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Got my nurses reg from AHPRA - here's some help if you need it x


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Guest claire and paul

Hi Emma, how exciting, oh and ofcourse having lovely uniforms lol....Hope it all goes really well for you! Dont think I'll miss the nhs at the moment, but probably will miss my job as I'm very lucky to have a mon-fri job with on call service, so i'll probably end up back in the acute hospital setting, I am however a little scared as we have two children and will have no support network out there to help with childcare whilst i'm probably working unsociable hours, plus i dont to work opposite shifts to my husband all the time as we'll never be together as a family which defeats the object of moving.....i'm hoping it will all work out somehow!! Thanks again for all your help xx

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Hi guys,


I am in the process of getting my documents ready for AHPRA. Can anyone share with me what documents you got certified by a notary? I am trying to work out how much it will cost and ensure that I get everything certified in one go.


Many thanks x


find your nearest notary solicitor here http://www.thenotariessociety.org.uk/ and check you documents using the AHPRA checklist at the end of the application form that should give you a rough idea of how many documents you need.


good luck..

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Hey Emma


Im new to this forum as off 4 hrs ago!


I've just sent my application on 2/2/12 to aphra...... after talking about emigrating for over 12 months. I sent my application to the Perth office but have since changed our minds and for valentines day i was surprised with plane tickets to sydney on 26th may!! I've mailed aphra and apparently this isn't a problem plus NSW office is bombarded with applications at the moment so would have taken even longer!


Your advice is mint, luckily i did all of the above, im just scared that i wont get my registration for ages - which means ill have to get a job doing something else for now, which is strange as ive been nursing for the last 8 years!


Did you find it difficult getting job/sponsorship?


Ive always been a surgical nurse and specialised in upper gastrointestinal surgery which i know and love! ive been looking but there isnt a great deal of surgical nursing jobs that i can see!

2 of my friends are already in Sydney, there not nurses but 1 does work for a medical recruitment agency and tells me not to worry as she'll find me a job.

problem is im a worrier, and we have very little savings and will ned to find employment straight away!

My plan is to get a working holiday visa get out there and well hopefully everything will come together??!!


Any advice would be greatly appreciated


Melissa x x

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Hi Emma, how exciting, oh and ofcourse having lovely uniforms lol....Hope it all goes really well for you! Dont think I'll miss the nhs at the moment, but probably will miss my job as I'm very lucky to have a mon-fri job with on call service, so i'll probably end up back in the acute hospital setting, I am however a little scared as we have two children and will have no support network out there to help with childcare whilst i'm probably working unsociable hours, plus i dont to work opposite shifts to my husband all the time as we'll never be together as a family which defeats the object of moving.....i'm hoping it will all work out somehow!! Thanks again for all your help xx


Hi Claire,


I'm intrigued, your job sounds the same as mine...what do you do if you don't mind me asking? Where you hoping to relocate to?


Sara x


Ps £90 for 3 docs sounds a lot. I had mine done for £120 for approx 10 docs, had to go back with more that i'd forgotten and pay again but prob would have got away with just the one fee if I'd realised. Shop around as most solicitors have someone who is registered for Notary Services xx

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Really pulling my hair out with this application form. Can someone please help me!!!


I am on question 26 (English language skills)


I have completed more than 5 years full time education in English but rather than list all the courses and provide transcripts I thought it would be easier just to request my IELTS result to be sent (needed this for my skills assessment).


Just wondering what others have put for this question and what did you provide?


Cheers :0)

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Guest claire and paul

Hi Sara,


I work as a community high dependency nurse with spinal patients some of which are ventilated, what about you? We are hoping to re-locate to Adelaide but its all going a little pear shaped as my husband qualifies as a learning disability nurse in september, and its not recognised there apparently!! Where are you hoping to go?


I will shop around for prices re docs, thanks. Speak soon (its really nice to chat with people doing the same thing) xx

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Hi Sara,


I work as a community high dependency nurse with spinal patients some of which are ventilated, what about you? We are hoping to re-locate to Adelaide but its all going a little pear shaped as my husband qualifies as a learning disability nurse in september, and its not recognised there apparently!! Where are you hoping to go?


I will shop around for prices re docs, thanks. Speak soon (its really nice to chat with people doing the same thing) xx


Hi Claire,


I work as an Endoscopy nurse full-time 4 days a week (Mon-Fri) and I do emergency on-call too so its more similar hours to you than the role itself. Its great being able to work Mon-Fri with weekends off(unless on-call of course), I think this is what I will miss too and like you will probably end up in an acute hospital setting. However I have seen my role advertised quite a few times over there so you never know I might just get lucky (I hope). Search around you never know what might come up. Do you want to do the same kind of nursing out there?


Learning disabilities is a tricky one, maybe there is work similar but not as a nurse if you know what I mean. I remember watching a WDU Revisted recently where a guy found a job similar to his but in a different setting and he got paid loads too! It might be that you OH just has to look further a field, out of the box if you will. I'm sure his skills will be useful somewhere. Or could he re-train out there?


My OH will have just left the military so were having dilemmas about what he is going to do. Were looking at study/apprenticeships just anything where he can get a good career. Won't be easy but fingers crossed we will do it.


We are hoping to relocate to Melbourne, Iv been 3 times, the last visit being a 3 month elective placement at a private hospital that I did as part of my nurse training, it was a great experience. Love Melbourne and cant wait to make the move!!! We haven't discussed our plans with anyone yet (friends or family) so its great to come on here and talk to everyone. Good place to make friends too :biggrin: and great info & advice, has really helped.


