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Guest guest36187

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Never used one even when it was -5 before Christmas - occasionally resort to a hot water bottle if my feet are freezing. Don't think my 'thermostat' works as I rarely feel the cold or am bothered by the heat! (and we are old and grey)


Winter in Melbourne is the first time in our lives we've owned an electric blanket. B..y marvellous for those draughty, single-glazed Melbourne igloos!!

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Winter in Melbourne is the first time in our lives we've owned an electric blanket. B..y marvellous for those draughty, single-glazed Melbourne igloos!!


Even in supposedly "subtropical" Sydney, the walls (of older houses) are cardboard-thin and b****y cold in winter – though every Aussie I've met denies it. "The winter only lasts three months – no need for central heating! Just put on another sweater!" Equally, those corrugated-iron roofs get b****y hot in summer…


Newer places do, however, tend to have reverse-cycle air conditioning, which does what it says on the tin – warms or cools (at a cost) at will.



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We lived out in melbourne from last sept to april his year..we set up a bank account with nab we got our raf pension paid into uk bank .transfered £1000 monthly into moneycorp and phoned them when we wanted to exchange the money...we had no charges during the whole 7 months with nab ...i tried ....to manage on about. $150 for food shoppjng for the two of us...i looked at the weekly offers ...we ate well...any eating out was not out of his...my dh likes his food...he had bacon butties most mornings...snack type lunch and cooked meal at night... Usually cheese and biscuits or peanuts etc watching tv . I did keep a close eye on the weekly offers and bought in bulk ..we always had tim tams...fruit...everything we wanted...but instead of going shoppjng for a certain thing i was ready to change my plan if i found something on offer ..so i might go intending to buy pork..but come back with chicken..i didnt just shop in one shop..i didnt shop daily... None of this was a struggle...i had time to shop around..unlike my daughter who spent a small fortune on shopping...i also found alternatives...sams warehouse stocks a fake pringle....very very close to the real thing...crisp and fresh have amazing des and far cheaper than coles and safeways...i signed up for the weekly emails from all stores ...then did a list accordingly...you usually find coles and safeway are pretty close together...we did eat out ...look up http://www.spreets.com.au daily deals ...we had cheap meal deals at lots of different restraunts in melbourne..spreets operate in all areas...there are other deal web sites too...they also do deals for hairdressing...my daughtr and i both went for a full sort of make over...costing about £20 each...we had hair cuts..massage. And makeup...its ll out there you just need to spend a bit of time looking and then your off...i alredy have two hairdressing vouchers paid for ready fr my return in august...ohhh we also had charter fishing trips too at about a 1/4 of the real price and they had a great day out...hope all this helps...yes prices have risen but you can live well...we have ...


We are moving to Torquay - unbelievably in less than 2 weeks!! Torquay is a lovely coastal holiday town with a Safeway and IGA - but its expensive to shop there - the shops rely on the captive holidaymakers who don't want to bother shopping around. Our daughter also spends a small fortune on food and often shops daily, although she does do a weekly shop at Aldi - aher favourite shop! To be fair with two young children, shopping on her own is difficult. We intend to do a weekly shop at Warne Ponds about a 20 minutes drive away, where there is a Safeway, Coles and loads of independents in a huge shopping retail park and mall. We have looked around and Warne Ponds is both cheaper and stocks a wider selection of stuff. We are also considering joining the Costco warehouse in Melbourne - apparently up to 40% cheaper on everything from food to spectacles - but that is a 100k drive, but one we will likely make every three months for Scarlett's routine hospital checkups so reckon we could stock up on stuff like loo rolls, washing powder, dishwasher tablets etc., etc., for two households it could be worth it. Has anyone else done something like that? Thankfully, being retired gives us some time to shop around.


Have just signed up to the Spreets website - very similar to Groupon which I use here in the UK so thanks for that info.


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Talk about long queue waits .................. I applied in January 2003 as a (single) working parent, my daughter (an Aus citizen) is sponsoring me, under parent sub-clause 103. I was approved in May 2005 and put into the "approved parent queue" and told there were at that stage 13,800 approved parents ahead of me, that they only took 1,000 worldwide from the queue each year and that I should expect a long wait. No jokes, it is now June 2011 and here I am still in London! I check the queue every week, at the moment there are 2,390 ahead of me so I estimate I will be in the queue for another 2-3 years before my visa finally is granted. Yay! it is coming closer. Just hope I am still on the planet at that stage after having my life on hold so long:laugh:


Are there any other folks like me in the UK also waiting in the slow queue? it would be so good to chat and count down the months (and years?) with others!


