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Cost of living / Salaries


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Just normal smileys and winkers - and yes I said winkers!!!!!!



Hoping for a move to oz in the coming year or two.......hoping not three!


Well on the puter they show as a little square tile kind of thing,with 4 symbols/letters like E4



I take it the smileys dont show on an Iphone then,and the tablet things look like smileys on your fone munch?

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Anyway ....back on topic:wideeyed:,so im thinking about $1200 to $1500 a week (maybe more?)if pricework,thats what i was told by a good contact in Adelaide,so it looks like she's NOT only working part-time after all:laugh:,we'l see:unsure:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Two people living on that sort of money pablo, should be good, but................ remember to factor in the cost of the factor 30, suncream when your on the building site, you will look like a bronzed god. lol

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Guest gail2010

Ohhh Im surprised by the wages in the previous post!! We are on a good salary and running around in an old car yet everyone out here has brand shiny new cars how do they afford it, cars are so expensive we were looking at a new 7 seater and it was $26k we havent got our heads into dollars yet so waiting another few months!!

The house rental is the biggest pay out for us we have a 5 bed house and no pool yet its 4 times the amount of mortgage we were paying in UK!!! Big Yikes!! We were struggling to get a house so we had to settle for no pool!!

There are alot of expenses with my sons school, every week its something else to buy or pay for drives me mad!! Esp as we had to pay alot at start of year.

There was an article on the perth now site today regarding them looking for offshore workers not for the oil but for cleaning and cooking and earning crazy $300k I was thinking of applying and hiring a live in nanny for the kids and baby due next month, beats doing it for nothing at home and getting no thanks!!

But back to the orginal question I would imagine yes you would need a higher salary or for both adults to be working!! It is quite expensive living in Aus even food shopping is crazy ($14.99 a kg for bananas!!) we are living on steak as it seems to be cheapest food!!

For the top end salary that you mentioned my OH is design engineer for an oil firm and that seems to be the minimum wage they can expect, they are in high demand here at the moment!!

Good luck and just rem the grass is not always greener, the sun maybe here but apart from that the day to day running about is just the same!!

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Two people living on that sort of money pablo, should be good, but................ remember to factor in the cost of the factor 30, suncream when your on the building site, you will look like a bronzed god. lol

Not specking on Jan earning that mate,she'd have to take aussie accounts course i think?different system:goofy:,nah in an ideal world i hope she can maybe just do part-time mate,we all like £/$ but its not my god mate,no pockets in a shroud an all that,sooner have less and Jan have more time to chill,she's dead adaptable anyway,she wants something she goes to college and gets relevant quals,so she'l get work no worries,but like i say mate....im not going there thinking im gonna get rich,nor will i probably,im expecting the same daily life as here but with a bit more space to breathe,thats all jim

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Ohhh Im surprised by the wages in the previous post!! We are on a good salary and running around in an old car yet everyone out here has brand shiny new cars how do they afford it, cars are so expensive we were looking at a new 7 seater and it was $26k we havent got our heads into dollars yet so waiting another few months!!

The house rental is the biggest pay out for us we have a 5 bed house and no pool yet its 4 times the amount of mortgage we were paying in UK!!! Big Yikes!! We were struggling to get a house so we had to settle for no pool!!

There are alot of expenses with my sons school, every week its something else to buy or pay for drives me mad!! Esp as we had to pay alot at start of year.

There was an article on the perth now site today regarding them looking for offshore workers not for the oil but for cleaning and cooking and earning crazy $300k I was thinking of applying and hiring a live in nanny for the kids and baby due next month, beats doing it for nothing at home and getting no thanks!!

But back to the orginal question I would imagine yes you would need a higher salary or for both adults to be working!! It is quite expensive living in Aus even food shopping is crazy ($14.99 a kg for bananas!!) we are living on steak as it seems to be cheapest food!!

For the top end salary that you mentioned my OH is design engineer for an oil firm and that seems to be the minimum wage they can expect, they are in high demand here at the moment!!

Good luck and just rem the grass is not always greener, the sun maybe here but apart from that the day to day running about is just the same!!


