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Citizenship Ceremony

Lynne S

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Hi everyone, I posted a couple of weeks ago 'When to call it a day', we have since decided that we are definitely heading back, thank you to everyone who gave us helpful and constructive advice, it really did help although I know everyones personel experience is different. We have however, also decided that we are first going to get our citizenship - which we can apply for on 1st Dec this year, what I would really like to know is, has anyone in Perth recently applied and attended a citizenship ceremony? I'm trying to roughly work out how long the whole process will take, as we need to get our eldest son back into school as soon as possible because he will be in year 10. The government website is quoting between 3 - 6 months, but apparently it depends on different states? I first thought we could leave as soon as we sat the test, but after ringing to speak to government office, they advised against going anywhere until we had recieved our certificate at the citizenship ceremony? and we would have to have very good reason to be put on the urgent list. So if anyone could give me an idea, I would be extremely grateful thank you. :notworthy:

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Hi Lynn, we waited about 4 months after we took our test, it all depends on when the next ceremony takes place. Were in Brisbane, but I'm sure your be able to ring them and ask for a list of dates in your area, if not call your local council that's what I did. I know you don't officially get it granted to you unless you've done the ceremony. We just missed out on one, that's why we had to wait a bit more.

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The oath to australia has to be taken in person at the ceremony. So you have to wait for the ceremony to become citizens, been approved, passing the test is not enough, it's the oath that counts. I understand that in very exceptional circumstances people are allowed to take the oath at special one off ceremonies. I don't know what is required to motivate for such a ceremony.

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You're not a citizen until you've actually had the ceremony and got your certificate with your number on. Depending on which shire you have your ceremony there can be a 6 month wait. We had 4 month wait in Melville.

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Thanks for all your response's, it gives me an idea on what kind of time frame to plan for. I will however ring the local council and see what they say. I think it might be best at the end of the day for my eldest to resit Year 10 if that is possible at the school he will be going to, but he won't even entertain that idea at present, its that or call it a day now and get him back for a Sept start, but it seems so close to throw in the towel! I feel we are back to turning in circles again.....

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We waited 5 months (we are in perth) however i know people who have only waited 2 months (also in Perth). I think calling the local council is a good idea.


sunni x


Thanks for that Sunni, can I ask when that was and are you heading back too?

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Must be a great feeling gaining citizenship of such a fantastic country as........... Australia.

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Thanks for that Sunni, can I ask when that was and are you heading back too?


Hi Lynne,


We gained our citizenship 2 years ago. Friends of ours only waited 2 months, just lucky i guess. Yes we are heading back this October (hopefully) just need the house to sell.

It has been a wonderful experience living here for the last 5 years but time to head back to blighty. Start of a new adventure for us.


sunni x

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  • 2 weeks later...

August the 4th for us, that will be 4 months from sucessful completion of tests. Redlandshire near Brisbane.


Then its back to blighty for us before xmas. Its been 5 years and a marvelous experience. Even leaving our eldest here. But with an aussie passport in hand its not so bad.


Such freedom hey..?


Good luck

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