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Well I know that by grace of Allah everyone is doing fine as I visit the fourm daily but still best wishes for all. I was thinking if anyone here has experience of or information on applying for a student visa after applying for PR? Does it effects the PR in any way? I was thinking of doing an MS from Australia rather than sitting here and wait which I thought will give me an edege in job search.




You need to study for at least 2 years in Australia (post graduate degrees/diplomas/certificates) before becoming eligible to apply for onshore immigration visa. Studying for 2 years in a Go8 university can be unbelievably expensive for an international student (esp one from a country with a weak currency like ours).

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Well I know that by grace of Allah everyone is doing fine as I visit the fourm daily but still best wishes for all. I was thinking if anyone here has experience of or information on applying for a student visa after applying for PR? Does it effects the PR in any way? I was thinking of doing an MS from Australia rather than sitting here and wait which I thought will give me an edege in job search.





This is sth i had interest in the past & would like to learn more still what sort of conditions get attached to PR (if any).


I think I saw a guy here got 176 Grant while on 573 - but he had condition (if not mistaken, i remember he mentioned 'Schedule 8') attached to his 176, which discouraged me enough to postpone my 573 plan while waiting for 176 Grant.

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Nosferatu & other concerned,

Can any buddy tell me whether I need to show the financial statement later on as I had applied for subclass 175 with my wife and kid.


No dude, in my opinion you will not be asked to show any kind of financial statement (barring your bank statement to corroborate your employment credentials but it is not necessary either).

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@Nosferatu - Thanks for the reply but I have already applied for PR and was thinking of going on student visa rather than waiting for the PR decision.


@theworm - Well, I have no issue with Schedule 8 but the only thing bothering me is the recently introduced GTE - Genuine Temporary Entrant requirments for student visa. Please have a look at the pdf link for any further comments/suggestions http://www.immi.gov.au/students/_pdf/2011-genuine-temporary-entrant.pdf



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Brothers I am definitely HOPELESS for Oct Applicants. Is there anyone who's Security Checks are completed? Are there any hopes for us? Any idea when SC will complete for most of us?


Sorry guys but I cant lie any more. I am not happy with DIAC the way they are treating our Applications. They must change their way and conduct our SC on an acceptable pace. Justice Delayed, Justice Denied. They must fast track our applications as it is getting to point where I must not be afraid to say that It is a form of Systematic Racial Discrimination. Many will not agree with me because of different reasons including blaming the Political and Security situation of our Country. But, one must not forget, How they can process Afghan Applicants faster than us (Pakistan and Bangladesh) where situation is worse than us plus other HR countries?


I am geting a feeling that I will have many replies against my opinion but I am open and will welcome those. At least it will answer some of my questions. :confused:

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Hi GUDLUK, I understand your pain. I have been through this as well. I can advise you not to lose hope, you will get through this inshallah. Personally i don't think there is any racial discrimination against us, it is just part of the process.


My bro also submited his form 80 in OCT 2011 he is still wating for med/pcc call.

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Brothers I am definitely HOPELESS for Oct Applicants. Is there anyone who's Security Checks are completed? Are there any hopes for us? Any idea when SC will complete for most of us?


Sorry guys but I cant lie any more. I am not happy with DIAC the way they are treating our Applications. They must change their way and conduct our SC on an acceptable pace. Justice Delayed, Justice Denied. They must fast track our applications as it is getting to point where I must not be afraid to say that It is a form of Systematic Racial Discrimination. Many will not agree with me because of different reasons including blaming the Political and Security situation of our Country. But, one must not forget, How they can process Afghan Applicants faster than us (Pakistan and Bangladesh) where situation is worse than us plus other HR countries?


I am geting a feeling that I will have many replies against my opinion but I am open and will welcome those. At least it will answer some of my questions. :confused:


I don't think you can question the process they follow. It's their country and they have every right to make and follow the policies they want. DIAC has already mentioned on their site that 176 visa can take from 12 to 24 months and 175 can take 18 months. So basically you can not even question the time they take.


So my suggestion would be just chill and relax. Let them do their work.

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I understand you, but the moment you see my signature you will feel much better off and hopeful, I have felt the frustration till ave become num.

