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Here we go again!


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Well, my boxes arrived yesterday for my move back to Edinburgh! It does not feel that long since I was in Edinburgh feeling excited about my move here. It’s funny how things work out eh!!

I am sad that things did not work out the way I had hoped and had I had more fight in me I might have tried to give it a go here but it’s been one thing after another and I just want to go home now!

It was hard enough for me coming here and starting a new on my own but when my partner (ex) arrived 6 weeks later and ended our 10 year relationship it ended my hopes for Oz too. I have not coped well with the split and it’s not just the loss of my partner but it’s the loss of my best friend.

I have to now sell house we bought in UK and that too is causing me concern as the market is so dire we will probably lose money!

I have had issues at work too and as the result had to lodge a bullying complaint against an Exec which meant an investigation etc. That too was not very nice and going through the way I feel just mind it worse. My claims were up held I this person is now being dealt with but it has made work quite unpleasant. To top it all off now I have just been informed that due to the restructuring of the organisation I will be jobless within the next 3 months! :arghh:

So, as you can see it has not been a barrel of laughs for me since I got here and like I said just don’t have the want to try anymore!

I am now looking forward to a new start back in Edinburgh.

Thanks to all on PIO who have been a great support!

Roll on 2012!


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Guest Guest31881

Look to the future and try to forget the past. And when your relationship breaks up so far from home it needs strength and courage to face the road ahead, I am convinced you have enough of both to see you through.


Good luck for the future.

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Guest Guest16631

:hug::hug::hug:..................good luck in your new jouney..................a new life..............new experiences ...............I wish you the best..............and all the happiness you deserve........................tink x:smile:

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:hug::hug: Sheesh, never rains but it pours does it? :hug:


Its never stopped pouring since I arrived and now I'm drowning!!!:wacko:

You seem so much happier now you are back 'home' and I hope that I am too!

How are you finding the UK? Is it as gloomy as the media is saying?





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Guest guest17301
Well, my boxes arrived yesterday for my move back to Edinburgh! It does not feel that long since I was in Edinburgh feeling excited about my move here. It’s funny how things work out eh!!

I am sad that things did not work out the way I had hoped and had I had more fight in me I might have tried to give it a go here but it’s been one thing after another and I just want to go home now!

It was hard enough for me coming here and starting a new on my own but when my partner (ex) arrived 6 weeks later and ended our 10 year relationship it ended my hopes for Oz too. I have not coped well with the split and it’s not just the loss of my partner but it’s the loss of my best friend.

I have to now sell house we bought in UK and that too is causing me concern as the market is so dire we will probably lose money!

I have had issues at work too and as the result had to lodge a bullying complaint against an Exec which meant an investigation etc. That too was not very nice and going through the way I feel just mind it worse. My claims were up held I this person is now being dealt with but it has made work quite unpleasant. To top it all off now I have just been informed that due to the restructuring of the organisation I will be jobless within the next 3 months! :arghh:

So, as you can see it has not been a barrel of laughs for me since I got here and like I said just don’t have the want to try anymore!

I am now looking forward to a new start back in Edinburgh.

Thanks to all on PIO who have been a great support!

Roll on 2012!



What a ****ty hand youve been dealt in 2011 Emma...maybe one day you will return in better circumstances. All part of lifes rich tapestry. I wish you tons of love and luck for 2012, enjoy your return and let the people you love look after you x

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Look what what you have been through alone must have seemed overwhelming and frankly earth shattering, but you can and will recover. I can say this unequivocally, the last 4-5 years, I have a ride from hell, the only saving grace has been my stubbornness and resilience that have kept me going divorce, burying family, moving two continents, failing relationship, no work in OZ, and financial losses (exchange rates, investments etc) but you do continue to breathe and rethink the priorities of life, self and make new plans.


I am a half empty glass type, not what I don't have as most would assume, but rather what can I achieve and preserve and protect what I do have. I prefer sunrises, why simply the opportunity a new day will bring. Look, if you want someone who will listen when you are down, feel free to email me or PM whatever. Listening costs nothing and I have plenty of free time.


Rgds and Best of luck, hang in there and know that there are always alternate solutions to problems we just cant always see them when we are in the middle looking out.




PS If I have missed the mark on this sorry!

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Its never stopped pouring since I arrived and now I'm drowning!!!:wacko:

You seem so much happier now you are back 'home' and I hope that I am too!

How are you finding the UK? Is it as gloomy as the media is saying?






Sooooo much happier!


Not finding it gloomy but we are in a different position with not needing to find a job or a home but we are looking after a pair of not very well elderly parents and dealing with the system in the process and I must say the service has been fantastic. I havent yet come across any curmudgeons but I am sure there will be some around and of course people are worried about the financial situation (the Aussies should be just as worried, they have further to fall!) but for the most part they are getting on with it and there is so much to do/get involved with in such a small area. Of my acquaintance, my daughter in law is the only one who is fearful for her job but she has a well entrenched sense of paranoia at the best of times and I think she is quite safe for a while yet.


I do hope it all works out for you - Edinburgh is one of my favourite places and we were up there in September - fabulous! I hope that the opportunities are there for you as well as the support network :hug:

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I love the feeling of being in edinburgh, all the hustle and bustle, the castle and always hear bagpipes and something like that so you'll find it amazing when you get home. excited for you! if we dont go to oz then im thinking of moving nearer to edinburgh too


I know and I took it all for granted before I came to Oz but now I cant wait to get back to it and I am going to appreciate it for what it is....a fab city!


Woo Hoo!!!!!



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Well, my boxes arrived yesterday for my move back to Edinburgh! It does not feel that long since I was in Edinburgh feeling excited about my move here. It’s funny how things work out eh!!

I am sad that things did not work out the way I had hoped and had I had more fight in me I might have tried to give it a go here but it’s been one thing after another and I just want to go home now!

It was hard enough for me coming here and starting a new on my own but when my partner (ex) arrived 6 weeks later and ended our 10 year relationship it ended my hopes for Oz too. I have not coped well with the split and it’s not just the loss of my partner but it’s the loss of my best friend.

I have to now sell house we bought in UK and that too is causing me concern as the market is so dire we will probably lose money!

I have had issues at work too and as the result had to lodge a bullying complaint against an Exec which meant an investigation etc. That too was not very nice and going through the way I feel just mind it worse. My claims were up held I this person is now being dealt with but it has made work quite unpleasant. To top it all off now I have just been informed that due to the restructuring of the organisation I will be jobless within the next 3 months!

So, as you can see it has not been a barrel of laughs for me since I got here and like I said just don’t have the want to try anymore!

I am now looking forward to a new start back in Edinburgh.

Thanks to all on PIO who have been a great support!

Roll on 2012!

Hi Emma


Stay strong. I have had a 'very interesting' life. Looking back, I realise that although things happened in my life that were painful, I wouldn't be the strong, independant and now happily married woman I am today, without the sh*t I went through.

Wishing you all the best


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Hi Emma


Stay strong. I have had a 'very interesting' life. Looking back, I realise that although things happened in my life that were painful, I wouldn't be the strong, independant and now happily married woman I am today, without the sh*t I went through.

Wishing you all the best



Thanks Linzi....I know once I am over the sadness of it all I will be stronger for it!



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Good luck and let us know how you get on. Give Auld Reekie a hug from us Scots in Oz. I was born in Edinburgh, great city. You are doing the right thing.


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Good luck and let us know how you get on. Give Auld Reekie a hug from us Scots in Oz. I was born in Edinburgh, great city. You are doing the right thing.



I will do! I am really excited about my new start. I was planning on going in Feb but another project has just started at work so looks like it might me end of March now!




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