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Just got to tell all my P5 onshore friends that one of my friend who applied on 9 may 2008 got a CO on 25 jan.CO is from team 31 and he is requested medical and Australian and Indian police clearence.it means they are way ahead than what it is in recent update which have February 2008.

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Just got to tell all my P5 onshore friends that one of my friend who applied on 9 may 2008 got a CO on 25 jan.CO is from team 31 and he is requested medical and Australian and Indian police clearence.it means they are way ahead than what it is in recent update which have February 2008.


How about form 80?

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Guest bhawani82
How about form 80?

You dont need to submit form 80 even my case officer has asked me for indian police clearance, afp check and medicals..

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Just got to tell all my P5 onshore friends that one of my friend who applied on 9 may 2008 got a CO on 25 jan.CO is from team 31 and he is requested medical and Australian and Indian police clearence.it means they are way ahead than what it is in recent update which have February 2008.


Hi I am a 13 May 2008 applicant. what occupation was yur friends? does anyone know how long it will take for an Indian police clearance to be finished?

Im scared to be hopeful!!! but 9th May is like 4 days before my application!

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Even a 100,000 job hit will dent the unemployment rate by all of around 1% roughly. Australia still has plenty of room in the monetary policy area to loosen up, and unemployment is very tame, at least compared to the rest of the developed world.


Don't ignore the fact that mining and resources projects are still strong, and there's no indication any large investment in resources is under any threat as yet.




couldn't agree with you more twister292. Unemployment in Australia is very tame INDEED! well-researched! here is some proof that Suncorp, Vodafone and Wespac eventually followed suit like Toyota and ANZ taming unemployed Australians! (let alone people on work visas.. mate) http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/companies/westpac-forecasts-job-cuts-suncorp-sends-back-office-work-to-india/story-fn91v9q3-1226253683491, and for Vodafone http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/Vodafone-Australia-to-cut-jobs-costs-memo-pd20120124-QTQSL?OpenDocument&src=hp15. and again, Dont let what ANZ and Toyota just did slide off you memory. who's next ? Happy Oz day twister292 best of luck with you 885 visa application. it won't be long mate :notworthy:

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Hi Stuck he has done printing & graphics diploma.how about you? Are you onshore as well !!


i have applied as hairdresser.Onshore online application.

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You dont need to submit form 80 even my case officer has asked me for indian police clearance, afp check and medicals..


pardon for my ignorance, could anyone explain what is the form 80 used for?


and in regards to the overseas police clearance, to my knowledge, if you previously have submitted an overseas police check, you dont need a new one if you haven't been staying overseas for more than a certain amount of months

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pardon for my ignorance, could anyone explain what is the form 80 used for?


and in regards to the overseas police clearance, to my knowledge, if you previously have submitted an overseas police check, you dont need a new one if you haven't been staying overseas for more than a certain amount of months

http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/80.pdf it is kind of summary


do you know what "certain time" is?

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Form 80 is sometimes hard to fill as they ask about countries you travelled in 10 last years. I travelled to more countries I can remember. Have to go trhu the photos, seeing all my exs and it basically just repeats the data they already have.

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Form 80 is sometimes hard to fill as they ask about countries you travelled in 10 last years. I travelled to more countries I can remember. Have to go trhu the photos, seeing all my exs and it basically just repeats the data they already have.


Ah....i think i already did this when my agent ask for the last 10 years of travel


the certain amount of time if im not wrong is about 3-6 months

i could be wrong, but i think, logically it would require more than 1 month to apply for overseas police check

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Guest Outa Heah

Regarding migration and job availability discussion...Just to be precise and not to mislead anyone out there planning to chase the 'Australian [day]dream' :daydreaming:.. By 'finding a job' I meant finding a job in your area of expertise. If you are happy cleaning, wiping desks, packing things, toilet scrubbing and what not (with your degree) then that's a story for another day...

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This article is so full of nonsense, it's not even funny...


for example:

"Tertiary students, the backbone of retail and hospitality, who are eligible for rent allowance can get up to $522.10 a week"...this sentence is pure and utter nonsense.




It's $522 a fortnight and that's if your getting the max rent assistance which you only get if your rent is more than $400 a fortnight.


The writer has consistently written every Centrelink fortnightly payment as weekly...or perhaps he doesn't know that a fortnight has 2 weeks in it.

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haha the reporter is from the Daily Telegraph. There goes the reporter's credibility.


I guess the essence of his story was the import of foreigners to fill Aussie jobs - a time where Australians have been crying out that these foreign workers are "stealing" their jobs when in fact they do not want to do them especially unskilled work. For skilled jobs, like a medical specialist, it takes 20 years post high school education and training to become one. Therefore a local cannot simply fill this position in the short term. The worker has to be outsourced from elsewhere.

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It would be interesting to see the stats on how many foreigners actually start their own business over in oz and create employment. We are looking at the bottom of the employment scale, which might be little short-sighted if you ask me. Australia does not continue immigration just to fill 'low-paid' jobs. I do not believe that for one minute. I'm sure the majority benefit the Economy tremendously and don't forget the native population is actually getting older, thus in need of a good workforce. As to getting there and not being able to get your dream-job, well again, this happens the world over. You will have to be a bit more flexible, unless of course you are offered such a job before going. By flexible I mean, take a job related to what you want to do, or even become self-employed. Remember this is a 'young' country and the beauty of Australia is that the sky's the limit. Its a challenge you should wish to rise to it, not lament in not being spoon-fed. Sorry for these extreme views, but my motto has always been to try and try again.

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I agree with you Bluecatcollectables.


However, it is also an objective of DIMIA to import skills that cannot be filled by the aging population overnight. What's the point of importing someone who is a Accountant in their home country when they have no intention whatsoever of staying as one here. I know many cases of this. In the end they have a +1 (or more if they come with their family) to the Australian population and the shortage persists. Luckily DIMIA have realized this loop hole and it is closing fast.


I also understand that people want to start new lives as well. However their views are inconsistent with this objective of DIMIA. There are other visas for these people to apply (eg business visas). There is also the case where you have mentioned where new migrants are not getting the jobs they are trained/qualified for. This highlights that qualifications and work experience back in one's home country doesn't necessarily guarantee a job here. Hence the need to be retrained in Australia. It takes persistence to achieve the Australian dream. Mine hasn't been fully realized yet...it will take at least another ten years but it's a work in progress. :biggrin:


All the best Cat5ers!

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Hi Guys,


I am a 13th May 2008 Applicant. My Case officer has been allocated and im over the moon. I cant beleive its happening after more than 3.5 years. the problem now though is that im seven months pregnant. Can anyone advise me about what i should do?

Can i ask for a waiver if the X-ray?

Do i have to wait for the PR stamping till after my baby is born?


has anyone been in my situation....

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Hi Guys,


I am a 13th May 2008 Applicant. My Case officer has been allocated and im over the moon. I cant beleive its happening after more than 3.5 years. the problem now though is that im seven months pregnant. Can anyone advise me about what i should do?

Can i ask for a waiver if the X-ray?

Do i have to wait for the PR stamping till after my baby is born?


has anyone been in my situation....


I have a friend in ur situation, and she was asked to take the X-ray once she gave birth, and her visa was given after

her baby was born.

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