Brothers I am definitely HOPELESS for Oct Applicants. Is there anyone who's Security Checks are completed? Are there any hopes for us? Any idea when SC will complete for most of us?


Sorry guys but I cant lie any more. I am not happy with DIAC the way they are treating our Applications. They must change their way and conduct our SC on an acceptable pace. Justice Delayed, Justice Denied. They must fast track our applications as it is getting to point where I must not be afraid to say that It is a form of Systematic Racial Discrimination. Many will not agree with me because of different reasons including blaming the Political and Security situation of our Country. But, one must not forget, How they can process Afghan Applicants faster than us (Pakistan and Bangladesh) where situation is worse than us plus other HR countries?


I am geting a feeling that I will have many replies against my opinion but I am open and will welcome those. At least it will answer some of my questions. :confused:

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Brothers I am definitely HOPELESS for Oct Applicants. Is there anyone who's Security Checks are completed? Are there any hopes for us? Any idea when SC will complete for most of us?


Sorry guys but I cant lie any more. I am not happy with DIAC the way they are treating our Applications. They must change their way and conduct our SC on an acceptable pace. Justice Delayed, Justice Denied. They must fast track our applications as it is getting to point where I must not be afraid to say that It is a form of Systematic Racial Discrimination. Many will not agree with me because of different reasons including blaming the Political and Security situation of our Country. But, one must not forget, How they can process Afghan Applicants faster than us (Pakistan and Bangladesh) where situation is worse than us plus other HR countries?


I am geting a feeling that I will have many replies against my opinion but I am open and will welcome those. At least it will answer some of my questions. :confused:


Brother, I share your despair. As msvayani suggested, it's their country and they have every right to make and follow the policies they want. They are entrusted with the task of making decisions they deem to be in the best interest of their state. Moreover, they are not courts and are not supposed to dispense justice. On a side note, I think that we should hold ourselves culpable for these delays. Our institutions are in dire straits and law of the jungle reigns supreme in our society. No wonder our visa applications are thoroughly vetted. Our predecessors also endured protracted delays e.g. Usman received PCC/Med call after 12 months of CO allocation and his application's total processing time was simply mind-boggling (24 months).


@msvayani brother DIAC website states "We aim to process 75 per cent of cases within these service standards, however actual processing times may vary depending on a range of factors."


So let us sit back, relax and savor this waiting period. I know that each day seems like a long year of agony and travail to most of us. But, fret not yourself. This too shall pass.

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Folks today I hit one year (12 months) since I lodged my application with DIAC, I never knew I would not have my grant by now, neither do I have an idea on when al receive the golden mail, but al try and keep my hope alive as much as I can. Wishing you all a painless waiting.

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Brother, I share your despair. As msvayani suggested, it's their country and they have every right to make and follow the policies they want. They are entrusted with the task of making decisions they deem to be in the best interest of their state. Moreover, they are not courts and are not supposed to dispense justice. On a side note, I think that we should hold ourselves culpable for these delays. Our institutions are in dire straits and law of the jungle reigns supreme in our society. No wonder our visa applications are thoroughly vetted. Our predecessors also endured protracted delays e.g. Usman received PCC/Med call after 12 months of CO allocation and his application's total processing time was simply mind-boggling (24 months).


@msvayani brother DIAC website states "We aim to process 75 per cent of cases within these service standards, however actual processing times may vary depending on a range of factors."


So let us sit back, relax and savor this waiting period. I know that each day seems like a long year of agony and travail to most of us. But, fret not yourself. This too shall pass.


I always admire your optimism Nosferatu, but surely you cant deny the damaging effects that long waiting periods can have. IMO, the biggest part of emigration process is the mental state of ours, when we decide to leave everything here and move. It is that positive mental state, the one needs to move ahead and accept all challenges of settling in new place. But what happens is that as the time goes by, it extracts all the passion and excitement of that initial decision and what usually left is fears and second guesses. Back in time, I have seen many people, deciding not to avail the canadian immigration when it came through after ages, and why, because the time had changed and circumstances have changed. Even my elder brother, he was single and jobless at the time he applied for canadian PR in 1999. When it eventually came through in 2005, he was married, had two kids and a very good government job. So decided not to avail it. Had he gone if he had received it in few months of apply? definitely yes (few ppl would argue about fate, but that is the discussion of another day)


