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is aus all that it is cracked up to be


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hi all just wondering if anyone thought aus was all it cracked up to be or would you rtn to uk if poss.

ive been here in perth for 6 months and you guessed it, same @#$% different country, i came out with hopes that id love the wall to wall sun, easier work enviroment, im a chippy so outside work in the frazzeling sun, thought id love the beach life, but only been handful of times and not that up on the beach and surfing anyway, obviously prices of everything are extashonet, but cant help that as the wages are more which in turn makes all else expensive. politics are worse than in the uk, the constant back stabbing of each other a lot worse, didnt think that would be the case, public transport is fantastic in perth, and perth cbd is great and kings park is amazing, great walks along the coast and in along the river, and country, great golf courses and bike paths, :confused:so its not all doom and gloom, yes ive been very very homesick since xmas, but i think im over that, but i do think what if i stay or rtn, does anyone else feel the sameor offer any advice, cheers clark

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Guest Bexbob

Having not been yet, and just starting on the trades assesment route for electricians, and that being a total nightmare

i am jealous,

this country is getting worse, lack of jobs, lack of empathy, lack of friendlyness and support


If your not quite happy in your location, my advise would be try living somewhere else, live it out for at least 12 months, then compare the things u miss or dislike from both places,

i cant help thinking reading posts on the australia forums some people maybe expect a little too much, and are a lttle set in thier ways,

Of course it will be similar, its an english styled country, but. To me seems as england was years ago, but hotter


Nice friendly laid back, good standard of living, lots of jobs, everyone speaking english, and sunny with extra pretty things to look at!

Im 33 and fairly fed up of blighty

i have family in melbourne, i would far rather be there,

im not expecting it to be perfect, but if life was marginally improved,


Ill be happy!

Stick with it, thats my advise!

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You are in Perth. Its not representative of the rest of Australia really. Such a vast place. Perhaps the question is more 'Is Perth all its cracked up to be?' or WA? Depends what you were hoping and expecting. Were they two different things? Is there much to do in or around the city? Can you travel up or down the coast on weekends exploring? How far are you prepared or wanting to travel to see stuff? Do stuff? Some people like it out there, some don't.


TBH anyone going out there knows (or should realise) that the same old same old will be there as it is in the UK. Just you are doing it in Aus. Work, shop, pay bills and all that, happens wherever you go. What you do with the rest of the time is your call. You can do things there you can't do here but do you want to? You can build a social life, join some clubs, play sports and so on and probably find a good balance.


Personally if I was living over there and didn't have kids I'd be heading off to explore and taking in the sights that were reachable on weekends (Aussies don't mind driving longer distances for a day or weekend, bigger distances to cover usually so they are well used to it).


Have you checked out http://www.lonelyplanet.com/australia/western-australia to see what you could be seeing/doing over there?

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Australia is like anywhere else in that it has good points and bad. It certainly isn't the UK with better weather, a lot of people come here expecting that, when in fact the culture is individual and quite different. Yes there are a lot of people from the UK living here, but please don't expect England with sunshine, you will be one of the ones who is "disappointed"

You will also find lack of jobs, empathy, friendliness and support here too, (though like anywhere, you will also find the complete opposite too, I'm not knocking Australia, there are lots of great things about it ) but it isn't the perfect paradise some people paint a picture of in their heads.


To the OP,it is hard, homesickness is a huge issue, and hard to deal with. Are you here by yourself or do you have family with you?

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Just another first world country with all that entails. For me, personally, the UK has it over Aus any day of the week - maybe because I am older and have different interests but it is also the country of choice for one of my kids who has a better life and prospects here in UK than he did back in Aus. I lived there for over 32 years and whilst the first 10 were fun, great sense of adventure, seeing and doing lots, getting established etc, the last 10 have been as boring as b*tsh*t and I couldnt wait to leave. Sadly, my return to UK is to care for elderly parents and my Aussie DH wont want to stay here after they are gone but if I had my way I would never go back to Aus, there is, honestly, nothing I miss about the place at all - in fact, I have only the stuff here with me that I brought in my backpack in September - all my "stuff" is still there and I dont want/need any of that either. Funny the way things work out. Good luck working out what works for you.

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You are in Perth. Its not representative of the rest of Australia really. Such a vast place. Perhaps the question is more 'Is Perth all its cracked up to be?' or WA? Depends what you were hoping and expecting. Were they two different things? Is there much to do in or around the city? Can you travel up or down the coast on weekends exploring? How far are you prepared or wanting to travel to see stuff? Do stuff? Some people like it out there, some don't.


