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what can/should i take on plane


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we fly to oz on 9 october from heathrow.

just wondering what to pack for the journey, bearing in mind we have a 4 year old daughter to keep entertained for the flight to singapore, and then after 2 days stopover, another flight to sydney.


just keep thinking about my hand baggage allowance, and what i can stuff into it.

am i okay to take goodies, toys etc for our young one.


all tips/advice would be fab. will be 13 wks pregnant by the time we go too so hopefully morning sickness will not be an issue.


as we stop in singapore for 2 nights, do we need to have jabs.

sorry for all the questions, but am a right stresshead at the moment, dont want to forget/miss anything vital.


cheers nicola

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I've done this flight too many times with at least one small child - my advice is to put away a few of your daughters favourite small toys and books now, let her have her own backpack or bag for the plane and put these things in it so when she gets them out on the plane she'll be really pleased to see them. I advice sticker books rather than drawing books (picking up crayons/felt tips/pencils off of the floor gets old pretty quick).

If your girl is not a good traveller or sleeper you might like to take some Phenergan syrup with you - it's an antihistamine that you can buy over the counter and may just help her sleep for at least some of the flight (just try it on her before you go though to make sure it does have that effect and not the oposite!).

Not sure who you're flying with but most airlines will have some sort of goodbag for the kids and there are the kids movies and cartoons on the entertainment. Have a look on the airlines website and you should be able to see what you'll have to choose from.

Hope this helps :cute:


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For yourself, buy a Kindle then download a few books to it (if you get any time to read.)


I don't usually like bum bags but for a long flight I love them for the way you can stuff so much in and have it all to hand.


Maybe take a change of trousers/pants just in case you spill something.

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Oh and a change (or two) of clothes, chewy sweets for the take off and landings, a packet of wipes and a little thingy of antibacterial hand gel.

No travel vaccs needed for Singapore and don't forget no chewing gum!

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Defo a change of clothes for your daughter. If its a night flight I'd even go a pair of PJ's as I think familiar things help younger ones settle more easily. We got our son into his PJ's when on a nightflight and he slept 8.5 hours on the first leg to Singapore! Result.


I'd also consider taking a couple of new things you know she is wanting, that are small. A little treat for being good and all that.


Also lots of little biscuit snacks, nibbles, in packets of course. And some Calpol sachets just in case. Much easier than a bottle.


Your daughter can have her own handluggage and it can be of standard size, so make use of it. We crammed loads in for our son. Had to take change of clothes, nappies, wipes, snacks, a few little packs of cereal as we figured he probably wouldn't like the airline selection. Also took small toys and stuff. He was also allowed to use the iPhone to play a few games on to help him stay still.

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Defo a change of clothes for your daughter. If its a night flight I'd even go a pair of PJ's as I think familiar things help younger ones settle more easily. We got our son into his PJ's when on a nightflight and he slept 8.5 hours on the first leg to Singapore! Result.



I bought a change of clothes for my children, never even considered me. So when my daughter got extremely airsick and threw up all over her and me, I was a bit stuck and stinky for the next 18 hours of the flight!!!

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I bought a change of clothes for my children, never even considered me. So when my daughter got extremely airsick and threw up all over her and me, I was a bit stuck and stinky for the next 18 hours of the flight!!!


O dear :( Not nice :eek:


I remember once I bought a tee shirt in the departure lounge as I'd split coffee on my top and wanted to be able to change into something else quickly. Now I usually take a change of clothes when flying long haul. Travelling in jeans and a shirt makes it easy enough.

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I bought a change of clothes for my children, never even considered me. So when my daughter got extremely airsick and threw up all over her and me, I was a bit stuck and stinky for the next 18 hours of the flight!!!



I've done the same - also a plastic bag to put all the sick clothes in.


Plus think - if my luggage was lost or delayed for 48 hrs - do I have enough in my hand luggage to get by?


4 years old is a difficult age, because they are a bit young for the inflight systems, although you may be lucky.

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Hi Nicola


We flew with our 2 kids (4 years and 1.5 years) and thought it was going to be a nightmare but it wasn't that bad. We took a portable DVD player and a few DVD's that the kids like which kept them entertained for quite a while! The air stewards were really good with the kids and giving them treats and talking to them. There were also quite a few kids on the plane which I was surprised about. Hopefully you will be lucky and the kids will sleep for a few hours too!


Good luck :)

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Hi there, my two boys are 2 and 3 and we also found a portable DVD player worth every penny, sticker books kept them amused for ages and a little portable etch-a-sketch was quite useful. Meant they could draw but we weren't scrambling under the seats for lost pens!



