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Aussies to the rescue !!


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Well I did a really stupid thing on Thursday, was driving to go look at a horse and missed the house, so decided to turn around. I was not on a main road and was by myself and of course no mobile with me.


Well me being a silly women got stuck in the sand on the shoulder of the road. Also being Canadian, have been used to getting stuck on the side of the road in ice but not in sand. So silly me kept spinning my tyres, not realizing that I was digging myself deeper.


For those of you that know me, I don't drive a 4x4, I drive a little Saab converitble. Not the best car to be sandbagged with lol.


A lovely man came along in his car and advised me that the house next to where I had bogged my car down had a tractor. So little old me trotted off to the house and asked the guy for help.


He got his tractor out and towed my car out of the sand.... god bless him. By this point in time my husband had seen my car and had stopped as well.


I just wanted to share my little story with you and let you know that Aussies really are very helpful people and will help you out of a mess.


Btw, the man who originally stopped stayed by my car until it got towed out just to make sure I was okay.





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Guest chris955

Wouldn't anyone have helped you in Canada ? I have found people generally to be kind and helpful and Aussies are no exception.

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although im sorry to hear your story i totally agree we have also found the ozzies to be nothing but friendly would help you do anything



lesley x

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LOL, thats something i would do !! lol


Did you get the horse,lol ?

If so can i be nosey and ask what youve got? I will be looking for one in the next few months all going to plan.


Cal x



Hi Cal,


Yes we did get a horse. He is a 3 year old gelding standardbred named Brocky. We actually got him for free. Now for the expensive part at least for us, which is Agistment. We have a one acre property but are not zoned rural, so we have to pay for Agistment, although we got lucky and found one only an 8 minute drive away and very reasonable for full agistment.


Good luck with your horse plans.





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Thanks Sharon. So if you have a bit of land with your property can you not keep animals on it ??? Sorry for all the questions but our son has big ideas of keeping, alpacas, chucks & goats when we get there!!! X

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As of at the moment, we are hoping to buy EVENTUALLY SOR, but it's looking like we will have to stay NOR to start with as furnished rentals seem to be far & few between. We stayed at Mindarie when we came over last & only spent a short time down south but really likes it. We will have a better mooch round when we get there. X

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Well I did a really stupid thing on Thursday, was driving to go look at a horse and missed the house, so decided to turn around. I was not on a main road and was by myself and of course no mobile with me.


Well me being a silly women got stuck in the sand on the shoulder of the road. Also being Canadian, have been used to getting stuck on the side of the road in ice but not in sand. So silly me kept spinning my tyres, not realizing that I was digging myself deeper.


For those of you that know me, I don't drive a 4x4, I drive a little Saab converitble. Not the best car to be sandbagged with lol.


A lovely man came along in his car and advised me that the house next to where I had bogged my car down had a tractor. So little old me trotted off to the house and asked the guy for help.


He got his tractor out and towed my car out of the sand.... god bless him. By this point in time my husband had seen my car and had stopped as well.


I just wanted to share my little story with you and let you know that Aussies really are very helpful people and will help you out of a mess.


Btw, the man who originally stopped stayed by my car until it got towed out just to make sure I was okay.








what ya like woman.....lmbo:biglaugh:

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Guest Gollywobbler
what ya like woman.....lmbo:biglaugh:


Hi Bruce


Errrmm!! I have to agree with Karen. It wouldn't have occurred to me that putting my foot down on the accelerator would simply have dug the car deeper into the sand.


I thought that the idea of accelerators, gears and lots of HP under the bonnet was that if you give it the lot, the car will come out of whatever it is stuck in, frankly.


VERY well done to the Aussie man who stopped and told Karen to get the guy with the tractor. VERY well done to the man with the tractor as well.


I've once - only once - had a flat tyre and it happened in Malaysia. I was wearing a cream coloured, pleated dress that was completely unsuitable for anything to do with the mucky end of a car. I was on my way to a lunch party at the time.


Realising that something was wrong, I stopped, got out and took a look. I didn't have a flaming clue how to change a tyre but I knew where the spare tyre was. I got that out and propped it up against the back of the car. I got the car-tools and laid those out in the back of the small hatchback. I was dead professional and organised, I assure you, despite not having a clue.


The Book Of Words would explain how to change the tyre, for sure. So I got that out of the glove box and was busily reading it, standing at the back of the car.


An Army landrover stopped and about 5 men got out. They weren't Malays, Chinese or Indians. They might have been British or they might have been Aussies but since they said almost nothing, I had no idea who they were and still haven't. They were all wearing camouflage gear anyway.


I tried to tell the man who seemed to be in charge what my own plans were. All of them ignored me and my pathetic set of car-tools. I was pushed out of the way. The men got a huge Porta-Power thing from their landrover plus a big wheel-brace with four arms instead of the small "H" shaped thing that I had. The Head Man muttered that I stood no chance of doing a proper job with my own tools anyway and his team got on with the job instead.


Five minutes later - a fully repaired car. Everything put away and I was free to continue.


To this day, I have no idea who those men were except that they looked like "Army" to me. They even had the brains to produce a tyre-pressure thing and make sure that all of the tyre-pressures were OK. I'd just have shoved the spare on and left it at that - it looked inflated to me.


I really regret that I didn't find out who they were. I'd have liked to write to them to thank them etc. However once they arrived the whole thing was done incredibly fast and then they all piled back into their landrover and vanished.


It is a real shame that they were so silent but I guess that they were in a hurry and that the driver had spotted me in a mess and had decided to do something - for which I will always be grateful.





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Not blowing my own trumpet, but I have been the giver of help myself, A woman reversing her Fairlaine got the rear diff grounded on a small island on the top deck of Warringah Mall car park in Sydney, It took me ages to get the car off, it just sat there with its wheels spinning in the air. The reason why I helped is because, I like to think I am a nice chap but also you know when you help people they are so thankful, it is a two way street. I always thought that the Ozzie's seem to be more willing to help and also more grateful of help.

I have also been on the receiving end of help and was very grateful.

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Thanks Sharon. So if you have a bit of land with your property can you not keep animals on it ??? Sorry for all the questions but our son has big ideas of keeping, alpacas, chucks & goats when we get there!!! X


Hi Cazz

The rules vary depending on where you live, the size of your land and what your land is zoned

Cal x

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Was he stabbed as well ? Everyone gets stabbed in the UK, allegedly :wink:



He looked like a hedge hog.



I can take the odd stab but he had a few too many. To be honest I don't notice them any more as I get stabbed nearly every day on my way to pick up the paper, apart from Sundays. Maybe they are religeos?

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