TBH anyone going out there knows (or should realise) that the same old same old will be there as it is in the UK. Just you are doing it in Aus. Work, shop, pay bills and all that, happens wherever you go. What you do with the rest of the time is your call. You can do things there you can't do here but do you want to? You can build a social life, join some clubs, play sports and so on and probably find a good balance.


Personally if I was living over there and didn't have kids I'd be heading off to explore and taking in the sights that were reachable on weekends (Aussies don't mind driving longer distances for a day or weekend, bigger distances to cover usually so they are well used to it).


Have you checked out http://www.lonelyplanet.com/australia/western-australia to see what you could be seeing/doing over there?


There comes a time when all mentioned has been covered a few times and then what? There are some great places to visit in WA but they are not so numerous as to make it a forever on going adventure.

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Just another first world country with all that entails. For me, personally, the UK has it over Aus any day of the week - maybe because I am older and have different interests but it is also the country of choice for one of my kids who has a better life and prospects here in UK than he did back in Aus. I lived there for over 32 years and whilst the first 10 were fun, great sense of adventure, seeing and doing lots, getting established etc, the last 10 have been as boring as b*tsh*t and I couldnt wait to leave. Sadly, my return to UK is to care for elderly parents and my Aussie DH wont want to stay here after they are gone but if I had my way I would never go back to Aus, there is, honestly, nothing I miss about the place at all - in fact, I have only the stuff here with me that I brought in my backpack in September - all my "stuff" is still there and I dont want/need any of that either. Funny the way things work out. Good luck working out what works for you.


So what makes the UK so great for you or un-boring. You have not lived here for 32 yrs so surely a lot has changed here, just curious

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Guest Guest16631

.............at the end of the day life is what you make it............many move here for better job prospects...........usually better money..............which in turn buys/rents your home.........pays your bills............the rest whereever you are.............if you have these basics is up to you..............the weather here usually gives you more scope to enjoy the outdoors............rainforest ,hills,beach............a picnic in the local park.............perhaps an appreciation of fulfilling the basics............and ensuring that the reasons you moved in the first place still hold true.............will take the pressure off forever looking for the elusive nirvana..............life is often mainly humdrum routine......same chores different place...........you have to choose to enjoy life...............with whatever you have and wherever you are...........Ime....good luck with whatever you do decide...............tink x

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There comes a time when all mentioned has been covered a few times and then what? There are some great places to visit in WA but they are not so numerous as to make it a forever on going adventure.


Surely that is true of everywhere???


Every minute of every day cant be an adventure. Oz is not the allmighty solution to everyones problems. The bills still need to get paid, you still need a good salary to get get the nice house with the pool. Why would the average salary you get paid in the UK make you rich when you move to Oz.


Life is what YOU make of it, if you have a good job/relationship/house etc in London or anywhere else in the UK but are still miserable - chances are you will be miserable in the sun in OZ. Some people are never happy and add to that the fact that most people will miss family and friends, it will make it tough.



I think the problem with a lot of people who move, think that its going to be nirvana and it might well be if you make a go of it. But if you have not travelled a lot or when you do travel all you do is complain about it not being the same as the UK, then you are not ready to embrace different cultures or to move to a new country. Recently friends of ours went to Mexico for 2 weeks and refused to try Mexican food or go to the sites or street markets (and I dont mean mexico city) - WTF did you go for if you didnt want to experiance local things.

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It's the same old problem. You go somewhere on holidays, love it, and think, 'God I'd love to live here'. Then you bring work and all the other hassle that you have with you, and you realize you are not on holiday anymore, you are just soemwhere warmer, and it's not nice working when it's hot. If you've going to change the place you live and you don't change you're life, you can't really expect things to be different.

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There comes a time when all mentioned has been covered a few times and then what? There are some great places to visit in WA but they are not so numerous as to make it a forever on going adventure.


No, but the same could be said of driving within a few hours of your own front door in the UK. How often do we take day trips out here? Maybe once every couple of months we do proper day trips or in school holidays. For the rest its the usual life stuff. We have afternoons out or mornings going someplace but these are more local and we've done them before usually. So its just normal day to day life. We could do that here or Aus.


My suggestion to the OP was if he was in Perth and had been there 6 months then perhaps he could explore some of WA if he hasn't already. Doesn't mean he has to make it last a lifetime or do it all every weekend. But if he is asking is there more to life there, really, he is the only one to answer that by deciding for himself what he wants to see or do with his spare time or activities. Some people are wanting to try or see new places and things, others not.


