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What Comics did you like as a kid ?


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When I was a kid in England, I absolutely loved Whizzer and Chips comics.

I especially loved the annual hardcover comic book, which I would usually get for Christmas.

There were some others too, one was a shark with a hook through its jaw, and something else about a spy.


These were great in my childhood, but I don't think they exist for kids anymore.


We always used to get the Daily Express newspaper too and I always liked to read The Gambols comic every day.

I would buy the books too.


The only one I ever really liked in more recent times was Dilbert.



Did you like comics when you were a kid, and if so which ones ?

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Guest siamsusie

Oh Mr Siam has every Marvel comic! All in brilliant condition....

He says they could be worth a lot of money, :mad:. Its amazing what we keep for sentimental reasons lol

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Guest morrissey

the only superhero comic i ever got was the issue where superman was 'killed' by doomsday.. i liked it though.. surprised that has never been the subject of a film...

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Guest Guest16631

...........the beano and dandy also........................I would have liked a more girly comic but where we were living these were the only ones available......................loved jacky daw and maw and paw !!!!!!

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Guest morrissey

lol i remember that book very well :) was a compilation of all the best strips of the year i think

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There was another one I liked with a boy called Shiner, who would always get a black eye.

this was from an era where getting a black eye was parr for the course.

Nowadays its a suable offence, worthy of an entire segment on Today Tonight, or A Current Affair.


I used to get the Beano. Loved it.

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Guest Guest16631

..1596092-beano1978_super.jpg.......................i do remember whizzer and chips .........................and have this book of my little sisters ..................she so wanted a Bunty book but this was the only english one available...............she wouldn.t read it so me and her other sister enjoyed it !!

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Beano for me ............. i loved baby faced finalayson, Dennis and Gnasher, The bash street kids, with plug ............ i think these are their names and were in the Beano, its been over 40 years ago now. lol

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Judge Dread especially.




I had them in perfect condition from the first edition onwards for quite a few years.


Lost them all in a house fire a few years ago. :no:


Just looked up their value on a forum:

Prog 1 £100 - no spinner

Prog 2 £100 - no biotronic stickers

Prog 3 £50 - no red alert wallet


Progs 1-3 are worth approximately double this amount if they include their free gifts.


Progs 4-20 £5 each

Progs 71, 72, 77 & 78 £20 each

Progs 21-200 £2 each

Progs 201-500 £1 each

Progs 501-1199 50p each

Progs 1200-1499 £1 each

Progs 1500-present cover price



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That is a real bummer.

Wish I had kept mine too. Don't know what happened to them. Probably all got thrown out.


This thread has got me all nostaligic now, and i'm now going to have to see if I can find some copies from somewhere.

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Guest guest37336

Hi Parley.


Used to read the Beano and Dandy, remember vividly getting the 'summer' annuals, going on holiday to Wales with my mum and dad and the first thing they did was buy me the summer hardback editions.


Used to spend hours on the beach having a laugh and reading them, bloody brilliant times indeed.:yes::yes:


Cheers Tony.

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