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Is it still worth moving to Oz?

Doc 53

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Hi chaps,


My wife and myself are tying ourselves in knots trying to work out if moving to Oz is

still worth it.


I am hoping for guidance from those actually living down under with the knowledge. Will we be able to live on $100 -$120k package in or around (commutable) Brisbane?


We applied for a State Sponsored Permanent Visa, having been already obtained skills assessments, and Queensland state sponsorship. As I am an Electrical Engineer I should go from Cat 3 to Cat 2 when the Queensland SMP is announced.


Basically whilst doing research we have found a lot of people that have moved to Oz and not been able to find work, find the cost of living too much and say they have a poor quality of life. We have also found a lot of information with people saying Oz is economically stuffed, the house market is going to crash, Bris is full of Red necks and are racist, the list goes on.


Easy decision many might say. However whilst doing research we have found many people who have moved to Oz, have no regrets say life is better, the list goes on.


Once we have our visa I hope to get a job in the region of $100 - $120k in Bris CBD. Now in the UK we shop at the market, do not wear branded cloths, drive a 7 year old hatch back. But, and this is the big plus, we can just afford for my wife to stay at home and do the really hard work with our 4 year old girl.


We have looked about on the net and think that we may like to live in Stathpine/Petrie/Redcliff/Deception Bay (subject to change!).


Any help gratefully received.

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Guest rebeccaw

Hi I don't live there waiting just like you to be processed but we have talked this issue over with family who've been over there a while as we have worried about it - we also have 2 young children and expect one of us to be the main earner and the other not work or work part time till our children are a bit older. From what my family say the money you are talking about is enough to have a comfortable enough lifestyle if you are renting (bearing in mind kids clothes, cars, electrical goods etc are more expensive over there) but it all depends on what you plan to do about buying a house and what equity if any you have to put down.....house prices haven't gone down there much at all and whether they will remains to be seen. To rent a half decent family home in the Brisbane suburbs will be at least 400+ dollars a week, some imported food is more expensive but meat and veg/fruit etc wasn't when we last went 3 years ago.......the food markets in Queensland are amazing anyway! Utility bills are a bit cheaper.


My family lived in Brisbane 10 years and now in S Coast and we've been a few times if you need any other info v happy to ask my relatives for u. At least with the weather you don't have to always spend money every weekend over the to entertain your kids as there are free things to do lost of parks, bbq,s beaches etc if you want that lifestyle


But my family are always telling us expect lots of ups and downs the first 2 years of emigrating at least but if you get through the rough bits it's well worth it if you want the lifestyle there.

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When we were wavering we did a list of pros and cons, I find writing things down really helps to focus the mind on the issues. You are probably at the point were you need to remind yourself why you applied in the first place.


Have you researched job opportunities in Brisbane in yor occupation, not much point applying at this point but worth looking to see if there are many around. I don't think it is true that a lot of people have nmot been able to find work. Of all the immigrants that come onto these forums, everyone seems ot have found work. Maybe not in the first week no, and you would need to come with enough savings to tide you over for a few months at least, just in case.


It really isn't possible to say whether that salary is gooe enough for you, because we are all different and lead different lifestyles and I don't think people should be villified if they have a more exravagant liestyle. But my gut feeling is that seems perfectly fine for Brisbane. I would hesitate to go to Sydney on that as housing is more expensive. Again you can do some research in this respect, try looking at rental prices on www.domain.com.au in those places you like the look of.

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Thanks for your replies, the comment about the markets will make my wife especially happy! I am really lucky my wife cooks everything from fresh, it saves us a fortune.


We have about $70,000 to put down on a house. So we were thinking (again from Internet research) that that we would buy a house for between $350,000 and 450,000 in Petrie/Strathpine/Redcliff/Deception Bay. We are not looking for a castle just the usual of 3 beds, big enough cooking space etc.


I do not think the job will be an issue. I was contacted not long ago by a Perth company willing to pay for re-location etc, however we are pretty sure it is either Bris or somewhere else in Europe for us. All the searching I have done for Senior Electrical Engineer in Bris indicates I should get $100 -$120k (+). I am a Chartered Engineer and can get Chartered Professional Engineer and Registered Practising Engineer Queensland with my qualifications and experience.


I can earn a fair wage in the UK (£40-£50K) but am really trying to provide a better life for my wife and daughter. I would hate to come to Oz and then find we had great weather but could not afford to go places to take advantage of it!


We have done all the pros and cons lists, but these are all based on Internet research as I have never been to Oz and my wife has not been for a few years.


Cheers for the help guys it is really appreciated.

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Guest rebeccaw


Thanks for your replies, the comment about the markets will make my wife especially happy! I am really lucky my wife cooks everything from fresh, it saves us a fortune.


