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Trade skills assessment pathway removed for those without qualifications

Alan Collett

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Alan


Thank you very much indeed for alerting us all to this news.


Hmmmm. I suspect that this could backfire on the Minister. A number of the peolpe whose skills assessment applications will be returned have spent a lot more than just the TRA fee itself. A number of them will have paid an expert such as an RMA to help with putting the TRA application together.


I am not convinced that the Australian Government can tell people, "That's your tough luck, chum. We'll refund what you have offered us but the rest of your loss is not our problem." It is not a reasonable way for a supposedly civilised Government to behave towards people who have hired & paid experts in good faith. The Court abhors this type of creation of a sudden Lottery as well.


I don't know the ins and outs of the Student Visa Fiasco a few years ago but I hear that after Parish Patience defeated the Government in Court, there are now loads of compensation claims being made.


It won't help the Minister's election campaign much if the Court steps in and tells him that he is acting unlawfully, methinks, and/or that he must pay loads of taxpayer's money to compensate those caught out by this latest U-turn.


It will be very interesting to se what hapens next, I think.





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I cant believe this sudden news.We sent off our TRA a couple of weeks ago.My husband has no formal qualifications and it took lots of time and money to get our application together.Would we still be able to go down the new VETTASSES route?(oh is a joiner)I have just phoned oh at work in floods of tears:arghh: Sarah++++++

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This isnt good is it! Like Dan says, some of the best trades people are the ones who have done this for years and learnt on the job.


Sarah, i hope its all ok for you, try not to worry until you've had some news...easier said than done i know. i have my fingers crossed for you.


The News over the last week or so keeps telling us that its easier to get the Visa, but the TRA/VETASSESS thing seems to be making it harder.:sad:

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I cant believe this sudden news.We sent off our TRA a couple of weeks ago.My husband has no formal qualifications and it took lots of time and money to get our application together.Would we still be able to go down the new VETTASSES route?(oh is a joiner)I have just phoned oh at work in floods of tears:arghh: Sarah++++++


Joiners are on the VETASSESS list of trade skills assessment post-01/09/2007:

VETASSESS - Vocational Education Training and Assessment Services


You may therefore be OK - but will need to apply via VETASSESS (more costly than TRA, and more time consuming, but the outcome should be a qualification that would enable your husband to secure work more quickly than the old TRA process).


Maybe telephone my migration agent colleague Stephen Dickson in Melbourne tomorrow on +61 3 9935 2929 (7am in the UK = 4pm in Melbourne) to discuss your situation more fully? Stephen handles our trade clients' skills assessment applications, and will probably be better informed than most as to the requirements of the VETASSESS application process for trade skills persons.


Best regards.

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Thanks Hays for your kind words(trying not to cry again!!!)Will await more news.Isuspect there will be alot more angry people on here when everyone gets home from work!!!!!!

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I pinched this from another agent on another forum who suggests there may be a way round it.


The decision to refuse to determine applications already in processing unless already the subject of a primary refusal makes me think that they have had legal advice that what they're doing is not supported by the legislation; and if it's any reassurance I would say that 90% of Pathway D applicants from the UK could claim pathways B or C if they thought carefully about documenting the formal training they've had. The impact of this will be felt most keenly among applicants from India - where there have been many Pathway D applications - and other less well documented countries. Training courses will no doubt spring up in those places overnight.


And there's always Pathway E - for which you could obtain an Australian Certificate III through assessment only and show four years of relevant work experience.


He does advise though that you speak to qualified agent.


Hope this helps



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Yes, I saw that comment too, but the training must be formal, and at least 900 hours under Skill Pathway B/1,800 hours under Skill Pathway C:

workplace.gov.au - Page not found.


I'm not quite so optimistic that UK applicants will be able to meet the assessment criteria of these two Pathways.