And then what? Well I am not living in Perth nor do I intend to. So I can't answer that one ;)

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Guest Guest66881

We lived in the UK 30 odd years, visited lots of places in that time, we also visited Spain/Russia/Germany/Italy/Mexico/Holland/France to name a few, this is the first place we have visited as a one off and made home, not regretting one minute of it.

Intend to stay here for life, and we have the rest of our lives to explore it if we choose to.

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Guest Pamela123
hi all just wondering if anyone thought aus was all it cracked up to be or would you rtn to uk if poss.

ive been here in perth for 6 months and you guessed it, same @#$% different country, i came out with hopes that id love the wall to wall sun, easier work enviroment, im a chippy so outside work in the frazzeling sun, thought id love the beach life, but only been handful of times and not that up on the beach and surfing anyway, obviously prices of everything are extashonet, but cant help that as the wages are more which in turn makes all else expensive. politics are worse than in the uk, the constant back stabbing of each other a lot worse, didnt think that would be the case, public transport is fantastic in perth, and perth cbd is great and kings park is amazing, great walks along the coast and in along the river, and country, great golf courses and bike paths, :confused:so its not all doom and gloom, yes ive been very very homesick since xmas, but i think im over that, but i do think what if i stay or rtn, does anyone else feel the sameor offer any advice, cheers clark


I returned back to the UK 2 weeks ago after living in Perth for 6 months, and I couldn't be happier, we could have stayed longer but children were at a difficult age with high schooling, and since we decided to go we then found out that if we weren't in the UK for 3 years before they apply for uni we'd have to pay international fees....so although we could have stayed longer this factor helped our decision to come home sooner.....some things about day to day living you take for granted...it wasn't till we came back I realised how great it was to open windows without stupid flyscreens

have lovely fresh air blowing in the windows,

have freezing cold water from the cold tap,

feel the cool refreshing air on your face/hair etc, instead of the heat, which makes you so sweaty and uncomfortable.....f

eel much cleaner since coming back( able to wear make up.....in Perth it would have run off your face.....forget about having nice hair,

within half an hour of being outside you look like a frazzled wreck........

buy a full weeks shopping in the supermarket for one third of the cost of Perth supermarkets

better tv, radio stations without crude sexual undertones, great choice of newspapers, media coverage much better of world events, felt really dumbed down in Perth, is there a political agenda going on over there...I used to call the news happy news over there..

living in Perth for all of us was an uncomfortable experience compared to living in the UK....living in the suburbs in Perth was such a souless place, no one walks about due to the heat, kids don't play outside in their neighbourhoods as much due to the heat, compare this to the UK, OMG you do forget what its like seeing people.....and they are walking here everywhere in the UK!!!! the other day I walked out to the local shops about a quarter of a mile from where we live and I know I am sad....lol I counted more than 50 people walking, jogging , pushing prams, waiting at bus stops etc, the only time I ever saw more than 5 people walking in Perth was when you go into the city or Northbridge, Kings Park etc, when you are born and live in the UK I must admit I found it quite a culture shock moving to Perth and seeing no -one, even the neighbours seem non exisiting.....everyone drives home into their remote control garages and disappear into their houses!! compared to the UK on an everyday sense without making an effort you can speak to more people here in than you ever will in Perth, and it is the small things that really count that you don't think about till they aren't there anymore xx

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Guest Guest66881

Agree with above post, at night it's dark and quite. No kids running loose and crazy (don't miss it though).

The one big thing here is no cops, we never see any?

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Agree with above post, at night it's dark and quite. No kids running loose and crazy (don't miss it though).

The one big thing here is no cops, we never see any?




Does not seeing cops around result in a lot of anti social behaviour?



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Guest Guest66881

So far no, just dark and quite, though if you live up near Butler lol. Here come the Butler crew ha ha.

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Guest Pamela123



I suppose it depends where you live, we lived in Joondalup, we were broken into, my friend just the other day had a 'home invasion' google it, have a read on link above, make sure u take out contents ins, local papers publish list of every address that has been burgled, they seem to know all the rental properties!!! there was a riot on the beach at Scarborough when we were there bottles flying etc, so multi cultural now down there, with so many nationalities, and the indigenous people, we feel much safer back home in the UK, you can live in your house in the UK without having to lock your door, in Perth you are always advised to lock your door, cos you'll never know who can come in, at the station in Joondalup they are dealing in god knows what, even during the day, some people may not experience any of this but then they may walk around with their eyes shut and just not notice what is going on.xx