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I think trunki's depend on the kid, some parents swear by them since it gives the kid a seat whenever you're stuck in a queue, I guess it depends whether the kid's old enough to pull it along themselves.


What I take for myself:


in hand-luggage:

-full change of clothes (you never know when the kid sat next to you is going to throw up on you, or the steward is going to spill coffee on you - also useful if checked luggage gets lost/delayed).

-swimsuit in sealable plastic bag (for use at singapore airport in transit).


in small bag (handbag or camera bag) to go under seat in front (i.e. the stuff I actually want accessible during the flight):

-fleece booties (I often travel in walking boots, so it's nice to be able to remove them during the flight, but I always get cold feet)

-toiletries (toothbrush+paste, small hairbrush, wet wipes, alcohol gel, deodorant, eye drops, lip balm, moisturiser - these last three are essential for me to combat the dry air on the planes)


-headphones and two pin adapter

-phone, wallet, camera, passport, travel documents

-PEN! (I always forget this one, you need a pen to fill out arrivals card before you land, otherwise everyone overtakes you while you fill it out and you spend ages in immigration.)


I also always take a thick jacket with me to use as a pillow or extra blanket if it's chilly. For long haul flights I always travel in strappy top, hoodie, tracksuit bottoms, compression socks. (I find jeans uncomfortable to sit in for long periods of time, and they can restrict circulation when origami-ing myself into a position I can sleep in.)


For the little un, might be worth putting some toys aside for the second flight from Singapore.

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Guest liltman

Hi Guy's...


See a few of you have flown to Singapore before ( going me self soon with Singapore Airlines ) do you get the small travel packs with them, you know ... earplugs, sleeping mask etc...... or do you pay on plane or take your own? :hug: Thanks in advance...

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Hi Guy's...


See a few of you have flown to Singapore before ( going me self soon with Singapore Airlines ) do you get the small travel packs with them, you know ... earplugs, sleeping mask etc...... or do you pay on plane or take your own? :hug: Thanks in advance...



Hiya Liltman

Cant remember getting earplugs or sleeping mask tbh,but it WAS 3 yrs ago,got earphones and toothbrush etc tho,really good i thought,hope yer have a good trip,harrys bar on the roof of singy airport btw!:biggrin:

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Good quality Noise Cancelling Headphones and a Kindle for SURE!!

I know it won't necessarily always help if you've got kids, but it's amazing how nicer it makes it to get rid of the background 'hum' of the engines - and you can still hear stuff around you.

My husband threatened to complain about his set because they didn't cancel out the sound of me talking..... (don't worry a thorough beating resulted)


Singapore has AV on demand, so prob won't need a portable DVD player, but a friend of mine swears by her system of 'little bits of everything'.

A puzzle book or two, an old faithful toy, a new exciting toy (bought in the airport which also keeps them entertained whilst you have time to kill). Plus some familiar snacks and bottle juice or water (in case the flight attendants aren't as quick as you like. Just don't rely totally on electronic toys as they have to be switched off during take-off and landing - which will almost certainly be when they pick up on your stress...


Love the PJ's idea - I pack light-weight slippers and they're a god-send. (Shoes are always off, but walking into the loo without them is a little ERRRGHHHHH)

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Hi Guy's...


See a few of you have flown to Singapore before ( going me self soon with Singapore Airlines ) do you get the small travel packs with them, you know ... earplugs, sleeping mask etc...... or do you pay on plane or take your own? :hug: Thanks in advance...


I don't think any airline does earplugs anymore. At least not in the economy sections :cute: But yes, you should get the small flight packs. But they like the reusable stuff returned at the end. Blanket, pillow, earphones and snack and water bottle usually. O and the old eye mask. They tend to be particularly hot on the earphones coming back.


Gone are the days of warm socks and hot towels also.

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Hi, We have done this flight too. We took our daughter at 9 weeks, again at 2 years (when i was 20 weeks pregnant) and will be doing it via hong kong this november with a 4 year old and our 18 month old son!


We always book night flights. We talk about it heaps before so they know exactly what will happen and try and keep the routine the same, milk, stories, pyjamas etc!


We let our daughter have her own bag and choose toys as well as hiding a few toys weeks before to surprise her with. We did a few little wrapped up lucky dips so when the dvd player ran out batteries and she was fed up of the toys she had, she could choose a lucky dip and that bought us a few more peaceful hours!


we always call the airline and make sure we have requested childrens meals but take lots of snacks in case she doesn't like it! Definitely take spare clothes for the entire family just in case and enough supplies in case of lost luggage on your stopover or final destination.


A bit of careful planning and you'll sail through it! hope this helps and sorry its long!!


Pom diddly :biggrin:

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