My previous post Gail? i was told by a good contact in a TAFE college to expect $30 to $30+ dollars an hour,40 hrs x minimum $30=$1200,not fortunes is it tbh,im just basing it on the low estimate,he said to expect more on pricework,but ive had enuf of pricework in the UK let alone Oz,and yeah i agree same grind but a different place is all,i "expect" nothing and "hope" for a bit better myself,thats all.


Tbh i should go to perth,my mates got a bricklaying firm and offered $300 a day,saturday morns $200,but want to go S.A

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Well on the puter they show as a little square tile kind of thing,with 4 symbols/letters like E4



I take it the smileys dont show on an Iphone then,and the tablet things look like smileys on your fone munch?


Yeah they show on mine but the PiO ones don't, they just give the description ie cute or wubclub



Hoping for a move to oz in the coming year or two.......hoping not three!

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Recently, someone posting in the Gold Coast Bulletin's Comments Section laid it out, chapter and verse. I'll see if I can find it, but in the meantime, the poster provided a link to the Oz Government's blurb to potential UK migrants - which claimed that the minimum wage in Oz was in the vicinity of $47,000


The poster then went on to provide another Oz government link which stated that the actual minimum wage in Oz (according to the government) was in fact in the vicinity of $29,000


Same poster backed these claims up with excerpts from both these Oz govt. sites -- and then advised all Aussies to lodge a claim for the balance with the Oz govt. It amounted to approx. $17,000-plus dollars, from memory - owed to every Aussie, according to the inflated minimum wage being sold to potential UK migrants


Seems the Oz government is still trading on the 'Australia is Cheap ' fiction peddled to prospective UK migrants some decades ago


Australia is definitely NOT cheap. Unemployment as ever, remains a problem. Even modest housing is beyond the reach of most. Cost of essentials such as food and energy is extremely high and increasing all the time. ' Neighbours' and 'Home and Away' are also fiction, remember


... and online forums are filled with people who are paid to post glowingly and falsely about life and earning a living in Australia


So do your homework before you jump. Find out the truth instead of choosing to believe what you want to hear and believe


Almost everything you need to know can be accessed online these days - cost of housing in every town and city. Unemployment figures from govt. sites (then double it for a true indication). Cost of groceries, clothing, essentials, tax, council rates, cars, cost of tertiary and other education, etc. You can also learn the temperature, rainfall (or lack of) humidity, employment situation, etc. etc. from the comfort of your armchair before you invest quite often the rest of your life, in Australia


You go bungy-jumping, rafting, caving, etc. for an 'adventure' and 'new experience'


Moving to the other side of the world, especially in today's economic climate, is a far more sober undertaking. And it's you and yours who'll pay

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Guest Bobby
My previous post Gail? i was told by a good contact in a TAFE college to expect $30 to $30+ dollars an hour,40 hrs x minimum $30=$1200,not fortunes is it tbh,im just basing it on the low estimate,he said to expect more on pricework,but ive had enuf of pricework in the UK let alone Oz,and yeah i agree same grind but a different place is all,i "expect" nothing and "hope" for a bit better myself,thats all.


Tbh i should go to perth,my mates got a bricklaying firm and offered $300 a day,saturday morns $200,but want to go S.A

Brickies earn plenty in Oz mate, if their is only 2 of you the other half can just relax and get the barbie going and the ale chilled.:cute:

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All very true Burnett,but you'd have to be extremely naive(or blinkered) NOT to see the cons about Oz IF your a member of PIO,theres plenty of threads and posts about the downsides on here,moreso recently imo anyway,i dont think theres THAT many think its the land of milk and honey anymore,what with rising hse prices and the exchange rate now.

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Brickies earn plenty in Oz mate, if their is only 2 of you the other half can just relax and get the barbie going and the ale chilled.:cute:

I dont get carried away tho Bobby,i'l stick to basing it on an average wage for now,anything else i consider a bonus,me mate in perth is on good conkers tho yes,i'l wait and see,in the meantime i'l just base it on the average mate.

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Here we go -- the Oz govt. sites I mentioned in my above post.


This is the information posted in the Gold Coast Bulletin newspaper:


Sam Posted On 12:57pm Tuesday 8th

Just a quick point of ref.go to Department of Immigration & Citizenship and you can follow the page to read all about 457 Visas and the $47,480.00 minimum yearly wage."sufficient income to independently provide for themselves in Aust"(i cant find $52k but will).


