway and Holland, the hardest move I ever made was the move to London in our little Peugeot 205 diesel with 2 suitcases!! Moving overseas was a walk in the park after that!
  22. That happens the world over though don't you think. I left home at 18 to move to London leaving Lancashire a dim and distant memory. Many others were the same. The only difference is distance.
  23. I would agree with King George Whiting, a fantastic fish. The OP doesn't say where she is but KGW is available here in Perth. I also quite like flathead. Red Emperor, Dhufish are both lovely but on a budget not a good option! Sadly decent fish is expensive and I personally wouldn't buy fresh or frozen from the supermarket and I would go to a fishmonger.
  24. <p><p>Thanks FF, you are one of very few people!</p></p>

  25. <p><p>I have been here 7 years and it's home now, I wouldn't return to England for love nor money. It is hugely more expensive than when we arrived in 2005 but the quality of life our family have is second to none.</p></p>

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