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Couple wanting to move to Oz - noobie questions

Ben and Pea

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Hi all


We would likely apply in the next year or two with my wife being the main visa applicant. She is currently a secondary PE teacher in Scotland.


A couple of questions:

What is the likelihood of us obtaining a visa with this as her job? I see it's on the skills list but is it actually a viable position to be able to obtain a job/visa out there?


Where is good in Scotland to go to actually speak to someone face to face about our move/application? We are near Edinburgh, can't seem to find information on this.


We are both 28 and my job is not particularly well paid in HR, will this affect our application?



Ben and Pea

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Guest siamsusie

Welcome to Poms in Oz Ben & Pea,


Hopefully you can get some answers to your questions.

Also by posting under Education you might receive a quicker reply .


I hope you enjoy the forum.



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If you're after the work-holiday 1 year visa - you can apply for it before you're 30. Then apply for jobs to see the sort of interest.


For a more permanent visa - you can check your and your partners data against the point system and see if you're eligible.


Good luck - just joined online here and about to be in Auz hunting ourselves in a month! :)

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We have thought about going over for a year first. That would be good to get an idea of the job market. Good advice.


My partner is definately eligible for the points system (and the new one from 1st July) - even if you appear to have enough points, what else might stop you? I'm trying to guage how hard it would be to get a visa.


Do they have set quotas of secondary school teachers they can intake?

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I would apply sooner rather than later as things change and it seems like it will get even harder from July 2012.


The new rules from 1st July will apply to you as you will not get skills assessment done before then. So have a look at the new points test and read the booklet on skilled migration from immigration website.


Have a look on immi.gov.au for all the info you need. This is the official one.


Once you have your visa you have up to 5 years to settle in oz, although you must make an initial entry within a year of your medicals/police checks (many people go on a reccie and return to the UK).

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Hi, although your wife is the main visa applicant, depending upon your skills and experience, you might find that your HR work and prospects are better in Sydney. I also work in HR and UK experience is highly valued as the legal system in the UK is complex and Australia, with the new labour government, is following some of the same pieces of legislation and experience with the practical applications of this is well regarded. HR work is also quite well paid compared to the UK. It is worth investigating further..... for info and up to date listing of HR jobs, I recommend subscribing to the weekly circulation of Jobs in HR at http://www.jobsinhr.com.au/subscribe


Good Luck!

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As you're both 28 I'd go for a year work/holiday first


Most people I know love Auz - one couple moved there. The rest want to (but don't) but it would give you a nice easy taste test and still allow you to go fully, either when you're there, or after for the 5 year work visa!


Plus the work holiday visa is cheap and easy to get! :laugh:

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Teachers are ten a penny here so your best bet in the first instance might be to try and get a teacher exchange for a year - you basically exchange lives (jobs, cars, houses etc) to suss it out. In some states you just dont pick up jobs in "nice" places where every man and his dog wants to live, if you want a permanent teaching position (in gov anyway) then you have to do the hard yards in a hard to fill place before you get points which will support any application to a plum position.

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Guest Scotinaus

Hi I am so from Edinburgh and now live in Melbourne working in HR! There are certainly a lot of HR roles around at the moment (I don't include recruitment roles when I say HR but there are lots of them around too)! I don't think Sydney has a bigger HR industry per se, but it is a bigger city so might be more jobs... I much prefer Melbourne though, but the weather doesn't sound everyone. It's distinctly Scottish at times! It really depends on your interests as to where you might settle. HR roles do seem quite well paid whn I compare them to ones I have seen recently in London, and I imagine those salaries are higherthan elsewhere in the UK.


I think getting your one year WHV to see if you like it here is a good idea while you can still do it. That's what we did! Have you been to Oz on holiday?


Good luck with everything - I am visiting the Burgh in 5 weeks and can't wait!

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We went for a month on honeymoon. Did all the tourist type stuff along the queensland coast. We loved it. Going on a work visa first seems ideal (while we can :))


With regards to people saying there are alot of teachers out there. Does this affect getting a permanent visa where the main applicant is a teacher? Or would this make no difference?

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Guest Scotinaus

I think as long as teaching is on the skilled list you should be ok.... plus, you don't really have much choice as I don't think HR is on the occupations list! Its always a bit of a waiting game and there are no hard and fast rules as to how long these things take unfortunately..... ours were always really quick but some people on here seem to have to wait ages, even years!


We always applied for visas (apart from the WHV one) when we were in Oz, which might have helped but obviously you can't apply for all visas if you are already here.


QLD is great but the other parts of Aus are very different so do some research before you arrive, or plan to spend a bit of time in the couple of places you think you might like. We planned to do 3 months in Melbourne, 3 months in Sydney then travel for 6 months and back home.... we never left Melbourne and are here 7 years later! We have of course travelled extensively throughout Australia now though - its an amazing country.

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Guest GMERIN53

We also used OE Visas in Edinburgh - just got our visa last Friday. Would definately recommend them - they were excellent.

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To answer your question about quotas and likelihood of job affecting the visa grant - for the 175 visa (the 'live anywhere, GSM, takes 12-24 months to be granted' visa) there aren't quotas and I don't believe that whether you can or can't get a job affects the visa - you aren't tied to working in the same job you get granted your visa either, so this isn't an issue. Whilst there is always the possibility DIAC will refuse a visa imho, generally if you meet all the basic eligibilty criteria (as laid out on the DIAC website), and get enough points, and you won't fail health or police checks, then you should get granted. Basically, yes you will get the visa on your wife's skills - all you have to worry about is if the job (Secondary School Teacher) is on the SOL 3 or not (which it is currently, and they have announced that it will not be taken off on 1st July 2011).


If you go for the 176 visa there will be issues (this is the faster granted visa, but you are tied to a state for two years), as you have to be on a state's SMP, and I don't think PE Secondary teacher is on any of them (only Science and Maths type secondary teachers on the few that have Secondary teachers as an extra requirement). If they change the SMP to include PE Teacher, then they do have quotas for those - however as I say your wife (I think - I'm only constantly checking SA's SMP as that is who we are applying for) isn't eligible currently for any SS, so I don't think this would affect you anyway.


Hope that helps :)

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Guest Elbow
Thanks for that


Just the sort of tips we were after



Hi guys


My husband is a Chartered Accountant and we obtained Skilled Migrant Visa's really quickly through a company called Fragomen. They were brilliant the link is http://www.fragomen.com/


Good luck :spinny:

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Guest kimmie192008

Anyone from Perth? We are moving at the end of the year and looking to meet people/friends. I love rock climbing and would love to continue and my partner is a fan of sailing. We have a 16 month old girl who loves everything :) Any advice would be greatly appreciated

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