And what is even worse than long waiting periods is the uncertainty of processing times. And I don't know what I would do if this happen to me another time. Back in 2009, I applied for canadian PR under new faster processing rules. Official website at that time was stating that processing time is 6 to 12 months. Forums were full of ppl with their stories of the same. So I brought my life to a stand still, gathered all saving, even loaned some to meet the threshold, put it in a bank so I can show "hard cash for six months", as most ppl suggested. Time started to go by, maintaining cash at bank was difficult but in the hope of getting it over in "few" months, I waited for months after months until all hopes had gone. I was even offered a better job opportunity in other city that I declined. Why should I uproot my life now, was the thought at that time,as I would be doing it in few months again. But those few months never came. and as I am completing the fourth regretful year of waiting, am still empty handed.


Thats the kind of effect these "routine processing" and "security checks" can have on someone. I sincerely hope that I won't have to go through this all over (As these days I am thinking of leasing a car from bank, and sure enough, have no idea if I should go on with this at this stage or not). Would be much happy if DIAC gives me a date when they'll contact me, even if that is a year from now. So I can make some short term decisions about my life.


PS: phew, that was some steam stuck inside me, hope you guyz won't mind me letting it off here. stay blessed :smile:

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Actually MissonOZ..

I think the long wait time and everything associated with the process for us is primarily meant to discourage people like us to apply and, eventually, move to Australia.. Because, quite frankly, they cannot 'unilaterally' refuse any case without any valid ground.. By the way, for those who don't know, discrimination on the basis of nationality, let alone religion, is not a valid ground for refusal. If a case is refused on such grounds and appealed and determined as such by any court, this could mean setting a precedent that could reopen hundreds if not thousands of other previously refused cases.


Therefore, they can only do one thing, apply a set of policy and procedures to discourage potential migrants whom they themselves don't want to roam about in their country.. They can't just shut down immigration because one, they need skilled labour which cannot be fulfilled by their current labour base nor they have or can get access to markets that do (like EU through special treaties) because that would mean opening floodgates that cannot be controlled (like current UK scenario which can hardly do anything if EEA residents take UK jobs). I personally think skillselect is also part of it but lets hope not..


Why am I implying these 'thorough' security checks are consequently 'meaningless'? because frankly put, they are.. If you've gone through ANAO report of ASIO, how many cases were referred as 'Adverse' or 'Qualified'? 52~ were rated as adverse and 13~ as qualified.. around half of these pertained to IMAs (Boat people referred above) while other belonged to personal security checks.. while the actual PR cases referred to them exceeded 10,000 (excluding IMAs btw)... This is what.. done for filtering less than .65% of people? In fact, I am quite sure most of them these were identified primarily through their Triage system.


Their triage system is quick and accurate (effective and efficient) and therefore most of the caseload referred to them is crossed through that system and passed on for approval.. all the other 35% cases are gone through meaningless, in my view ofcourse, security checks just on the basis of nationality..


So.. like I said.. their actual objective is to discourage potential migrants from regions which they, themselves deem unfit.

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I always admire your optimism Nosferatu, but surely you cant deny the damaging effects that long waiting periods can have. IMO, the biggest part of emigration process is the mental state of ours, when we decide to leave everything here and move. It is that positive mental state, the one needs to move ahead and accept all challenges of settling in new place. But what happens is that as the time goes by, it extracts all the passion and excitement of that initial decision and what usually left is fears and second guesses. Back in time, I have seen many people, deciding not to avail the canadian immigration when it came through after ages, and why, because the time had changed and circumstances have changed. Even my elder brother, he was single and jobless at the time he applied for canadian PR in 1999. When it eventually came through in 2005, he was married, had two kids and a very good government job. So decided not to avail it. Had he gone if he had received it in few months of apply? definitely yes (few ppl would argue about fate, but that is the discussion of another day)


And what is even worse than long waiting periods is the uncertainty of processing times. And I don't know what I would do if this happen to me another time. Back in 2009, I applied for canadian PR under new faster processing rules. Official website at that time was stating that processing time is 6 to 12 months. Forums were full of ppl with their stories of the same. So I brought my life to a stand still, gathered all saving, even loaned some to meet the threshold, put it in a bank so I can show "hard cash for six months", as most ppl suggested. Time started to go by, maintaining cash at bank was difficult but in the hope of getting it over in "few" months, I waited for months after months until all hopes had gone. I was even offered a better job opportunity in other city that I declined. Why should I uproot my life now, was the thought at that time,as I would be doing it in few months again. But those few months never came. and as I am completing the fourth regretful year of waiting, am still empty handed.


