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Liars, lazy or sh7t stirrers?


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A suspension or ban or 3 days what the frig does it matter??


I still find it offensive. and thanks for reminding me the forum guidelines ... I didn't realise that ... not


Hi Karen,


If it were a ban then you wouldn't be back on the site, the infraction points resulted in a suspension. Can I suggest that you contact either Kate or Rob (Admin) if you want to discuss this further.



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So anyway...which is the more expensive place to live? All I know is I couldnt afford to buy a 4 bedroomed house in the UK and I can here so thats good enough for me.


Thats Great and Im really pleased for u. But I had a 4 bed house in the Uk but I couldnt afford one here In Sydney, and please dont say move my husbands in the armed forces and based here.



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Guest guest36187

Back to the OP.....

I’ve read on countless threads over time on how expensive Australia is? So far I’ve not found this! Granted you need to look to find the bargains but once you know where to look it’s not that hard.....


So my question is,


1/ Are these people lying?


2/ Are they just being lazy? Only going in 1 shop and not looking for the bargains?


3/ Or just sh7t stirring, looking for a reaction?


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4 bed house. Where abouts in the UK?


Hi I lived in a place called gosport. And if you look around there are plenty of hiouse,s at good prices in the uk.

The price of the average 4 bed house in Sydney in the sutherland shire is 800 thousand if not more, so yes Australia is more expensive than the uk. But Im not moaning about it and Im also not telling lies.


England is cheaper, food, schools , NHS, dentist, sports, the list goes on.

Yes we have a few things cheaper petrol, but u have to drive miles to see ur friends. Gas and electric. are cheaper, but that doesnt make up for everything else that is expensive.

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Guest chris955

From my recent visit to the UK it seemed very apparent that things were generally cheaper there. Australia has the faster rising grocery prices in the world AND the least affordable housing. These things combined with rising utilities and other costs make it expensive. I don't care if someone can buy a piece of steak for $5 or a bottle of milk for $1, overall it is more expensive here.

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Guest siamsusie

If your occupation is required in Tasmania, housing is very affordable here.

Under $200,000 you still manage to get something reasonable. Over, you can have something very decent with acreage with a river view.



Our temperatures today are 26+ its beautiful.


Personally I dont find I spend anymore here than in the UK. Today on the way back from Launceston,

I brought l kilo zuchini (Corgettes) for $1.50 l kilo tomatoes $1.20 l huge cauliflower $1


All the fruit and vegetables are oganically grown in my neck of the woods .. I only use the big 2 for specials i.e. coffee.

All fresh produce I buy from are from little people and farmers.


My electricity bills are substantially lower here because I am careful, we have aimed most things to eco living.


My water is free .. water tanks enough for 2 years.


Distances are no big shakes here and whilst there has been a noticeable hike at todays rate of $1.29 with a docket.. it is still slightly different to the high end of $1.49 ish in nothern WA.


My Drs bills are all bulk billed and the hospital care I am receiving is second to none. 5*.



Yes I do shop around, I do stock up on essentials when on offer. Recipes are all made from scratch in our household , a fraction of the price than convenience foods.


Yes for me my quality of life is cheaper and better here thats for sure.


Susie x

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Hi I lived in a place called gosport. And if you look around there are plenty of hiouse,s at good prices in the uk.

The price of the average 4 bed house in Sydney in the sutherland shire is 800 thousand if not more, so yes Australia is more expensive than the uk. But Im not moaning about it and Im also not telling lies.


England is cheaper, food, schools , NHS, dentist, sports, the list goes on.

Yes we have a few things cheaper petrol, but u have to drive miles to see ur friends. Gas and electric. are cheaper, but that doesnt make up for everything else that is expensive.


See this it what makes me laugh (no offense)


You are talking about 1 area of Australia and unfortunately you seem to be stuck there. But where I live you can buy a 4 bed home from $350,000 up, cheaper in an other area, dearer in another.

You have put a blanket over so many things that are cheaper. NHS, you pay for that in your taxes as you do with medicare I don't pay to see a doctor in Australia so I don't see how it costs more unless you don't go to a bulk billing clinic.