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I suppose it depends where you live, we lived in Joondalup, we were broken into, my friend just the other day had a 'home invasion' google it, have a read on link above, make sure u take out contents ins, local papers publish list of every address that has been burgled, they seem to know all the rental properties!!! there was a riot on the beach at Scarborough when we were there bottles flying etc, so multi cultural now down there, with so many nationalities, and the indigenous people, we feel much safer back home in the UK, you can live in your house in the UK without having to lock your door, in Perth you are always advised to lock your door, cos you'll never know who can come in, at the station in Joondalup they are dealing in god knows what, even during the day, some people may not experience any of this but then they may walk around with their eyes shut and just not notice what is going on.xx


Same could be said about some of your views of the UK. You might be able live in the sticks without locking your door but not in any of the cities or towns.

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Compleely agree with this it was the same for us in Qld....not a soul out & about. It's funny when you see the 'Wanted down under' on TV you will notice there is never anyone about in the streets when they go looking for houses...it's a really eerie feeling we thought. We are loving life back in good old blighty x


I returned back to the UK 2 weeks ago after living in Perth for 6 months, and I couldn't be happier, we could have stayed longer but children were at a difficult age with high schooling, and since we decided to go we then found out that if we weren't in the UK for 3 years before they apply for uni we'd have to pay international fees....so although we could have stayed longer this factor helped our decision to come home sooner.....some things about day to day living you take for granted...it wasn't till we came back I realised how great it was to open windows without stupid flyscreens

have lovely fresh air blowing in the windows,

have freezing cold water from the cold tap,


feel the cool refreshing air on your face/hair etc, instead of the heat, which makes you so sweaty and uncomfortable.....f

eel much cleaner since coming back( able to wear make up.....in Perth it would have run off your face.....forget about having nice hair,

within half an hour of being outside you look like a frazzled wreck........

buy a full weeks shopping in the supermarket for one third of the cost of Perth supermarkets

better tv, radio stations without crude sexual undertones, great choice of newspapers, media coverage much better of world events, felt really dumbed down in Perth, is there a political agenda going on over there...I used to call the news happy news over there..

living in Perth for all of us was an uncomfortable experience compared to living in the UK....living in the suburbs in Perth was such a souless place, no one walks about due to the heat, kids don't play outside in their neighbourhoods as much due to the heat, compare this to the UK, OMG you do forget what its like seeing people.....and they are walking here everywhere in the UK!!!! the other day I walked out to the local shops about a quarter of a mile from where we live and I know I am sad....lol I counted more than 50 people walking, jogging , pushing prams, waiting at bus stops etc, the only time I ever saw more than 5 people walking in Perth was when you go into the city or Northbridge, Kings Park etc, when you are born and live in the UK I must admit I found it quite a culture shock moving to Perth and seeing no -one, even the neighbours seem non exisiting.....everyone drives home into their remote control garages and disappear into their houses!! compared to the UK on an everyday sense without making an effort you can speak to more people here in than you ever will in Perth, and it is the small things that really count that you don't think about till they aren't there anymore xx

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What's the big deal with not having people "out and about"? Do you say "Hiya" to every one of them and stop for a nice cosy chat or do you just walk on by?


There were plenty of people "out and about" where I lived in the UK and most of them were just looking for empty houses to burgle. The peace I've gained from the streets being empty here is immeasurable....................I don't have to jump up and look out the window every time I hear a noise outside my front or back fence.


Just because there's nobody "out and about" doesn't mean that my life is less tolerable................just the opposite..................I can sit out with friends in the garden and not have to dread some yobbos passing by and taking the plss.

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Guest NeilanGemz

I think it all comes down to personal preferrence. 1 mans pleasure is another mans pain so to speak. We have just come back from being out on the east coast and to be honest we are heading back out to Sydneys northern beaches at the end of April. I personally think that the UK is finished as a GREAT country, it should be renamed OK Britain or even Poor Britain, because there certainly isn't anything Great about it any more as there once was. As I said this is purely my opinion which is why we are moving out to Australia, we loved our time there. We aren't expecting the streets to be paved with Gold or to have such an easy and effortless life there, because I know that this is not the case, we will have to work hard and there will be loads of bills to pay the same as anywhere. I do know however that it is the right thing to do for me, my wife and our little boy. Sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture and not just the here and now. More importantly you need to do whatever is best for you and your family, whether that is in the UK, Australia or anywhere else in the world is a minor detail really.

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In answer to the OP's question...not for me. I've been here five years and heading back home to the UK later this year. Can't wait. Australia has been good to me and my family but ultimately it isn't home. Not having family and close friends around is a very lonely experience to say the very least.

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