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URGENT HELP needed to stay!!!!!

Guest lols

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Guest lols

This is a very complicated story, but I'm hoping someone has been in my position or who has any ide what I should do ..


I'm 19, and I came over in 2010 on a 457 skilled migrant visa, however the visa is my mums visa and me and the rest of my family came over as dependents on her. Anyway, she has decided that in march 2012 she is going back to the uk to live. She won't apply for residency and I can't apply on my own, on that visa.


As you all no, I have 28 days to leave the country when she leaves. So where does this leave me??


I am a qualified hairdresser + I work in an amazing salon in underwood, but its a small family run business and is not a well enough established business to sponser me, we have already tried and the application got refused on those grounds.


So, I called immigration and they pretty much told me there was nothing I can do, but there MUST be a way I can stay here??

I looked at 'off shore permemnant resident' costs about 6 grand and can take up to 18 months, so I need something else for the meantime when they go home because I do NOT want to go back to the uk.


I need help. Any ideas would be much appreciated and I feel like I'm losing my mind because I love australia and really want to stay here. I wouldd do whatever it takes so anyone, HELP ME :)


Lauren x

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Guest lols

To work in tony and guy u have to do THERE apprentaship, and I'm not keen on another 3 years training.

I'm very happy in the salon I'm in at the moment anyway I just need a visa some other way! ?


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You'll have to give up on the idea getting any other visa if you want to work for your current employer unless the state you're working in is offering sponsorship to hairdressers with your qualifications and experience.


That only leaves employer sponsorship as an option and you've already explored that possibility with your current employer.


As a short term solution. you can get a 12 month Working Holiday visa. You can only apply offshore so it would mean a quick trip to NZ, but that would then give you 12 months breathing room. On a WHV, you can only work for each employer for 6 months but you would then have the second 6 of your 12 months to look elsewhere for sponsorship.

http://www.immi.gov.au/visitors/working-holiday/417/ WHV

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I was going to suggest a working holiday visa as well. It is a a 12-mth visa but I believe if you do 3months charity or farming type work you can extend it for 2yrs. Only problem is that you can only work for 1 employer for 6mths max.....meaning you'd be in the same position again in 6 months time... I would recommend getting this visa and looking for work with another business that are established enough to sponsor you.



There are also some of the big recruitment companies that can sponsor you and then subcontract you to businesses - a service generally taken up by smaller businesses that don't have the resources to offer it internally. I'm not sure what jobs can and can't do this though? Regardless this would probably work out pricey for your company though as they would charge a fee upfront to do it and then as they would be paying you through their systems they would also charge your employer a fair bit on top of your hourly rate to cover super, taxes and admin.....etc.

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I am a qualified hairdresser + I work in an amazing salon in underwood, but its a small family run business and is not a well enough established business to sponser me, we have already tried and the application got refused on those grounds.


There are ways around this.

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Guest lols

Well my boss had a very long chat with the immigration officers and he said, to save u wasting any more money I would suggest that u pull out now bcause there is a very very unlikely chance that u will be approved to be a sponser.

I love my salon, and its half the reason I want to stay here so leaving that job is very inconvenient!


I have been looking at a 175 residency visa, and I fit the criteria. Only bummer is it can take up to 18 months.

Bridging visas, how long can u stay in the country if u have one of those?


Any body no?

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I have been looking at a 175 residency visa, and I fit the criteria. Only bummer is it can take up to 18 months.

Bridging visas, how long can u stay in the country if u have one of those?


Any body no?


You're not eligible to apply for a 175 because your occupation isn't on the current SOL. You may become eligible if it is put back on the new SOL that is due to be released soon (unlikely given the history of the occupation and immigration), but even then you may have trouble passing the new points test (though it isn't set in concrete yet). Even if you can apply for a 175, it's an offshore visa so you would not get a bridging visa and would have to leave Australia if it didn't come through before your WHV expires.


Westly Russell says there may be ways around your dilemma and he is an RMA. Sounds like you should be consulting a professional.

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Guest lols

I looked on the SOL and it says hairdressers are on there!!! :/ oh dear. Now I have no idea what to do!


Can an australian resident sponser me? Just a friend or colleague. Or does it not work like that?

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Guest siamsusie

Wesley who is a registered Agent has suggested you seek professional advice, which is the avenue I would go down!


Best wishes



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I looked on the SOL and it says hairdressers are on there!!! :/ oh dear. Now I have no idea what to do!


Can an australian resident sponser me? Just a friend or colleague. Or does it not work like that?


Here is the current SOL:



Apart from employer or state/territory government sponsorship, you can only be sponsored by fairly close family (child, parent, sibling, niece/nephew, aunt uncle) and only if your occupation is on the above SOL. From 1 July, family sponsorship will only be available fr provisional visas and only in regional areas.

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I looked on the SOL and it says hairdressers are on there!!! :/ oh dear. Now I have no idea what to do!


Can an australian resident sponser me? Just a friend or colleague. Or does it not work like that?


Here is the current SOL:



Apart from employer or state/territory government sponsorship, you can only be sponsored by fairly close family (child, parent, sibling, niece/nephew, aunt uncle) and only if your occupation is on the above SOL. From 1 July, family sponsorship will only be available fr provisional visas and only in regional areas.


lols - you're really clutching at straws and time is running out for you. PLEASE get some professional advice.

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