Strong advice to other parents who will be applying: if you can afford the contributory parent visa (unfortunately I couldn't), most definitely go for that, avoid the sub-class 103 one, the Aus website warns of a twenty year wait in that now.

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I know torquay quite well we had a week in wye river which is close to there ...it is a lovely part of the world...we are so very lucky to be able to do this...not everyone can...i just want and cannot wait to be a grandma...its a HUGE step for us all to make and a heart breaking one too sort of ...but the world is much smaller now...family can visit for a great holiday..we can come back to visit too...and the internet brings us all so much closer...its HUGE but its going to be amazing...what an adventure we are all heading on...hold on tight it could b a fast ride ....and one IM really looking forward to doing ...

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Talk about long queue waits ..................at the moment there are 2,390 ahead of me so I estimate I will be in the queue for another 2-3 years before my visa finally is granted. Yay! it is coming closer. Just hope I am still on the planet at that stage after having my life on hold so long:laugh:




Hang in there, it may come quicker than you think as Alan Collet I think posted about a change in the annual quota of 103 visas available. it said they were to be increased from 1000 to 2000 a year as not enough cpv visas were being applied for.

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Talk about long queue waits




Found Allan' post. Look back for post 2456 at the right hand end of the orange bar at the beginning of each post. You will find it interesting and the full repoort listed is great for insomniac's,(Sorry Allan:biggrin: )

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..we are so very lucky to be able to do this...not everyone can...i just want and cannot wait to be a grandma...its a HUGE step for us all to make and a heart breaking one too sort of ...but the world is much smaller now...family can visit for a great holiday..we can come back to visit too...and the internet brings us all so much closer...its HUGE but its going to be amazing...what an adventure we are all heading on...hold on tight it could b a fast ride ....and one IM really looking forward to doing ...


You are indeed lucky to be on the rollercoaster that a cpv is.


I am a grandma here to 2 gorgeous girls, 3, and 3 months! It is the most amazing wonderful 'job?' Unpaid in currency but overpaid in special moments!!

My only grandson is in Sydney, he is coming up for one year old.

I miss him sooo much, especially after a surprise visit a few weeks ago from him and his mum.

My OH doesn't think we should move as it would leave daughter here with far more to handle than daughter in Sydney presently has.

We are going for 10 weeks at the end of the year, so might be able to have a rethink all round.


Enjoy your ride everyone, I'm enjoying it with you, warts and all!!



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Talk about long queue waits .................. I applied in January 2003 as a (single) working parent, my daughter (an Aus citizen) is sponsoring me, under parent sub-clause 103. I was approved in May 2005 and put into the "approved parent queue" and told there were at that stage 13,800 approved parents ahead of me, that they only took 1,000 worldwide from the queue each year and that I should expect a long wait. No jokes, it is now June 2011 and here I am still in London! I check the queue every week, at the moment there are 2,390 ahead of me so I estimate I will be in the queue for another 2-3 years before my visa finally is granted. Yay! it is coming closer. Just hope I am still on the planet at that stage after having my life on hold so long:laugh:


Are there any other folks like me in the UK also waiting in the slow queue? it would be so good to chat and count down the months (and years?) with others!


Strong advice to other parents who will be applying: if you can afford the contributory parent visa (unfortunately I couldn't), most definitely go for that, avoid the sub-class 103 one, the Aus website warns of a twenty year wait in that now.


I am in the 103 queue. I applied last spring and got a queue date of sept at 18000 in line. I was going to apply for a 143 but at the last minute went for 103 due to the deteriorating exchange rate. I took the view that I could still visit as often as I wanted and for as long but did not want to suffer a 30% depreciation in assets as well as a similar depreciation on my pension, I am 57 so have time on my side I hope!! Should the finical balance change I can always change to a 143. Quite simply it is the difference between going there and finding a bit of work or something to do that suits or going and having to work

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Hah. After the shock of the banana crisis in Oz, I sent my daughter a photo of the price tag at Tesco here when we got back. Wonder if I can attach it.....:unsure:


Hi Steve,


I should have brought some with me although I dont think customs would be very pleased. My daughter says you can always tell the rich kids in school when they bring in bananas !! I'm in Singapore airport at the mo waiting for my midnight flight to Adelaide after a very tearful goodbye in Heathrow


Katie xx

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Hi Steve,


I should have brought some with me although I dont think customs would be very pleased. My daughter says you can always tell the rich kids in school when they bring in bananas !! I'm in Singapore airport at the mo waiting for my midnight flight to Adelaide after a very tearful goodbye in Heathrow


Katie xx


Thoughts are with you! Those flights give us a long time to think don't they? Hope the rest of the flight goes smoothly (which involves sleeping through it ideally).