Things that I've found dearer in my food shop I've found else where at a cheaper price or I wait for it to come on sale.

Sport? Sorry I don't understand that one, are you talking about watching sport or joining in?

Dentist I can't comment.

Schools, just paid $500 for 2 kids for the year $500 more than I did in the UK, but I guess to find the true costs I'd need to figure how much tax I paid in the UK for my kids to attend school. However the school they go to now (on the outside and what my kids tell me) is better than their UK one, but it's all early days and new to them so that could all change.

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Guest chris955

I have seen houses in the low 300's quite close to us, I wouldn't want one but they are there. It is also easy to find houses for less than 100k GBP but I wouldn't want them either. :wink:

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Hi I lived in a place called gosport. And if you look around there are plenty of hiouse,s at good prices in the uk.

The price of the average 4 bed house in Sydney in the sutherland shire is 800 thousand if not more, so yes Australia is more expensive than the uk. But Im not moaning about it and Im also not telling lies.


England is cheaper, food, schools , NHS, dentist, sports, the list goes on.

Yes we have a few things cheaper petrol, but u have to drive miles to see ur friends. Gas and electric. are cheaper, but that doesnt make up for everything else that is expensive.


I guess it`s all relative - we too came from Gosport and we couldn`t afford to buy there (despite us both working full time). We`ve moved over to Perth with not a lot of savings and despite the fact that I do think it more expensive now for most things (I`ve certainly noticed a difference since we arrived over 3 yrs ago) we have still managed to buy our own place (at that time on only 1 wage).

Is there no way your hubby could get a draft elsewhere Anita?

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I’ve read on countless threads over time on how expensive Australia is? So far I’ve not found this! Granted you need to look to find the bargains but once you know where to look it’s not that hard.....


So my question is,


1/ Are these people lying?


2/ Are they just being lazy? Only going in 1 shop and not looking for the bargains?


3/ Or just sh7t stirring, looking for a reaction?




Having re read this thread, I still think it comes down to perception and personal experience, so people who find Australia expensive are no more lazy, lying, sh7t stirrers than those who find the opposite is true.

It depends what you want/have to spend your money on.

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This thread that can be taken very personally and appears to be aimed at those that disagree with the author and likeminded. There are ways to get YOUR point across without being sarcastic and accusing.


I also found Australia to be expensive as time as gone by, but that does not mean I am a liar, lazy or shi stirrer! I have been coming and going from Australia over the last 22yrs, and note that many years ago AU was really cheap, clothing, housing etc. But as time as gone on and the asian and european markets have opening up to the UK, clothing is a good price now and due to the financial situation in the UK, houses are very competitive too.


I found property in Melbourne was ridiculously priced, and I can imagine it is in most cities/suburbs, yes you could buy a home for under $300,000, but I would not wish to live there or bring my children up in the area's I saw this cheaper housing. There may be nice area's for this price, but from what I saw they were remote. Call me a postcode snob if you wish, but for comparison, there are properties in some very good area's in the UK for less than in AU from what I saw. But that is all personal choice isn't it? We all have a different view on where we like to live and this post is about my view.


Also take into consideration utility bills, a/c is needed a lot and heating in the winter in Melbourne, with one or the other running it can add up. Our lights were constantly on too as the blinds were always closed to keep the heat out. Phone, broadband and sky in AU I found pricey, where in the UK I have great deals and have over 100 free sat channels so no need to pay for sky. Is there free channels in AU yet? There could be now, but there weren't when I lived there.


As I said, these are my thoughts, they may not be what some people like to hear, but why should I lie.

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Guest clivegw

I've been in Sydney for a couple of years and you have to say property is expensive. However, for other things it's swings and roundabouts compared to the UK. Food here is cheaper and generally far better quality than the UK.

However, visitors from the UK will undoubtedly notice a price hike because they will now get $1.60 for every £. Two years ago it was $2.20 and not long before that it got to $2.60. No wonder they notice the increase!