Thats the kind of effect these "routine processing" and "security checks" can have on someone. I sincerely hope that I won't have to go through this all over (As these days I am thinking of leasing a car from bank, and sure enough, have no idea if I should go on with this at this stage or not). Would be much happy if DIAC gives me a date when they'll contact me, even if that is a year from now. So I can make some short term decisions about my life.


PS: phew, that was some steam stuck inside me, hope you guyz won't mind me letting it off here. stay blessed :smile:



MissionOz, I understand that several folks on this forum have been made abject by the processing delays. I commiserate with you on the loss of your time while pursuing Canadian Immigration. It is noteworthy that no one, including me, is disputing the fact that inordinate delays have transformed most of us into downcast, careworn, immigrants-wannabes. Timing of calls and grants has pervaded our thought processes too. However, we should think rationally. As soon as an applicant files for a visa, he inadvertently enters into a tacit yet primitive agreement with that state. According to that agreement, nearly all individuals, entities, states and institutions follow their own self-interest (Adam Smith nicely elucidated this fact) and they take steps which inure to their benefit (this is so evident in everyday life). Immigration is no exception. Let us be honest. Almost everyone applies for immigration to improve their net worth and to secure their future. By the same logic, countries enact immigration policies to fuel economic growth etc. If a particular individual or clique is facing delays then this implies that authorities believe that their applications should be thoroughly vetted. So both parties are entitled to protect and pursue their interests. I think anyone who believes that inordinate delays are unfair and are inimical to his/her interests/rights should withdraw their visa applications to cancel the "deal". Few other options are available as well but this is the only honest way, in my opinion. :smile:

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Actually MissonOZ..

I think the long wait time and everything associated with the process for us is primarily meant to discourage people like us to apply and, eventually, move to Australia.. Because, quite frankly, they cannot 'unilaterally' refuse any case without any valid ground.. By the way, for those who don't know, discrimination on the basis of nationality, let alone religion, is not a valid ground for refusal. If a case is refused on such grounds and appealed and determined as such by any court, this could mean setting a precedent that could reopen hundreds if not thousands of other previously refused cases.


Therefore, they can only do one thing, apply a set of policy and procedures to discourage potential migrants whom they themselves don't want to roam about in their country.. They can't just shut down immigration because one, they need skilled labour which cannot be fulfilled by their current labour base nor they have or can get access to markets that do (like EU through special treaties) because that would mean opening floodgates that cannot be controlled (like current UK scenario which can hardly do anything if EEA residents take UK jobs). I personally think skillselect is also part of it but lets hope not..


Why am I implying these 'thorough' security checks are consequently 'meaningless'? because frankly put, they are.. If you've gone through ANAO report of ASIO, how many cases were referred as 'Adverse' or 'Qualified'? 52~ were rated as adverse and 13~ as qualified.. around half of these pertained to IMAs (Boat people referred above) while other belonged to personal security checks.. while the actual PR cases referred to them exceeded 10,000 (excluding IMAs btw)... This is what.. done for filtering less than .65% of people? In fact, I am quite sure most of them these were identified primarily through their Triage system.


Their triage system is quick and accurate (effective and efficient) and therefore most of the caseload referred to them is crossed through that system and passed on for approval.. all the other 35% cases are gone through meaningless, in my view ofcourse, security checks just on the basis of nationality..


So.. like I said.. their actual objective is to discourage potential migrants from regions which they, themselves deem unfit.


Million dollar question is, why do they deem those regions unfit? :cool:

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Million dollar question is, why do they deem those regions unfit? :cool:


really.. is that a question? :D

I agree with you bhai.. but why not be open about it.. Come out and say, applicants from these countries will face intense delays because we will conduct intensive background checks on them..


