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British taxpayers ordered to bail out euro


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This is how the EU treats Britain!


All 27 EU finance ministers have been summoned to Brussels on Sunday to sign up to a “European stabilisation mechanism. Britain will be unable to veto this as it will be put through under the “qualified majority voting” system.

British exposure to liabilities created by a bail-out under the scheme would amount to around 10 per cent of the total loan. If a country failed to repay, the cost to Britain would be ¤10 billion (£8.6 billion) for every ¤100 billion on which it defaulted.


British taxpayers ordered to bail out euro - Telegraph

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Guest shark

sorry , its time to pull out ,the eu is a disaster .and are just going to bring us done.

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Guest shark

were is all this money coming from,more money we have to bowwow ,because we are in debt.and we have no money ,why should the British taxpayer bail out country's in the eu ,you could not manage the finances,if they have done it once they will do it again.sorry they can feck off.and leave the eu, if our government will not pull away from those dictators.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Hi everyone


these are difficult times and who knows what will happen in the future, there is no previous for what could happen, you can think the worst and multiply it. This isn't doom mongering or scare mongering it is true life here in europe and it is unprecedented. My view is this, its everyone for themselves, if theres one thing that successive governments have shown us, its look after yourself and cobblers to anyone else, its a sad state of affairs, but we are in desperate times and the money figures they are talking about is mind boggling. Me, i would like europe and the euro to go t-ts up because if we end up with the euro our standard of living will crash. Fingers crossed that the experts are wrong and that we come through this, but i have a bad feeling about it all. At least we have a get out of the uk card (visa) if the worst comes to the worst, who knows we might be forced to leave, at least my wife wouldn't have to decide and if thats what it takes to live in sunny Australia then so be it.



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Guest SunshineSmile
sorry , its time to pull out ,the eu is a disaster .and are just going to bring us done.


Nail on the head :notworthy:

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This is how the EU treats Britain!


All 27 EU finance ministers have been summoned to Brussels on Sunday to sign up to a “European stabilisation mechanism. Britain will be unable to veto this as it will be put through under the “qualified majority voting” system.

British exposure to liabilities created by a bail-out under the scheme would amount to around 10 per cent of the total loan. If a country failed to repay, the cost to Britain would be ¤10 billion (£8.6 billion) for every ¤100 billion on which it defaulted.


British taxpayers ordered to bail out euro - Telegraph


and now Merkel is in trouble!

German voters deliver poll blow to Merkel amid discontent over aid to Greece - Times Online

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Guest shark
Today is the 60th birthday of the concept of the EU.

Maybe it's last

fairplay to the Germans ,they are not buying into this bail out sh7t :mad:.they no the German people ,would burn the politicians out of it.lets just hope the uk follows them.
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fairplay to the Germans ,they are not buying into this bail out sh7t :mad:.they no the German people ,would burn the politicians out of it.lets just hope the uk follows them.

but Shark, it is the Germans who have got into bed with Sargozy to do this deal.Alistair Darling really has no say in it. It is a done deal. Not right!

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It is unbelievable, the Labour party will be shafting the British people and the economy long after they are gone. Good riddance.


I quite agree.

Remember how Blair and then Brown promised that there would be a referendum on the Euro? Remember how that never happened?


I noticed its presence on their latest manifesto as yet another election "pledge" that he and his "new" Labour lot did not intend to keep.


Alas, it will indeed be a good riddance to bad rubbish when Brown is shoved out the door.

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Guest shark

Cameron, also promised the country a referendum, on the eu iif he got in ,fat chance of that ,especially when the is no way out.

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Guest shark


but Shark, it is the Germans who have got into bed with Sargozy to do this deal.Alistair Darling really has no say in it. It is a done deal. Not right!
well that sums those bast7ds up,look at the Irish they voted no to the Lisbon treaty ,they came back and blackmailed the irish into a seconded ref they told them they would go further into rescission, so they got the yes vote ,and now look at Ireland its finished.we did not even have a say because Gordon /Cameron both agreed to it ,scum bags.:mad:
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Darling’s last act: leaving a £15bn bill for British taxpayers

David Cameron is facing an immediate clash with Europe after Alistair Darling prepared last night to sign up to a massive new fund to back the euro that could cost British taxpayers £15 billion.

In what could be his last act as Chancellor, Mr Darling went along with plans to double to €110 billion the bailout fund designed to prevent a repeat of the Greek financial crisis.

A Conservative source said there was no guarantee that a Tory government would back it, and it would need to see the details.


Important to read this article

Darling’s last act: leaving a £15bn bill for British taxpayers - Times Online

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Guest Markh

Thank you Mr Brown/Darling for putting the country in an even bigger mess and screwing the British tax payer of another £13billion so you can help another currency and just to make you look a real european.

These two idiots should be charged with treason against the state for there actions whilst in government and hung from the tower of London.

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Well I for one and very pleased and proud to say................






I will be a British Taxpayer for only 5 more weeks!:biggrin:


Yes come to WA where our gst and taxes support the tossers in the east ,and when krudd shoves the 40% mining tax on the mining companies and they then spit the dummy out (mining co`s) then the poo will hit the fan and it will be rat ****

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Yes come to WA where our gst and taxes support the tossers in the east ,and when krudd shoves the 40% mining tax on the mining companies and they then spit the dummy out (mining co`s) then the poo will hit the fan and it will be rat ****

I agree, the only hope is to get Krudd out. As I have said berfore the Libs put the country straight then Labor stuffs it up.Queensland is in a worse mess than other states.

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