Go to Home | Fair Work Australia and it will outline the minimum wage for hard working Aussies is $569.90/week or $29,635.00/year SO FAIR WORK AUSTRALIA YOU ARE UNDERPAYING AUSSIES $17845.00/YEAR AS YOU CONFIRM TO OS PEOPLE THAT $47480.00 IS THE MINIMUM WAGE TO LIVE ON


And here's the link to that post:

Coast's unemployment rate rises Local Gold Coast News | goldcoast.com.au | Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia



So why not visit the government sites provided by 'Sam' and take a look for yourself


Big difference between $47,000 and $29,000. And as someone's already pointed out in this thread, even $50,000 wouldn't provide you and a family much quality of life, let alone the actual figure of $29,000


For cost of housing in Oz, you can visit






Real Estate, Property, Land and Homes for Sale, lease and rent - realestate.com.au


Sydney Morning Herald


The Courier Mail


Gold Coast Bulletin


The Age


Weekend Australian


are all major city newspapers which can be accessed online


Instead of relying on Australian government sites for information about the employment situation, you'd be better off entering search terms such as ' High unemployment in Australia'


For the truth about the cost of living, enter search terms such as, ' Food costs soar in Australia ', etc.


The Oz government wants to grow the population. It wants more consumers. It will sell Australia to you. Once you're here, it's not all that easy to leave. So go to grass-roots information sources, posted in forums and blogs by people who already live here. And remember, migrant-type forums are seeded with people who will tell you what you want to hear. So go to forums which have no vested interest in pulling you to Australia, such as Australia Forum - Topix --- where you'll find the good, the bad and the ugly about Australia, warts and all

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You trying to change the subject, Pablo ?


You ' working ' the forum ? Or genuinely want to chat ?


Thought there existed a chat room ?


I responded to the OP and stayed on topic. You don't like ... ?


Tell you something -- I'd rather Poms had as many facts and truths as possible at their disposal before they sold up, crossed the globe, said goodbye (sometimes forever) to family and friends ----- only to discover they'd jumped from frying-pan to fire here in Oz


wouldn't you ? Wouldn't you rather they knew what they were coming to ?


Yeah. You wouldn't sell out those you claim to be your own -- would you --- for a few cents per post in a forum


Me neither. I wouldn't sell out a Pom for ten quid a post. Or a hundred quid a post. No matter how desperate I was, I would not sell out my own. But then, Poms really are my own. And as you'll see, I don't post that often. I certainly don't do it for a living. And when I post something, I mean it. I don't waffle on to bury information that might damage the Aussie government agenda to pull Poms to Oz


You think my above posts are 'not positive' do you ? Obviously you do. But why would you say that ? Unless you believe the truth is not positive ?


You're a funny guy, hey ? That's great. I enjoy humour :)

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You trying to change the subject, Pablo ?


You ' working ' the forum ? Or genuinely want to chat ?


Thought there existed a chat room ?


I responded to the OP and stayed on topic. You don't like ... ?


Tell you something -- I'd rather Poms had as many facts and truths as possible at their disposal before they sold up, crossed the globe, said goodbye (sometimes forever) to family and friends ----- only to discover they'd jumped from frying-pan to fire here in Oz


wouldn't you ? Wouldn't you rather they knew what they were coming to ?


Yeah. You wouldn't sell out those you claim to be your own -- would you --- for a few cents per post in a forum


Me neither. I wouldn't sell out a Pom for ten quid a post. Or a hundred quid a post. No matter how desperate I was, I would not sell out my own. But then, Poms really are my own. And as you'll see, I don't post that often. I certainly don't do it for a living. And when I post something, I mean it. I don't waffle on to bury information that might damage the Aussie government agenda to pull Poms to Oz


You think my above posts are 'not positive' do you ? Obviously you do. But why would you say that ? Unless you believe the truth is not positive ?


You're a funny guy, hey ? That's great. I enjoy humour :)



Are you in the paranoid room or what?you think people on here are PAID to post pro's only?then why is there a MBTUK forum if THEY:wideeyed:want to hide the truth?

I hit a raw nerve did i?soz about that:wubclub:,i just asked had you ever posted positively about anything to do with oz,thats all?

