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Shopping for food in central Sydney?


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Hi There, I've just moved here and am based in the Darlinghurst area in the centre of Sydney. I realise this is a pretty pricey area but to honest I am shocked at how expensive food is! I knew is was expensive but am really stuggling to find reasonably priced food. People are mentioning going to markets for veggies and meat. Does anyone recommend any good sources of cheaper food in central Sydney? I'm currently using Coles and Woolworths and it's killing me! Any hints or tips welcome :yes:

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There are Aldis, and Franklins and Bi-Los all over Sydney which are cheaper but all in all Sydney is very expensive for food we have been here 12 months now. Only reasonably priced food is the meat which is better quality than most you get at home. You also need to go to poorer suburbs and go to Butchers etc there for cheaper food

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Hi there, it sure is a very expensive place to live and we were also shocked at how high the prices were. We have found a few things to help with getting the costs down a bit. We first started to go you Coles and Woolworths but soon had to stop that as it was draining the pocket too much. We soon found Aldis in North Sydney and started shopping there, this helped cut the cost down a bit. We also go to Paddy's market for the fruit and veg as that is at a good price. We found that the further you go to the back of the market the lower the prices, by the fish part. Above the market there is a butchers by the fish shop and oriental shopping centre, this has good meat at a very reasonable price. We have not found Franklins and Bi-Los yet, but think this will be a task for us soon.

On another note there seems to be a bit of a pricing war developing with Coles and Woolworths at the moment. Not something that will help you now, but hopefully costs may start to come down bit in time or that is the hope :)

We have found that in these recent cold days, making things like soup is helping to bring down the meal bills a bit. We have nice warm heatlthy soup with nice be bread and think we have got the cost down to a dollar per person per meal. The stuff we make usually does two meals, so all is good. We have found that we are having to look a bit harder at ways to cut costs so that we have a little to put away in savings, more here.


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