We have about $70,000 to put down on a house. So we were thinking (again from Internet research) that that we would buy a house for between $350,000 and 450,000 in Petrie/Strathpine/Redcliff/Deception Bay. We are not looking for a castle just the usual of 3 beds, big enough cooking space etc.


I do not think the job will be an issue. I was contacted not long ago by a Perth company willing to pay for re-location etc, however we are pretty sure it is either Bris or somewhere else in Europe for us. All the searching I have done for Senior Electrical Engineer in Bris indicates I should get $100 -$120k (+). I am a Chartered Engineer and can get Chartered Professional Engineer and Registered Practising Engineer Queensland with my qualifications and experience.


I can earn a fair wage in the UK (£40-£50K) but am really trying to provide a better life for my wife and daughter. I would hate to come to Oz and then find we had great weather but could not afford to go places to take advantage of it!


We have done all the pros and cons lists, but these are all based on Internet research as I have never been to Oz and my wife has not been for a few years.


Cheers for the help guys it is really appreciated.

That's funny your situation is v similar in every sense to us including your earnings expected, equity, what you want to buy and although we are not the experts at all but my uncle is v well informed a company director with lots of employees on lower wages than him so he gets the big picture and he certainly thinks we can manage on approx 50 thou dollars. I don't know if you've been to Brisbane suburbs only thing I would say is careful not to got too far out as you can feel like you've dropped of the edge of the world!! Of course if you want that that's great. I just felt a bit bored and lost when they lived far out 10 years ago when I visited- but then I was in my 20's and it was before kids!!! Around Wellington Point is v nice too, there's some good threads on here about communting think some areas have a fast train service now into Brisbane

tell your wife I have never seen such fab fresh food markets as this one we went to outside Brisbane and have lived in London and travelled a bit - will try and find the name!

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Guest rebeccaw
That's funny your situation is v similar in every sense to us including your earnings expected, equity, what you want to buy and although we are not the experts at all but my uncle is v well informed a company director with lots of employees on lower wages than him so he gets the big picture and he certainly thinks we can manage on approx 50 thou dollars. I don't know if you've been to Brisbane suburbs only thing I would say is careful not to got too far out as you can feel like you've dropped of the edge of the world!! Of course if you want that that's great. I just felt a bit bored and lost when they lived far out 10 years ago when I visited- but then I was in my 20's and it was before kids!!! Around Wellington Point is v nice too, there's some good threads on here about communting think some areas have a fast train service now into Brisbane

tell your wife I have never seen such fab fresh food markets as this one we went to outside Brisbane and have lived in London and travelled a bit - will try and find the name!

sorry meant 50 thous pounds!!!! not dollars

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Is it good to come, well that depends entirely on how much people want to migrate. If its just well maybe but we need this that and the other then think seriously about it.


People are unhappy when the migrate, and it usually starts with a wife or mother who is at home with no support, no friends and in an alien situation, its very very hard to do. If both parties work then they meet people at work have things to talk about etc. That said people do meet up with others when they have primary school children as there are more mums around at that stage of children's lives. High School no mums around much, returned to work to pay for the schooling. Schooling is not free here books etc have to be paid for.


If family is big in our lives and we spend lots of time with family then migrating is very hard because the family is no longer there etc etc.


Also its not a two week holiday in the sun its a 365 day in the sun holiday in the tropical areas of Australia.


We tend to batten down the hatches, close all the curtains, windows etc when its getting hot and if not at the beach then people head to the shopping centres or stay inside out of the sun. The sun is fierce, the uv is fierce and "as they say a mad dog's an Englishman goes out in the midday sun".


I live in Victoria because I do not like humidity and heat even though I have spent a good part of my younger life in the heat. I like the four seasons of the year, also the cosmopolitan feel of Melbourne.

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Hi chaps,


My wife and myself are tying ourselves in knots trying to work out if moving to Oz is

still worth it.


I am hoping for guidance from those actually living down under with the knowledge. Will we be able to live on $100 -$120k package in or around (commutable) Brisbane?


We applied for a State Sponsored Permanent Visa, having been already obtained skills assessments, and Queensland state sponsorship. As I am an Electrical Engineer I should go from Cat 3 to Cat 2 when the Queensland SMP is announced.


Basically whilst doing research we have found a lot of people that have moved to Oz and not been able to find work, find the cost of living too much and say they have a poor quality of life. We have also found a lot of information with people saying Oz is economically stuffed, the house market is going to crash, Bris is full of Red necks and are racist, the list goes on.


Easy decision many might say. However whilst doing research we have found many people who have moved to Oz, have no regrets say life is better, the list goes on.


Once we have our visa I hope to get a job in the region of $100 - $120k in Bris CBD. Now in the UK we shop at the market, do not wear branded cloths, drive a 7 year old hatch back. But, and this is the big plus, we can just afford for my wife to stay at home and do the really hard work with our 4 year old girl.