Best wishes



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My OH and I applied for the CPV143 last year got acknowledgement 3rd September 2010, with CO's coming faster now we worked out we should be due a CO around August/Sep time 2011. We then found ourselves in the position where we cant fund the 143 ATM so were considering changing to 173. We are currently in Oz meeting our new grandson (now 9 weeks old) and go back to blighty next week still very unsure about what to do :unsure:


This 8 week trip was to try and give us a rough idea of living and working in Oz :yes: originally we had the offer of a granny flat to use for our stay but due to circumstances beyond our control it fell through at the last minute :daydreaming: so my daughter & SIL have had to put us up and, as much as we all get on 4 adults and 3 little one's in a 3 bedroomed house is a tight squeeze :swoon: so we havnt really had the chance to feel what it's like to 'live' here as it were so my OH is even more unsure than he originally was about coming out :shocked:


My thoughts are now going to cancelling the 143 (which we have no option but to do for financial reasons) but instead of changing to the 173 straight away possibly going on the list for the 103 so we are still on a 'list' as such then see if there is a way to come out here for 6 months on a holiday visa and rent a place to see how OH feels then, although we wouldnt be able to work........Oh what to do........:arghh:



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Guest guest43653
My OH and I applied for the CPV143 last year got acknowledgement 3rd September 2010, with CO's coming faster now we worked out we should be due a CO around August/Sep time 2011. We then found ourselves in the position where we cant fund the 143 ATM so were considering changing to 173. We are currently in Oz meeting our new grandson (now 9 weeks old) and go back to blighty next week still very unsure about what to do :unsure:


This 8 week trip was to try and give us a rough idea of living and working in Oz :yes: originally we had the offer of a granny flat to use for our stay but due to circumstances beyond our control it fell through at the last minute :daydreaming: so my daughter & SIL have had to put us up and, as much as we all get on 4 adults and 3 little one's in a 3 bedroomed house is a tight squeeze :swoon: so we havnt really had the chance to feel what it's like to 'live' here as it were so my OH is even more unsure than he originally was about coming out :shocked:


My thoughts are now going to cancelling the 143 (which we have no option but to do for financial reasons) but instead of changing to the 173 straight away possibly going on the list for the 103 so we are still on a 'list' as such then see if there is a way to come out here for 6 months on a holiday visa and rent a place to see how OH feels then, although we wouldnt be able to work........Oh what to do........:arghh:





Hi Phoebe


We are in the same situation and not sure what to do. Is it that easy to transfer to a 103 and then think about it again later. We are going out in September and hopefully will look at it in more depth then.

This is such a turmoil.

Hope it all works out for you.




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My thoughts are now going to cancelling the 143 (which we have no option but to do for financial reasons) but instead of changing to the 173 straight away possibly going on the list for the 103 so we are still on a 'list' as such then see if there is a way to come out here for 6 months on a holiday visa and rent a place to see how OH feels then, although we wouldnt be able to work........Oh what to do........:arghh:




Hi PheobeW

My thoughts are with you.

We were hoping for a CO around sept Oct and moving April 2012 to allow for change in exchange rate and more time to save. We are now, due to the speeding up of the process as we are all aware, waiting for the 2nd vac request on a 173. I have done some very hard thinking, and days of calculations:GEEK:, and arrived at if, if ,and if. The bottom line is that, to us, it makes no difference whether we go now on the 173 or later at 65 on a 143. We may save £1000 overall. We are not in a position to be able to go for more than a month a year due to work restrictions and money.:err: The two over riding factors for us is to be with family and be over young enough (at 60) to stand a chance of getting some meaningful employment to earn Aus $. SSSOOOO we are off and just hope that for once in our lives that the gods really do smile on us and make it much easier than we think it is going to be.:arghh:

May you have much luck and trust you make the right decision for all the family.



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Tough one indeed Phoebe. It's all about missing out on grandchildren growing up together with our awareness of time passing which never seemed so much of an issue when we were young and feeling somewhat immortal.


It's getting harder to justify both the outlay and the outflow of cash, unless one happens to be wealthy enough for it not to matter much.


Going onto the 103 is not a bad idea; it seems to keep your foot in both camps whilst waiting for some normality to return to the exchange rate. No guarantee that will happen either unfortunately.


All the best for getting those hard decisions right.