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I’ve read on countless threads over time on how expensive Australia is? So far I’ve not found this! Granted you need to look to find the bargains but once you know where to look it’s not that hard.....


So my question is,


1/ Are these people lying?


2/ Are they just being lazy? Only going in 1 shop and not looking for the bargains?


3/ Or just sh7t stirring, looking for a reaction?

1/ No


2/ possible


3/ No.


If people find Oz expensive they find it expensive, maybe they shop exactly as they do in the UK and still find Oz more expensive.

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If your occupation is required in Tasmania, housing is very affordable here.

Under $200,000 you still manage to get something reasonable. Over, you can have something very decent with acreage with a river view.



Our temperatures today are 26+ its beautiful.


Personally I dont find I spend anymore here than in the UK. Today on the way back from Launceston,

I brought l kilo zuchini (Corgettes) for $1.50 l kilo tomatoes $1.20 l huge cauliflower $1


All the fruit and vegetables are oganically grown in my neck of the woods .. I only use the big 2 for specials i.e. coffee.

All fresh produce I buy from are from little people and farmers.


My electricity bills are substantially lower here because I am careful, we have aimed most things to eco living.


My water is free .. water tanks enough for 2 years.


Distances are no big shakes here and whilst there has been a noticeable hike at todays rate of $1.29 with a docket.. it is still slightly different to the high end of $1.49 ish in nothern WA.


My Drs bills are all bulk billed and the hospital care I am receiving is second to none. 5*.



Yes I do shop around, I do stock up on essentials when on offer. Recipes are all made from scratch in our household , a fraction of the price than convenience foods.

Yes for me my quality of life is cheaper and better here thats for sure.


Susie x

Nail on head :cute: it is where people find their quality of life better and not really what things cost, some people find it in the UK some people find it it Oz,we are all different.

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Guest Toorak Trev
Back to the OP.....



I dont think people complaining are necessary lazy so no to point 2.


I think its a combination of 1 and 3 where they are shocked and want to get reaction from others to justify that they are not alone with this determination.


What does surprise me as to the number of people who are surprised :chatterbox:




But so too are other places around the world. But dont compare like for like with different populations and cost bases. Thats like going to your local store and expecting the same bulk discounts from walmart.

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I've been in Sydney for a couple of years and you have to say property is expensive. However, for other things it's swings and roundabouts compared to the UK. Food here is cheaper and generally far better quality than the UK.

However, visitors from the UK will undoubtedly notice a price hike because they will now get $1.60 for every £. Two years ago it was $2.20 and not long before that it got to $2.60. No wonder they notice the increase!


I think food is far more expensive in Oz except for meats, and I would not say the quality is any better or any worse, if you want to pay you can get superb produce in either Country.

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Guest chris955

I have to agree, I don't know where this falacy comes from that food is better quality. That isn't to say it's bad quality but I certainly didn't see any difference in the quality of the food.

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Guest guest30038
I have to agree, I don't know where this falacy comes from that food is better quality. That isn't to say it's bad quality but I certainly didn't see any difference in the quality of the food.


Try comparing pork. Pork is fatty at the best of times but Oz has the leanest that I've seen.

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Try comparing pork. Pork is fatty at the best of times but Oz has the leanest that I've seen.

Try cutting the fat off your pork chop,miraculously it works.:wink:




p.s cannot beat crackling on your pork.

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Try cutting the fat off your pork chop,miraculously it works.:wink:




p.s cannot beat crackling on your pork.

love pork crackling ,and pigs feet :yes:


The fat is necessary to give the meat flavour and succulence (and crisp crackling).

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I had a $2 steak on Saturday lunchtime , being a naturally dubious pom I ordered 2 , with salad and Chips it came to the grand total of $7 , delicious and I struggled to eat it all . Pots of xxxx gold $2 each and meat raffle ticket $2 which I won and is feeding me for the week .and my boss treated me to the lot ! And we weren't even working ! And to top it all we were served by topless stunners . I will never understand what makes people want to live in this too hot, fly invested expensive country . Shakes head in disbelief !!

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