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Don't believe the doom mongers :)

Guest chris955

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Its not all doom and gloom ........................ the x factors on tonight.............. i think i love Simon Cowell.



No way, that is doom and gloom. The devaluing of the art of music in the name of light entertainment. There's no point anyway, it's the same winner every year - Simon Cowell.

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Guest deb31deb
Shark mate stop telling them stuff, they might just cotton onto the truth and not come back to the Titanic, i mean the uk and that will mean there won't be more jobs for us lot who want to go to Australia, they think we are making it up.................. still all good news coming from the land of plenty, seems the world recession passed them by.



my god what do you have against the uk ? :hug:

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Havent seen any doom and gloom yet, but I have been in the South so far. What I have seen is a bottle of Shaw and Smith sav blanc (one of my favourites) at the equivalent of £4 cheaper than I can usually get it in Aus!!!! Sheesh! I cant get over how cheap the wine is here and not just the chateau collapso stuff either.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
my god what do you have against the uk ? :hug:


i've got nothing against the uk its given me a great life and is still a great country to live in, but some want to make out its has bad in australia without giving any facts or figures and most people on pio are looking at emigrating and the uk is really struggling, its a fact, it doesn't mean i don't like it, well i hate the crap weather.

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If the counrty is willing to give out money for nothing then most of us will take it, it would be silly not to.


But the Torys seem to be taking these freebies away I for one will not moan about it even if it does hit me in the pocket.


Let's hope you're not one of the few thousand that's going to lose their jobs then.

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Havent seen any doom and gloom yet, but I have been in the South so far. What I have seen is a bottle of Shaw and Smith sav blanc (one of my favourites) at the equivalent of £4 cheaper than I can usually get it in Aus!!!! Sheesh! I cant get over how cheap the wine is here and not just the chateau collapso stuff either.


Presumably, you've not opened a newspaper or turned on the TV & Radio - if you're yet to encounter any doom and gloom?


The wine only seems cheap cos you're buying it with dollars. You wouldn't believe how cheap Oz seemed back in 2002, when I got three dollars to my pound..

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Mate, we are facing huge cuts in the UK because rich bankers worldwide took huge risks with other people's money. Not because of the welfare system.


God forbid you ever have an accident, suddenly lose your job or house or whatever and need the support of the state.


I have no problem paying taxes to provide welfare. Of course, no one likes bludgers, but there are plenty on welfare who would rather not be and are doing their best to get off it. Don't be so narrow minded.


The welfare system is keeping the lid on things too. Imagine if it stopped altogether. You think the bludgers and the people that are really in desperate need of it will just sit back and starve to death. No, there would be riots on the streets (maybe worse than France at the moment, English know how to cause aggro a lot worse than the French) and it would be bad for everyone. Wouldn't matter if you had money, didn't need social service and never claimed in your life. In fact if you have plenty of money and you look comfortable and happy, watch out. The lunatics will be taking over the asylum.

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Guest chris955

Actually one of the things I was disappointed by was not being able to find nice cheap casks of white, they weren't that expensive just not very many to choose from which was odd given the incredible choice overall.


Havent seen any doom and gloom yet, but I have been in the South so far. What I have seen is a bottle of Shaw and Smith sav blanc (one of my favourites) at the equivalent of £4 cheaper than I can usually get it in Aus!!!! Sheesh! I cant get over how cheap the wine is here and not just the chateau collapso stuff either.
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Guest chris955

Why would we have to imagine if it was stopped altogether ? It would never happen. Having seen how the French seem to riot over just about anything I would imagine they could teach the rest of the world about aggro.

The welfare system is keeping the lid on things too. Imagine if it stopped altogether. You think the bludgers and the people that are really in desperate need of it will just sit back and starve to death. No, there would be riots on the streets (maybe worse than France at the moment, English know how to cause aggro a lot worse than the French) and it would be bad for everyone. Wouldn't matter if you had money, didn't need social service and never claimed in your life. In fact if you have plenty of money and you look comfortable and happy, watch out. The lunatics will be taking over the asylum.
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Guest guest30038
Having seen how the French seem to riot over just about anything I would imagine they could teach the rest of the world about aggro.



Yeah, how to run away from it :biglaugh:..............Foreign Legion excepted of course.



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I am gonna get shot down for this one !!

For these comments i am merely expressing my opinions and i knew some of this before i came here to Australia of which i was relatively happy with but we are unsure about staying now we have lived it ..... for all these comments here, i could probably do a larger list for the UK, i am just saying there is S__T! Everywhere, just depends whether you want it in the sunshine.

I do agree with Cal if England had stayed like it was back in the day, not as many would be thinking about leaving...

I just wanted to remark on a few things, doom and gloom is everywhere if you want to see it like that.

I guess quite a lot people who migrate to Oz from UK, want to leave the UK because of issues (weather, health, lifestyle etc) rather than just actually choose to come to Oz (if you know what i mean). We did..we wanted to leave the Uk for better things ...

Kids schooling (4 & 2) we knew the 4 year old was going to start school in feb 2011 didnt realise it would only be for 2 days a week? Till 2012.

So if you have young kids don’t expect them to be in full time school till there 5 yrs or even 6 dependent on birth date.

So you will have to find the childcare for a while which for our 2 is $620 a week! A bit cheaper from feb because of the 2 days at school, you do get a quarterly discount .

Rental property won’t get much for less than $350 a week.

Food : we spend $150-$170 a week (2 adults 4yr & 2yr old)

Well established family (friend) 2 adults 3 older kids 16 yr & two 18 yr olds spend $240-$300 a week

Some one who replied on this forum mentioned someone getting burnt up or something in UK, well same here just up the road in a car not sure what happened but suspicious circumstance apparently, so it can happen here..