My thoughts in the immediate aftermath of this relative bombshell of an announcement is that those affected will now be looking at:


1. Seeking an Australian employer sponsorship (I'm happy to receive CVs and to distribute them to my recruitment consultant/employer contacts), leading to


2. Obtaining a long term temporary visa under subclass number 457


and then either:


- Obtaining permanent residency via the Employer Nomination Scheme after 2 years work on a 457, or


- Securing a qualification under the AQF that will allow a TRA assessment under Pathway D (permitting a skilled visa application, or a visa application under the ENS within 2 years of arrival in Australia)


Best regards.

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Thanks Alan for that..... I had seen the bit about formal too I assumed it meant being trained by company without college.


I hope for those in this situation that there is a way round it.


Good luck to anyone in this situation Sarah I hope the phonecall helps you keeping my fingers crossed.


Kaye x :wubclub:

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Guest Helaine



I may be wrong but we to are relying on the experiance for the TRA, BUT having read the info on the above web site skill pathway B under informal apprenticeship, which is what my oh has done, i am keeping everything crossed that we can get over on this, if anyone has any more info please let us know........this is our future we are talking about:cry:

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Guest Helaine

I think we can go this route....just read more and informal apprenticeship means on the job training, we are going to send our assesment off anyway and see what happens..:wacko:why is nothing easy........

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Guest Gollywobbler

Thank you for your continuing help with this, Alan.


It is interesting that Heorge Lombard and I are both expressing scepticism about wether the legislation really supports today's announcement. The Australian Court has been known to make mincemeat of the Minister for Immi before now....


Also, the notion that the Australian Govt is willing to impose sudden changes without bothering to give anyone any prior warning could well give the impression that they cannot be trusted, in turn leading to people wondering whether it is worth the bother and cost of trying to migrate to Australia, I suspect.


Plus if George is right about the newly scrapped pathway being popular with applicants from emerging countries, there will be allegations of racial discrimination and so forth....


My instinct (not that I really know - just instinct alone) is that Our Kev may end up being forcd to reverse his own move - which would not make him look clever.





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Guest Helaine

:arghh:getting more and more panicy.....the final thing i have just read on the tra guide lines is that they must a certificate at the end of the on the job training.......what happens if A they donet have one and B the company no longer exsists because the ower had passed away......my head and heart are all over the place trying to hold it together but its getting very difficult....

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Helaine


Try not to panic, hoey. That won't help anything.


The Agents are busy working out what the real implications of this are and the lawyers are no doubt busily examining whether a legal challenge to today's news would succeed.


In the end, the Minister might have to climb down, so if I were you I would try to sit tight and see what happens in the next couple of days or weeks. Do read the thread on the Immigration Section of the British Expats forum as well, I suggest.


Chin up, chooks. Defeat has ot necessarily happened as yet.






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Guest Helaine



Thanks for your support, we are doing all this migration lark ourselves and not using an agent may have to go over to one if its going to get complicated, my stomach is in knots, i know we are not the only ones that this has affected i just dont understand why they have done it...pollitics go straight over my head i'm afraid....best get looking for a job for oh who i might add is a painter & decorator and are on the MODL list now they cant get over there doesnt make sense......we go and have a read on expats, thanks again.

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A few years ago I was running a small factory in Sydney. We had people from all over the world working there (12 different nationals). Every one of them said they were skilled tradesmen & had positive TRA assessments. Almost every one of them had to be taught the most basic skills a first year apprentice should be able to do. Apart from the frustration of having to teach them the basics its bloody dangerous to let people loose on plant, tools & equipment that can easily maime & kill.


It seemed obvious to me that people were scamming the system somehow. As hard as it seems its got to be good thing stopping this pathway.

Having said that. After all this time you'd think they could just say no more as of today & let those already in the system continue?

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On the migration agents' forum someone has noticed the TRA has said in the press release that Skill Pathway D is being removed "Until further notice ...".


This would indicate the change may be temporary - but please don't hold your collective breaths waiting for a reversal of yesterday's announcement.


If is is any comfort a large number of agents are also up in arms about the sudden and effectively restrospective change, with representations being made at a high level.


Best regards.

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