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Germaine says kill your dogs!

Glad I Moved

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The poor old dear really shouldn't be allowed out by herself...


From today's Sydney Morning Herald:


"Outspoken Australian feminist Germaine Greer has launched a stinging attack on domestic dogs, blaming them for the ruination of a protected perennial flower, the English bluebell.


Addressing Britain's Hay Festival on Thursday, the 72-year-old Melbourne-born academic who owns a patch of land covered in the plant that flowers in spring, pointed the finger at toxic dog poo for the plant's scarcity.


"If you love your bluebells, kill your dog," said Greer dramatically, according to Britain's Daily Telegraph website.


She blamed the phosphorous in dog faeces for changing the chemical environment and killing off fungi, essential for the bluebell's survival."


And we thought that dogs were doing it tough down under!

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I think she's a bit like the embarrassing distant cousin to whom no-one in the family really wants to admit being related in case she invites herself to Christmas dinner, drinks all the sherry and ends up staying until March.


I very much doubt that many Australians under the age of 50 would even who she is, let alone want to "claim her" back from the British!

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I think she's a bit like the embarrassing distant cousin to whom no-one in the family really wants to admit being related in case she invites herself to Christmas dinner, drinks all the sherry and ends up staying until March.

ha ha!


"claim her" back from the British!

No way, she was never one of ours. We dont want her. She sounds funny! :D

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From one of my novels:


Customers can eat and drink all day and all night in

the meanest establishment and receive the bill at the end,

very civilised, clip joints excepted. They do not expect to

see you again and try to increase the price with each round,

depending on how drunk you look. Martin has a sad look

about him while we wait for his change. You are allowed a

long enough wait to give up and leave.

The wife has ordered a feast of dog. Forget

rhinoceros horn, ginseng, vitamin E—dog works. You can't

get it down for a month. Martin will rise to the occasion. I

find myself in a moral quandary. Should I tell him? The

English and dogs—I think not.

The wife has had a quiet word with the hotel

manager. It is costing us three thousand pesos for the feast,

about a hundred Stateside dollars. We could have bought the

dog from a market in the province for five hundred. Dogs

for sale lie with their front legs tied behind their shoulders

and their back legs tied together, muzzled with a length of

twine, breathing frantically.

Filipinos respect rabid dogs. If a dog bites, you do

not kill it. You tie it up and see how it shapes up over a

week or so. If the dog carks it, the victim has a choice of

vaccine or death—rabies is usually fatal if not treated.

Vaccine means bankruptcy for the average family. Most

victims here say their prayers and take their chances with

the local medicine men. The mutt we are having for dinner

seems only mangy.

I cannot bring myself to lie, so I tell Martin my wife

has ordered a dish in his honour, kitu, which is Ibanag for

dog. I could have said aso, which is Tagalog for dog, but

there is an outside chance he might have understood. I can

always plead that I thought his wife would interpret. After

the feast, Martin agrees to meet us up North in a few days.

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Germaine Greer is on Hestons Feasts next week.


Jeez - From the look of those legs she'll take some cooking.


Reminds me of a recipe for Roast Peacock I was once told; Take 1 large peacock and place in oved with medium sized brick and cook for 8 -10 hours. Throw away peacock and serve brick on warmed platter.

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The poor old dear really shouldn't be allowed out by herself...


From today's Sydney Morning Herald:


"Outspoken Australian feminist Germaine Greer has launched a stinging attack on domestic dogs, blaming them for the ruination of a protected perennial flower, the English bluebell.


Addressing Britain's Hay Festival on Thursday, the 72-year-old Melbourne-born academic who owns a patch of land covered in the plant that flowers in spring, pointed the finger at toxic dog poo for the plant's scarcity.


"If you love your bluebells, kill your dog," said Greer dramatically, according to Britain's Daily Telegraph website.


She blamed the phosphorous in dog faeces for changing the chemical environment and killing off fungi, essential for the bluebell's survival."


And we thought that dogs were doing it tough down under!


We have two very large dogs, and our back garden is full of bluebells, guess our boys haven't killed them off, The river down the rd is a dog walking haven, and full of bluebells every year, :wacko: same as the new forest lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

Who hasn't expressed an interest in killing something in the heat of the moment, rats, flies, other road users?

I love Germaine Greer! Never one to shy away from a controversial comment or two, she's turning into a real grumpy old woman. Go Ger!!

One of the leading feminist voices with a successful academic career although not stretching to flora and fauna!

She should come around where I live, there are thousands of native bluebells, not to mention loads of dog owners (my dog often poops on them, without any detrimental effect).

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Maybe the old dog' that needs putting down is ............. herself .............. lol

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