There have been a couple of robberies at the local stores , i spoke to a older fellow earlier today who went to his sons grave left a few items in his car, wallet etc . ten mins maybe car broken into all stuff stolen (cemetery carpark Freo) .

Nanny raped at home, woman found in back garden (suspicious circumstance), Mother and daughter assaulted (stabbed), House broken into in broad daylight homeowner assaulted and robbed, these are all in the last 3-4 weeks in WA, plus a lot more.

Graffitti here is everywhere.

The driving here wow thought Uk was bad, people just cant drive... this is even a comment made by my boss (an Aussie) seems like there isn’t much of a rule on the roads , weave in and out, speed up peoples back sides, for a place that is so slow in life, they seem to change when there in their cars!!

Don’t expect people to let you out of a junction or move lanes each for themselves (another comment by my boss an aussie). Lorries can drive any speed any lane and they do, yes i think they do own the road..

There seems a lot of people with big cars/fast cars (holden things that are everywhere) and you must drive it at 100kph everywhere and do donuts and skid marks on every road or your just a wuss..

But you will NEED a car no where is close by.

Water is an issue as you might imagine for somewhere that doesn’t rain much, 2nd driest winter since records began, so you need to save 6 buckets a day but you can still water your gardens and keep your nice big cars shiny.

Yes major problems financially back in the UK, unless you either bring quite a bit of money here (although not worth exchanging at the minute or the foreseeable future) or land yourself a well paid job, for a decent place your looking at $2000 a month mortgage for 15/20 years or more maybe and interest rates rising so ok if you are fortunate to have savings.

The rich poor divide is apparently getting wider.

And im not too sure why this area is so great for bringing kids up in, parks? There are a few play areas wouldn’t call them parks (although kings park is fantastic) beaches are excellent and the weather helps, but don’t forget your not supposed to go outside between 11am and 4pm (recommended by the gov).

Bugs and stuff, you are probably best to stay away from the bushland and sand dunes especially with kids because of the snakes (i like snakes spiders sharks etc so not an actual issue to me but i wouldn’t want my kids too close to them).

People say certain things like snakes are rare locally, you can pass through any pathway to the beach and there will be at least 3-4 snake tracks. A snake passed by us on the scarborough beach,

1st visit to Hillary’s (fantastic place) jellyfish in the bay where you can paddle (although they swim away from you, not sure what type they are).

Scorpion in my friends house where we were visiting. Flies! I work outside and they are just starting to get annoying, blow flies everywhere, you know when you see the programs in Africa etc yes thats it!! And its not quite there yet.

Although the streets are clean mostly , wide, look nice in the sun, its great to wake up in the sunshine (most days) the beaches are great.

If you have seen Back to the Future, a lot of WA is like Hilldale as its first built, but some of the areas are like Hilldale when Biff has taken over the place (like Kwinana)

Someone on the forum wanted stats

Road deaths 1,464 au deaths 2008 population 21,000,000 - 2008

Road deaths 2538 uk deaths 2008 population 61,414,062 - 2008

Locust plague happening as i write

UV index UK rarely above 7 (no surprise there!)

Australia today alone 11+ (not even summer yet – recommendations stay indoors during daylight!)

So slap that sun screen on, and that aint cheap, unless of course you get the cheap stuff??

So skin cancer an obvious high risk - stats 2007 (all i could find shouldn’t think there much different now)

Uk – 10000 approx people diagnosed per year

AU – 12000 (approx) people diagnosed per year

Australia emits more greenhouse gas than most, due to 80% of the electricity in Australia is created using coal, aluminium smelting, and natural bush fires, Australia also inadvertently adds to the grrenhouse effects by being the worlds largest exporter producer of coal, mainly to Japan korea Taiwan etc , you know where they make all the cheap plastic stuff...

sorry for the length but I would like to add, if any body is thinking about coming here to Australia, dont just think about it, do it , this place may just be for you and and you would always be kicking yourself if you didnt .. the above comments are only my view in this specific place, other places may be totally different.

all the best

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Yeah Perth is fantastic, loads for young kids to do, play areas and barbecues, undamaged by yobs, dotted all along the sea front and the beaches and sea are fantastic, if you are a young family looking for a great quality of life, with a fantastic climate, then..................... Perth is the place to be. We absolutely loved it.

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It was fair, it was warts and all according to what you have seen yourself actually living there.


Apparently only the warts and all opinions of Australia carry any weight. Eh, Chris? :tongue:

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Great post !

We have been here 4 months now and its not until you leave the UK that you realise its not such a bad place after all.... the problem with Oz is they are so self absorbed...they dont care whats happening across the world as it doesnt concern them ! (said from an Ozzy mouth).

The graffitti here is unreal im amazed at how widespread it is much worse than the UK !!

Only down the road here there was an "invasion" this is where the thugs run into a house with the owners inside and rob them !!! Yeh living the dream man !!!

So with this and much more i am off back home....

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Guest chris955

This is exactly what I have spoken about in other threads, it's amazing how many people don't actually see what is going on around them or ignore it. I read on here someone say they had seen very little graffiti and what there was got removed within a day or so :elvis: That is not to say there isn't graffiti in the UK or anywhere else but to pretend it doesn't exist is strange indeed.

I do agree about the self absorbed thing, I have Aussie friends who admit that you would believe there is no rest of the world.

Of course this will be seen as anti Australian but in fact it's just being realistic.

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