We have looked about on the net and think that we may like to live in Stathpine/Petrie/Redcliff/Deception Bay (subject to change!).


Any help gratefully received.


i think the main problem when people mirgrate could be they expect a certain salary. When it doesnt happen everything else starts to look bad, and you think why i am here.


Have you done research in salary expections?


PayScale Australia - Electrical Engineer Salary, Average Salaries


QLD Electrical Engineering Salary Information at MyCareer


the only way to know if its right for you is, just do it.

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Every now and then we read or hear things that make us wonder if we're doing the right thing. However, we have made a decision now that everyone is different and we will never know if it is the place for us unless we go. I dont believe you can possibly tell in a holiday either. So we decided to just take the plunge, give it our best shot. Worst case senario we've had an amazing adventure, seen the other side of the world and will have no 'what ifs'. Also we are renting our flat not selling it so there is nothing irriversible about the move.


it's not an easy thing to do emigrating accross the other side of the world and everyone is going to have wobbles at varying stages. But i think like others have said you have to remind yourself the reasons you decided to do it and just trust your decisions.


Good Luck I'm a great believer in things working out for the best :hug:



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If you are fairly confident of earning $100K to $120K, I think that is pretty good money and you certainly should get by financially.

I think as long as you have a buffer of savings for emergencies, may $10K or preferably a bit more, that would be ideal to keep for emergencies such as losing a job or family emergencies such as a flight home to UK etc.


I would definately say go for it if you can earn that sort of money.

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You need to assess your own situation based on why you're thinking of emigrating in the first place. Whatever problems you have in the UK you'll find are also in Australia, there is crime, bad weather, obnoxious people just the same, but you're going to be having the enormous stress of moving and having to live without the support of friends and family.


Is there any way you can have a good holiday over here first? It's madness to consider packing up your life and moving without having seen the place. You can then call in on potential employers, suss out the job situation and commute distances, but try and see the country without rose tinted specs, ask yourself "can I spend the rest of my life here?"


If you have a good life where you are, don't move unless there is some pressing issue driving it. There are loads of people who say "just do it" but it's different when there's a family involved. It may be the best thing you've ever done, but equally it could be massively disruptive and cause all sorts of problems, only you can assess that. You're not going to be financially better off by the move and you'll be isolated by it at first. After a year you get acclimatised so winter will seem lovely when you first arrive but it will be bitterly cold to you next year, so "a better climate" is a bit of a myth.


I don't think you really can add up the pros and cons unless you've actually been here and seen it for yourself.

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Well we dont live in Brissie so cant really comment on that side of Australia but I can say that 100,000 plus is a lovely wage and more than doable. Its the place to bring up a 4 year old and here you tend to cook from scratch so your wife will be fine.


We have been here 5 months and we love it with a capital L. My OH found work before we came out and had 2 offers on the table also he has seen lots of adverts for work in his line anyway.


I think you have to be a bit sensible where you head for. For example my OH is in Engineering so it would not be sensible to go to say the Sunshine Coast because its not known for its Engineering :biglaugh:


Anyway I wish you well, please dont beleive the negative stuff you read it can get you very down just do as much homework as you can and be realistic in your expectations and I am sure like us you will love it:wubclub:

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Guest guest30038

I'd give Deception Bay a miss if I were you mate. If you're making your decision based on property prices, there is always a reason why they are lower than elsewhere.


I live 5 minutes from Petrie/Strathpine (they abutt each other) and they too have areas that should be avoided but also have some excellent areas.


If you want any more info you can pm me and yes, I think it's doable with your quoted income, if you can find work quickly, especially with your deposit.



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Guest guest30038


Is there any way you can have a good holiday over here first? It's madness to consider packing up your life and moving without having seen the place.


Thousands do it, myself included. If we'd wasted money on a recce we wouldn't be where we are today............especially at today's prices.



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Guest chris955

That is more than double the average wage so you should be able to have a very comfortable life here depending on where you end up. I would definitely try and come here and check it out first and stay as long as you possibly can. There is of course no guarantee you will have a better life here, it will be different to what you are used to obviously. Whether it is worth moving or not is something only you and your family can answer. On the money you are talking about you shouldn't struggle financially, as I'm sure you don't where you are.

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If you have a good life where you are, don't move unless there is some pressing issue driving it.


I had a good life in UK, I don't think you need to be running away from something in order for it to be worth the while. I never thought Australia is the land of milk and honey, I just thought it was a different place to live and a different life experience. I left a decent life and moved somewhere where I now have less disposable income. It will be our five month anniversary in a few days time and we are loving it here and don't regret it for a minute.

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chris955 is quite right - and I usually disagree completely with his posts.