Im 100% behind people knowing the cons, just asked have you ever posted anything BUT the cons,because i know you from old and i cant recall a positive post,if im wrong then apologies mrs,yer know the type of positive post i mean..."great day today swimming with monkeys in the southern ocean" etc etc,anything to balance up the cons?anything at all?

IE me on UK "yeah ive had a dogs arse of a time workwise for 18 months,BUT the previous ten years were aces"......balance,OR is there no balance to be had?IS oz all bad in your eyes?IF it is,fair do's,your opinion,just wondered if you wanted to give your opinion on oz?then people know from what angle your coming,then they can judge your intentions a bit better no?,no worries MAAAAAaaate,btw your funny too:):wink:

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Guest guest37336
Are you in the paranoid room or what?you think people on here are PAID to post pro's only?then why is there a MBTUK forum if THEY:wideeyed:want to hide the truth?

I hit a raw nerve did i?soz about that:wubclub:,i just asked had you ever posted positively about anything to do with oz,thats all?

Im 100% behind people knowing the cons, just asked have you ever posted anything BUT the cons,because i know you from old and i cant recall a positive post,if im wrong then apologies mrs,yer know the type of positive post i mean..."great day today swimming with monkeys in the southern ocean" etc etc,anything to balance up the cons?anything at all?

IE me on UK "yeah ive had a dogs arse of a time workwise for 18 months,BUT the previous ten years were aces"......balance,OR is there no balance to be had?IS oz all bad in your eyes?IF it is,fair do's,your opinion,just wondered if you wanted to give your opinion on oz?then people know from what angle your coming,then they can judge your intentions a bit better no?,no worries MAAAAAaaate,btw your funny too:):wink:


Someone once tried to pay me to LEAVE mate, can't say who though,:policeman::biglaugh:, and.


'Monkeys in the Southern Ocean', were you there as well mate, bloody hell that was some bad trip,:embarrassed::biglaugh:.


Anyway, seriously Pablo, like you say you will go on your own opinion and judgement and fair play to you, only way to do it matey at the end of the day.


As you say mate a bit of balance is often needed, and whilst it is glaringly obvious that I want to return asap, I hope my own posts and threads often reflect what Australia has also taken from me, I fudging hated the place at times, but as you say balance again, and I can with hand on heart say it 'gave' me more than it took away from me.


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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Here we go -- the Oz govt. sites I mentioned in my above post.


This is the information posted in the Gold Coast Bulletin newspaper:




And here's the link to that post:

Coast's unemployment rate rises Local Gold Coast News | goldcoast.com.au | Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia



So why not visit the government sites provided by 'Sam' and take a look for yourself


Big difference between $47,000 and $29,000. And as someone's already pointed out in this thread, even $50,000 wouldn't provide you and a family much quality of life, let alone the actual figure of $29,000


For cost of housing in Oz, you can visit






Real Estate, Property, Land and Homes for Sale, lease and rent - realestate.com.au


Sydney Morning Herald


The Courier Mail


Gold Coast Bulletin


The Age


Weekend Australian


are all major city newspapers which can be accessed online


Instead of relying on Australian government sites for information about the employment situation, you'd be better off entering search terms such as ' High unemployment in Australia'


For the truth about the cost of living, enter search terms such as, ' Food costs soar in Australia ', etc.


The Oz government wants to grow the population. It wants more consumers. It will sell Australia to you. Once you're here, it's not all that easy to leave. So go to grass-roots information sources, posted in forums and blogs by people who already live here. And remember, migrant-type forums are seeded with people who will tell you what you want to hear. So go to forums which have no vested interest in pulling you to Australia, such as Australia Forum - Topix --- where you'll find the good, the bad and the ugly about Australia, warts and all



The link to the DIAC post you mentioned relates to the minimum salary required to justify granting a 457 visa. That has NOTHING to do with the minimum wage.


So you can't get in on a 457 if you are only going to earn minimum wage, big deal. What would you expect? It is a visa that relates to SKILLED migrants.