Sorry Iv rambled on a little...good talking to you. Sara xxx

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Guest claire and paul

Hi Sara,


I used to work in recovery for 3yrs, so worked closely with the endoscopy nurses....I think I will try to go back into recovery/anaesthetics as i dont fancy going back on the wards! I think i saw that programme too, OH will have to be permanent resident to apply for the government jobs, so i think were gonna go out on a 457 visa and he will work as a hca/enrolled nurse until we gain PR.


We have also considered Mellbourne, its brilliant that you've been able to go out there to work. Was it very different? silly question i know! Did you do this through the school of nursing or agency?


Hope it all goes well for your OH, i'm sure it will all work out (as i'm hoping ours will). We told our families 3 weeks ago (extremely difficult and emotional) but i feel better now we've done it....our house is going on the market within the next couple of weeks and we hope to move Jan 2013 (scary). I'm just starting the paper work for oz registration, I just need more time in a day lol...speak soon Claire xx

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Hi Sara,


I used to work in recovery for 3yrs, so worked closely with the endoscopy nurses....I think I will try to go back into recovery/anaesthetics as i dont fancy going back on the wards! I think i saw that programme too, OH will have to be permanent resident to apply for the government jobs, so i think were gonna go out on a 457 visa and he will work as a hca/enrolled nurse until we gain PR.


We have also considered Mellbourne, its brilliant that you've been able to go out there to work. Was it very different? silly question i know! Did you do this through the school of nursing or agency?


Hope it all goes well for your OH, i'm sure it will all work out (as i'm hoping ours will). We told our families 3 weeks ago (extremely difficult and emotional) but i feel better now we've done it....our house is going on the market within the next couple of weeks and we hope to move Jan 2013 (scary). I'm just starting the paper work for oz registration, I just need more time in a day lol...speak soon Claire xx


I don't fancy the wards either but will if I have to as we are hoping to go on a 457 visa too then apply for PR once were out there. Also if its anything like I experienced its not so bad as the wards I worked on had 5:1 patient to nurse ratio which compared to here is not so bad.


In my final year of training we had what the called 'elective placements' when we could choose to work anywhere we fancied be it a ward/area you like or somewhere completely different or away like I did. I had to fund it all myself, flights/accommodation but it was well worth it.


Ideally I want to go to Melbourne as I fell in love with it the moment I saw it back in 2001 but I'm keeping my options open and will consider other states if the job suits. Luckily we don't have a house to sell as we rent at present but we do need to get together a healthy sum of savings and have reluctantly sold our gorgeous car (down grading quite drastically) and started to get rid of lots of other things in preparation.


Were hoping to be out there by the end of the year all being well and are not planning to take much with us except things of sentimental value hoping for a nice fresh start. Hopefully once Reg eligibility is confirmed we can plan properly.


Good luck with sale of house. Hope all goes well for you both too. Let me know how your getting on. Speak soon.

Sara xxx


P.s no question is silly on here :biggrin:

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Really pulling my hair out with this application form. Can someone please help me!!!


I am on question 26 (English language skills)


I have completed more than 5 years full time education in English but rather than list all the courses and provide transcripts I thought it would be easier just to request my IELTS result to be sent (needed this for my skills assessment).


Just wondering what others have put for this question and what did you provide?


Cheers :0)


Hi Mummy Mann,


I listed my secondary education (attached my GCSE certificates), college and uni as well


Sara xxx

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Guest claire and paul

Hi Mummy Mann


I'm providing certificate of GSCE's,GNVQ and school of nursing, and a letter from my school to confirm I was taught and assessed in english.



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Guest claire and paul

Hi Sara


What a brilliant experience, wards dont sound too bad then! I think we too will have to go where the work is....Sounds like things are moving foward for you both, I'm just filling my ahpra form, think i'm going to send it to Adelaide or Mellbourne office as it's apparently quicker, where did you send yours? Thanks again for all the info, speak soon Claire xx

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Guest annieandjake

hi all i am currently in the process of preparing for 175/176 and was arranging ilelts course for march. Do i not need it?? looked on site http://www.anmac.org.au/userfiles/file/international_docs/On-Line%20Application%20Information%201%20july%202011.pdf and at point 6 says need one of two tests, have i missed something? thanks i getting worried do i not need full assessment? xx

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Hi Sara


What a brilliant experience, wards dont sound too bad then! I think we too will have to go where the work is....Sounds like things are moving foward for you both, I'm just filling my ahpra form, think i'm going to send it to Adelaide or Mellbourne office as it's apparently quicker, where did you send yours? Thanks again for all the info, speak soon Claire xx


Hi Claire,


I sent mine to Adelaide, from what Iv read on here the smaller offices seem to process quicker. Melbourne might have same sort of waiting time as Perth as its one of the larger offices so I didn't want to risk sending it there and having to wait forever. Fingers crossed the theory works. Will let you know my progress.


Sara xxx

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hi all i am currently in the process of preparing for 175/176 and was arranging ilelts course for march. Do i not need it?? looked on site http://www.anmac.org.au/userfiles/file/international_docs/On-Line Application Information 1 july 2011.pdf and at point 6 says need one of two tests, have i missed something? thanks i getting worried do i not need full assessment? xx


I think you need it for visa app but not AHPRA if you have been taught in English xxx

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