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Are the 475 State sponsored grants EXTINCT??


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i RARELY hear of anyone getting a 475 visa grant anymore. It has become a thing of the past. Evans is probably cooking up some evil plans to announce this month as usual:no:

Show me the visa or the money :)) whichever works !!

You would think 1st of July will bring some clarity, it is as dull as expected. I honestly will not recommend the australia visa in the future. It is a rip off , waste of time with no clear expectations.


A sarcastic 2008 475 Applicant :goofy:

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Guest Violet S

Hi Revival,


Am in the same boat as you. Waiting for 475 visa to be granted.




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phew!!! finally ..i was wondering if there was any out there...when will diac start looking at the cat 5 applicants. if the csl is revoked and they start with smp ...god knows by that time what more brilliant ideas chris the immigrants slayer will come up with :laugh:

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Guest mark&robyn

One of our many visa's in is a 475 SS QLD submitted 01.09.09

Good luck to those waiting & hopefully something happens soon!

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Guest jackd



I am also in que I have lots of to say & said but deaf ear couldn't heard.






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Guest izephyr

Another 475 guys. I've applied on April 2009. Holding my breath (and my life) since then.

Waiting for the big game.....


Hope DIAC will change the Processing Priorities, hopefully, NOT RETROSPECTIVELY or at least given lodged applications a greater priority.



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Guest Choksy

Hi All,

I'm too waiting for last 10months.......no luck. It looks like 475 applicants whose occupations are not on SMP needs to wait for 3years. After that God forbid, if minister caps & cease the application then we are finished. In DIAC nobody understands what we are going through, to file our application. time, money and mental pressure…u have it all. (DIAC should change their motto: People our headache (not business)

I have a strong feeling, since CSL is no more, SMP occupations will be very few critical occupations needed in those states/territories. So those applicants with current priority no.5 will remain there for next few months until they issue visas for all CSL applicants. Afterwards, may be priority list will be changed again without giving priority to 475 pending applications.

However, there is one probability due to new SOL with only 183 occupations and revoking of MODL/CSL etc and may/June suspension of 175/176 and 475 offshore visa applications, no. of visa applications DIAC may receive in future will be definitely less than what is expected. This will result in reduced wait time for all old applicants.

Hope and pray that (Revival said) minister doesn’t cook up some evil plans to eliminate old applicants in future.

Cheer up and have peaceful waiting.........

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if it wasn't for this forum, i don't know what one would do. We are all left guessing and wondering what is next. i can't believe at some point in Sept 2009 i had a CO and i could have been out of this mess and in Oz by now building a future. I keep telling myself everything happens for a reason. But i know the reason is an unreliable visa system. I don't care much for what he says about choosing applicants for Australia's needs.That's an ill explanation for bad decisions and wrong judgement



Don't take my money in the first place and put me in the queue.

Don't let your regional state sponsor me cos they are in desperate need of applicants to live there.

Don't correct your own wrong stupid decisions by back firing on the past applicants. You should apply rules from the day you realised you messed up

Don't turn it into a lottery system where you end losing money, time and no visa

Don't insult our intelligence and keep us guessing. the least you can do is keep us informed and updated of all changes and keep a fair queue running like it used to be.

Don't deal with us as applications, we are humans with lives and responsbilities that are put on hold pending your mood swings and internal politics.


BOY !!! That felt good!!!!!!!!!:yes:

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Hi all 475 's

Its a good feeling that I see so many of us out there.Yeah, it seems everything is going through a big change.Was of for a couple of weeks and just today got on my computer .I'm really disappointed with all the changes as I was in my final stage just waiting for my visa when everything just took a turn.I'm hoping that there is some light out there for all of us.Loged my visa on the 21-9-09 waiting .................for the good news.

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Guest zaman475

I also applied june 2009. CO assigned on 1 Sept 2009. No online update for the last six months, really frustrating and annoying . I already have reached in summit of my patience. Now I am going to loose my patience. Surely I am frustrated and concern about my future as I already have invested entire savings.



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Guest malaysia2008

Hi All..

I'm in the same boat guys, since September 2008 till now still waiting and my application status on processing :wacko:

Hopefully, within this month we can hear any good news :rolleyes:



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Guest Aivaanho

Hi all,

I am another 475 patient who is affected by "waiting for SMP" virus.

Every morning my first duty is to check the website of SA & DIAC if any update regarding SMP.

Like others, we should also count ourselves and get together in one forum (Forum 475) to share all news, update and discussions.

May be it will not influence to get our visa, but we can at least get relief from inevitable stress.




Cat- 475

Submit to DIAC: 14th September, 2009

CO: Not yet assigned

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Hi there everyone ,

It looks like we we are not going to be looked at till 2012.Ah" and that seems a very long wait as we are already going through alot and I don't think we need some more of this.Just been waiting and waiting. Hope to get some information regarding this .

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Guest Choksy

Don't worry gals n guys......cheer up.


I strongly feel, there is some light in the end of tunnel. Just wait for few more months.........may be another 6-8months.

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Man i have been waiting since Sept 2008 ..i wish someone can give me a specific time frame. If i have to wait till 2012 That means i waiting for 4 years or more just to get the damn visa!! Originally i chose Oz for the Fast processing. BOY i was wrong!!! I wish they release any type of info soon. I hate this mystery

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Guest Dolores

Hi All,


My husband and I are also 475 but family sponsored, now our occupation is no longer on the SOL or on the SMP list I could find on the oz immigration website- schedule 4. We lodged May 2009. What does this mean for us?


Any others family 475 out there? CAn anyone help to clarify?



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Guest Choksy
Hi All,


My husband and I are also 475 but family sponsored, now our occupation is no longer on the SOL or on the SMP list I could find on the oz immigration website- schedule 4. We lodged May 2009. What does this mean for us?


Any others family 475 out there? CAn anyone help to clarify?





Hi Dolores.....keep cool, we all are waiting. SMPs are not yet out, may end of this month it will be out. By the way it seems that SMPs too will have very limited critical occupations only. If your occupation is on SMP then you might get better priorirty processing than current one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi All,


My husband and I are also 475 but family sponsored, now our occupation is no longer on the SOL or on the SMP list I could find on the oz immigration website- schedule 4. We lodged May 2009. What does this mean for us?


Any others family 475 out there? CAn anyone help to clarify?




We're family sponsored too, not going to hold my breath!! I used to come on here quite religiously to see what was going on but now might have a look every couple of months, just can't get excited any more!

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