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I've been offered a job in Canberra, filling out visa

Guest buttercupv

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Guest buttercupv

Hi Everyone,


I've never really been on anything like this before, I hope I am doing it right.


Well I am really excited about the job offer, I have had my medical and I'm a little worried that there may be issues there, but will just have to wait and see now. Would hate to have got this far and hit a stumbling block.


The visa papers look vast and I'm a little daunted. Anyone got any useful advice for me?


I am kind of pinning all my hopes on this job and the move, which is a scary position to be in. I have already moved there in my mind :biggrin:


I am going it alone out there, I'm 29, 30 this month I really do think it is time for adventure and a new challenge.


SO anyway, a big hello to anyone reading this, sorry if it is a bit dull, I'm sure I'll get more interesting once i get the hang of it

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Guest newtocanberra

Hiya, I am a few months ahead of you I think - same kind of age and have been here 3 months now. Go for it, I say! The visa will come through when you have convinced yourself you'll never hear from them again. If you are arranging your own medical insurance get it so you're covered immediately - they waited til the start date on my health insurance to grant my visa. Cheers

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Guest biomedical scientist

Hi - I am just in the stages of considering moving to canberra - I have had a preliminary interview and am waiting for an interview over skype in a few weeks. The hospital will sort out the visa if I am successful. Does anyone know how long it takes for a 457 visa to come through. Also we want to send some stuff by flight rather than boat, anyone done this?

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Guest buttercupv
Hiya, I am a few months ahead of you I think - same kind of age and have been here 3 months now. Go for it, I say! The visa will come through when you have convinced yourself you'll never hear from them again. If you are arranging your own medical insurance get it so you're covered immediately - they waited til the start date on my health insurance to grant my visa. Cheers



Thanks for the advice on the medical insurance, I have asked about if I needed it in the past and they said I should be covered with their health system as I would be under state sponsored 4 yr visa, but i'll definately ask again and try and sort it. How are you finding things out there?

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Guest buttercupv
Have you been to Canberra before? Just wondered what you were expecting it to be like.


I haven't been to Canberra before, I haven't been to Australia before. This is just a throw yourself in at the deep end and get swimming kind of thing. I have no expectations, I will adapt to the life I expect, hopefully I can let you know what it's like when I get myself sorted and get out there :biggrin: I have seen pictures and spoken to the team who offered me the job, It seems to suit my purposes. I have a friend out in sydney so at least she will only be a few hours away if I really need someone who knows me. To be honest I live just outside Hull at the moment so I'm sure Canberra will seem like heaven in comparrison :laugh:

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I haven't been to Canberra before, I haven't been to Australia before. This is just a throw yourself in at the deep end and get swimming kind of thing. I have no expectations, I will adapt to the life I expect, hopefully I can let you know what it's like when I get myself sorted and get out there :biggrin: I have seen pictures and spoken to the team who offered me the job, It seems to suit my purposes. I have a friend out in sydney so at least she will only be a few hours away if I really need someone who knows me. To be honest I live just outside Hull at the moment so I'm sure Canberra will seem like heaven in comparrison :laugh:


If you get here and don't like Canberra, don't give up. You could try one of the other cities on the coast. Each one is different. Different climate, people, culture and "feel".


It's hard imagining how different cities in the same country can be for a lot of Europeans. Moving from Canberra to Darwin, for example, could be about the same as moving from Aberdeen in the winter to the Greek Islands. Without the language difficulty though.

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Buttercupv we have recently been granted our 176 visas for ACT and like yourself have never been yo Canberra before I am just hoping we enjoy it as much as well loved Sydney. We are currently planning our reccie for next April and then a big job hunt and saving drive to get us there asap!


Biomedical scientist how did the job interview go- any word yet? That is my field of work and wasnt sure how available the jobs were in Canberra hopefully by the time I make it out there I will be able to work something out!



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Guest buttercupv

Buttercupv we have recently been granted our 176 visas for ACT and like yourself have never been yo Canberra before I am just hoping we enjoy it as much as well loved Sydney. We are currently planning our reccie for next April and then a big job hunt and saving drive to get us there asap!


Biomedical scientist how did the job interview go- any word yet? That is my field of work and wasnt sure how available the jobs were in Canberra hopefully by the time I make it out there I will be able to work something out!




Hi Kate,

I am a bit rubbish at remembering the numbers of visa, I am going for the permanent regional sponsored one. I have a friend in Syndney who has been granted citizenship and another friend in Melbourne, I don't know which visa he has.


Fortunately my relocation will be refunded, so I'm borrowing from family to get me out there. I found my job in the guardian where they were advertising for social workers, so I have been really lucky. The interview went really well, I had it in March and it was amazing, everyone was really positive. I got the news that I had got the job a few weeks after. Just sorting out money and visas now. I can't wait for it all got get going.


I'm sure you will find something, I don't know what area in particular you are looking as it isn't my area, but have you contacted the university there to see if there are any staff or research positions? I hear Canberra University is really well thought of.


Thanks for replying, i'm a novice on the site, i'm sure I'll improve the more I go on :em3600: Vics

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