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Guest gail2010
My previous post Gail? i was told by a good contact in a TAFE college to expect $30 to $30+ dollars an hour,40 hrs x minimum $30=$1200,not fortunes is it tbh,im just basing it on the low estimate,he said to expect more on pricework,but ive had enuf of pricework in the UK let alone Oz,and yeah i agree same grind but a different place is all,i "expect" nothing and "hope" for a bit better myself,thats all.


Tbh i should go to perth,my mates got a bricklaying firm and offered $300 a day,saturday morns $200,but want to go S.A


yeah I think if you are in the construction business its the way to go here!!! Houses going up everywhere 2 of my cousins who are aussies are building and they tell me how its a builders dream out here they dictate to the owners!! I was speaking to another lady yest who moved over 5years ago her sons are in the building trade she said they are living the dream they have new cars more money than they know what to do with!!! They are in mid 20s no family!!

The money is different out here and takes alot of getting used to as the cost of living is higher, but I have 2 children and a 3rd on the way so my living expenses are different, my son takes medication and a monthly prescription for him is $34 which out of our wages isnt anything but its something we didnt have to pay in uk, also to get him seen by a dr for his condition we had to pay $400 and need to claim $200 of that back!! Also something we didnt have to pay in UK, that dr has then referred him to another dept which the appointment is going to cost $190 a session and we have a 2nd son who we have to do the same for so in that sense its a costly move health wise for us!!

Ive just had my son to the dentist here today and was told he will need braces, I knew that before I left Scotland but here we will have to pay for this treatment!!! So its alot of appointment making for me and with a new baby on the way my head is spinning keeping up with it all!!

It is a different pace of life, going out without a jacket or worrying if its going to rain is definately better, havent seen rain for a good few months now and not complaining!! Its maybe because Im living not far from Perth in a busy city, where as I was used to living in a little town where a traffic jam was 5 cars not 50 cars!! I never seeing myself wanting to go home, but I am finding without having the back up of my mum I am having to keep on top of appointments to make sure 1 kid is not left hangin around school waiting!!! Whinge over now time to get myself to my dr appointment!!!

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Where are you now downunder?


$50,000 is worth about £22,000 if you use the $2.2 to £1 wage equivalent rate and i think a family of four would struggle anywhere on that sort of money.


Why are you using this exchange rate when it has been not been 2.2 for over 2 and a half years.


Its been about $1.6 to the pound for a long time now and today's exchange rate $1.55 means $50k is 32258 pounds , a substantially higher amount. It would still be a struggle for a family but if 2 people are earning that amount it would be reasonable and parents may also qualify for some benefits, like child benefit, family tax credit, education benefit too.

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It doesn't matter what exchange rate you use, provided you use the same value to compare both salaries and expenses when working out whether you can afford to live.

If using 1.6, expenses are higher, but the salary would be larger

if using 2.2, the salary's more or less equivalent, but expenses are less


whichever way you look at it, it's the ratio of salary to expenses that's the issue here.

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Where I live in the Uk (South Wales) I know plenty of families who live on £22K or a bit less. I think it depends on the lifestyle you are use to.


Kaylee xx


hi kaylee, your right there, we are a family of four from south wales. I am currently a housewife looking after my two young children and my OH goes out to work full time ( a barber) and his salary is £17500 gross equating to about £1080 per month take home. Granted we get tax credits etc to top this up and our total income per month is around £1600. We are surviving. We own our own home (pay a mortgage) with enough equity (I hope!) to make the move. We go on a (UK) holiday each year to the likes of haven / caravanning etc, I take the kids out once per week to soft play / swimming etc, and I pay 3 days of playgroup fees. And over the last 4 years since owning this house have spent a good few thousand improving it and also spent a few thousand on the Visa process. Yes it can be a struggle at times but is certainly do-able, so I do worry about how people say equivalent (even at 2.2 to the £) in Oz won't be enough to survive:wacko: Surely there are born and bred unskilled australians over there earning salaries in this range and Surviving!!


In Oz I do plan to work eventually however with 2 small children, until settled and childcare etc can be sorted, I hope it will only be my OH working. (we are looking at him setting up his own barber shop as soon as we decide where to settle). You see people saying its much more expensive and others saying as a whole on comparison it's even stevens, some things cheaper, some things more expensive. I don't think we will truly know until we actually get there and start earning dollars and spending dollars, but threads like this do tend to give me the jitters:frown:



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