Your original question was whether the income would suffice. The answer is a definite "yes". But then you go on to demonstrate that it is not so much the money, nor is it about Brisbane where your doubt lies, but rather you are unsure of your whole direction. You mention Brisbane and "somewhere else in Europe" in the same breath, and that indicates to me that you should not under any circumstances make any sort of move until you have decided what it is you actually want. A vague "something better than this" or an even vaguer "better life for the family" will not do. Australia is a wonderful place to live, but for many who have come here it has turned into a nightmare. Reason in part for that nightmare lies, I suspect, in not having a definite goal, a solid and positive reason for making the decision to come here. Without a definite, positive reason, if you are just leaving something you consider sub-optimal, then when the difficulties arrive (and they will arrive) you will feel directionless, depressed and torn between strruggling on or returning with your tail between your legs.


In terms of an engineer, it would be a bit like working on a development without the plans in detail. You would get lots of things to do, but no cohesive approach, failure almost certainly guaranteed unless you can invent the completion of the plans with loads of work and inspiration.


So back to the drawing board, I would plead with you. What is it you intend for your next five years, in concrete terms, with the agreement of your wife in all details. And if you decide to come to Brisbane, then your stated potential income will certainly be enough for you all, without the necessity of your wife working outside the house to finance your needs.

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Thanks for the replies, it is really appreciated.


As stated the reason for asking for info was that we had seen a lot of negative stuff about Oz and including cost of living and wanted to delve a little further. The replies have been really informative and have put my mind at rest.


Docboat, my post about Oz and Europe in the same breath may have been a little confusing, sorry about that communication is always hard for me in e-mail! The reason I say consider Europe or Oz in the same breath is that both my wife and myself are very well travelled and have the practical opportunity to do both.


We spent a lot of time and research on where to move for a better life style, that is weather, community etc. Oz seemed to tick the boxes. The other night however my wife found a thread on British expats, I think, and It scared out pants off! General thread was even on $200k we would be destitute, sold into slavery so on.


As an engineer (and ex mil) we have done numerous pro and cons lists and drawn a plan, designed for us to retain as much control as we can during the process.


I would hate to think that anyone thinks we are running away from anything or am making an impulsive decision. Abbreviated the plan has gone/is going as follows:


- Initial research to identify reasons for going (lifestyle, weather etc): Done. Do not want perfect, just more practical access to outdoors than we have here and more opportunities for daughter.

- Appraisal of sacrifices to be made, loss of easy access to other cultures (France, Italy, Egypt so on), family left behind (ties not close), friends (scattered throughout UK due to work etc), our quality of life here (24hr shopping if wanted, theatre, cutting edge work for me): Done

- Identify possible locations - Other areas of UK, Europe, America, Canada, NZ and Oz: Done. Oz seems to offer best balance

- Identify region in Oz (work, food, leisure, house prices)

- Review visa process, indentify best method of entry - Done

- Assemble all paper work such as forms, skills assessments, certificates, references etc: Done

- Apply for state sponsorship: Done

- Apply for visa with DIAC: Done

- Continue research (shipping, job, commute, areas to live, schools, etc): Ongoing

- Visa Award: Awaiting

- Gain employment - Visa is required input for this action as we want to do to Oz independently.


The above steps took the best part of two years, not including the six months we have been waiting for the visa. We have gone as far as we can really without getting help from others or having the visa and flying off.

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Salarywise it should be doable. I worry about your housing expectations. Firstly, you will use a lot of capital on emigrating and setting up from scratch. That may make a big dent in your savings. And the other issue is that unless you are on a PR visa, you're likely to find mortgagees require 20% deposit plus conveyancing and stamp duty. Even on a PR visa, as a newly arrived migrant you are likely to struggle to get more than an 80% mortgage.

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Guest guest30038

- Initial research to identify reasons for going (lifestyle, weather etc): Done. Do not want perfect, just more practical access to outdoors than we have here and more opportunities for daughter.

- Appraisal of sacrifices to be made, loss of easy access to other cultures (France, Italy, Egypt so on), family left behind (ties not close), friends (scattered throughout UK due to work etc), our quality of life here (24hr shopping if wanted, theatre, cutting edge work for me): Done

- Identify possible locations - Other areas of UK, Europe, America, Canada, NZ and Oz: Done. Oz seems to offer best balance

- Identify region in Oz (work, food, leisure, house prices)

- Review visa process, indentify best method of entry - Done

- Assemble all paper work such as forms, skills assessments, certificates, references etc: Done

- Apply for state sponsorship: Done

- Apply for visa with DIAC: Done

- Continue research (shipping, job, commute, areas to live, schools, etc): Ongoing

- Visa Award: Awaiting

- Gain employment - Visa is required input for this action as we want to do to Oz independently.




Obviously ex military! :wink:



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