In fact, I think skill select is the best move in Australian Immigration History.. The priorities are set by the Minister as he deems fit.. I am not really sure how he is setting them because I have yet to come across a single VHR Country's resident who has been invited to apply in the new system.. I think their priority for invitation might also include country of origination as well..

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really.. is that a question? :D

I agree with you bhai.. but why not be open about it.. Come out and say, applicants from these countries will face intense delays because we will conduct intensive background checks on them..


In fact, I think skill select is the best move in Australian Immigration History.. The priorities are set by the Minister as he deems fit.. I am not really sure how he is setting them because I have yet to come across a single VHR Country's resident who has been invited to apply in the new system.. I think their priority for invitation might also include country of origination as well..


Brother let us pray that everyone gets visas quickly. Brothers Gudluk and MissionOZ, dont be daunted by these delays. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.


All of us will get our grants soon.

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I always admire your optimism Nosferatu, but surely you cant deny the damaging effects that long waiting periods can have. IMO, the biggest part of emigration process is the mental state of ours, when we decide to leave everything here and move. It is that positive mental state, the one needs to move ahead and accept all challenges of settling in new place. But what happens is that as the time goes by, it extracts all the passion and excitement of that initial decision and what usually left is fears and second guesses. Back in time, I have seen many people, deciding not to avail the canadian immigration when it came through after ages, and why, because the time had changed and circumstances have changed. Even my elder brother, he was single and jobless at the time he applied for canadian PR in 1999. When it eventually came through in 2005, he was married, had two kids and a very good government job. So decided not to avail it. Had he gone if he had received it in few months of apply? definitely yes (few ppl would argue about fate, but that is the discussion of another day)


And what is even worse than long waiting periods is the uncertainty of processing times. And I don't know what I would do if this happen to me another time. Back in 2009, I applied for canadian PR under new faster processing rules. Official website at that time was stating that processing time is 6 to 12 months. Forums were full of ppl with their stories of the same. So I brought my life to a stand still, gathered all saving, even loaned some to meet the threshold, put it in a bank so I can show "hard cash for six months", as most ppl suggested. Time started to go by, maintaining cash at bank was difficult but in the hope of getting it over in "few" months, I waited for months after months until all hopes had gone. I was even offered a better job opportunity in other city that I declined. Why should I uproot my life now, was the thought at that time,as I would be doing it in few months again. But those few months never came. and as I am completing the fourth regretful year of waiting, am still empty handed.


Thats the kind of effect these "routine processing" and "security checks" can have on someone. I sincerely hope that I won't have to go through this all over (As these days I am thinking of leasing a car from bank, and sure enough, have no idea if I should go on with this at this stage or not). Would be much happy if DIAC gives me a date when they'll contact me, even if that is a year from now. So I can make some short term decisions about my life.


PS: phew, that was some steam stuck inside me, hope you guyz won't mind me letting it off here. stay blessed :smile:


Dear Bro many of us are burning with same kind of fire, It was a day in March 2009 when I planned for Aus Immigration. I was securing 125 points (while 120 was required), prepared my IELTS and got through in First attempt. Started preparing the CDR and CPD for engineers Australia which took almost 3-4 months, then I completed my documents like job responsibilities from company , letters from colleagues and appraisal papers, job assignments to me, bank statements etc. I was fully satisfied that time and submitted my case to Engineer Australia on Feb 2010. But than in Feb 2010 rule changed, MODL revoked and priorities changed and point test changed. My points decreased to 115, Then tried for state sponsorship and got positive reply in Nov 2010 and lodge my case 176 (SMP) in Nov 2010. CO assignment was delayed for 3 months and finally got first CO in Feb 2011 since than my case is under security assessment and I am in waiting state while in Nov 2012 it will be 24 months after case lodged to DIAC and in total 40th month.


When I lodge my case in 2010 with DIAC, processing time for 176 SS was 12 months and now in Aug 2012 also processing time is 12 month. But this 12 month came and went while there is no ray of light in this Black Dark Room of waiting.


But still I have a hope , Inshallah some day we will get OZ PR. My prayers are for everyone who is suffering with waiting waiting and waiting. . . . .

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