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My OH and I applied for the CPV143 last year got acknowledgement 3rd September 2010, with CO's coming faster now we worked out we should be due a CO around August/Sep time 2011. We then found ourselves in the position where we cant fund the 143 ATM so were considering changing to 173. We are currently in Oz meeting our new grandson (now 9 weeks old) and go back to blighty next week still very unsure about what to do :unsure:


This 8 week trip was to try and give us a rough idea of living and working in Oz :yes: originally we had the offer of a granny flat to use for our stay but due to circumstances beyond our control it fell through at the last minute :daydreaming: so my daughter & SIL have had to put us up and, as much as we all get on 4 adults and 3 little one's in a 3 bedroomed house is a tight squeeze :swoon: so we havnt really had the chance to feel what it's like to 'live' here as it were so my OH is even more unsure than he originally was about coming out :shocked:


My thoughts are now going to cancelling the 143 (which we have no option but to do for financial reasons) but instead of changing to the 173 straight away possibly going on the list for the 103 so we are still on a 'list' as such then see if there is a way to come out here for 6 months on a holiday visa and rent a place to see how OH feels then, although we wouldnt be able to work........Oh what to do........:arghh:




Oh Phoebe,

My heart goes out to you - this process is hard enough when you are lucky enough to be able to finance the Visas, and I have often thanked my lucky stars that David & I have been fortunate enough to not find ourselves having to sell the house to finance our move. You have the additional problem of your OH being so uncertain as well. There is very little that any of us can offer in the way of advice to help you, other than to say that we are thinking of you and I feel sure that something will come along and help you make the right decision.

Just don't make commitments too soon, until you have a CO, you still have time to think through and research your options. I really wish you the best of luck and hope that your dilemma is soon resolved.

With lots of good luck to you. Gill

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My OH and I applied for the CPV143 last year got acknowledgement 3rd September 2010, with CO's coming faster now we worked out we should be due a CO around August/Sep time 2011. We then found ourselves in the position where we cant fund the 143 ATM so were considering changing to 173. We are currently in Oz meeting our new grandson (now 9 weeks old) and go back to blighty next week still very unsure about what to do :unsure:


This 8 week trip was to try and give us a rough idea of living and working in Oz :yes: originally we had the offer of a granny flat to use for our stay but due to circumstances beyond our control it fell through at the last minute :daydreaming: so my daughter & SIL have had to put us up and, as much as we all get on 4 adults and 3 little one's in a 3 bedroomed house is a tight squeeze :swoon: so we havnt really had the chance to feel what it's like to 'live' here as it were so my OH is even more unsure than he originally was about coming out :shocked:


My thoughts are now going to cancelling the 143 (which we have no option but to do for financial reasons) but instead of changing to the 173 straight away possibly going on the list for the 103 so we are still on a 'list' as such then see if there is a way to come out here for 6 months on a holiday visa and rent a place to see how OH feels then, although we wouldnt be able to work........Oh what to do........:arghh:





Hi Phoebe


I know exactly where you're coming from - it's so so difficult! We have only just started (our application goes off tomorrow) and already I feel much is against us. Apart from the emotional side of leaving family and friends, the strong $ is making it so much harder. We thought at first that we would be able to buy a small place but now know this is just a dream and we will have to rent. We are both nearly 60 and with good luck will be able to find jobs to help pay the rent and meet new friends. We don't kid ourselves it's going to be easy - we'll be leaving the prospect of a fairly comfortable life in the UK. However we both have good health at the moment which is something we can't guarantee for the future and what then? There will come a time when we might not even be able to travel to Australia for a holiday and I know for sure we will regret not taking this opportunity. So for us there is only one way and that is down under, whatever the consequences!


I do hope things work out for you both. Don't give up - you are most definitately not on your own!!


Angie :hug: x

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Tough one indeed Phoebe. It's all about missing out on grandchildren growing up together with our awareness of time passing which never seemed so much of an issue when we were young and feeling somewhat immortal.


It's getting harder to justify both the outlay and the outflow of cash, unless one happens to be wealthy enough for it not to matter much.


Going onto the 103 is not a bad idea; it seems to keep your foot in both camps whilst waiting for some normality to return to the exchange rate. No guarantee that will happen either unfortunately.


All the best for getting those hard decisions right.






Hi thanks everyone :hug:


I understand there is an immi office about half an hour away from where my daughter lives so am wondersing if it is worth paying them a visit, we only have a week left now so I suppose it can't hurt just to see what if any options we have :yes: I feel I still need something to hold onto :daydreaming:



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Guest mombie58@hotmail.com

sorry that we did not see you today Phoebe, but it was nice to see Emma and Harry (he is adorable!) I am so sorry that you are having indecisions - we are moving into our housesit enext week which will be good for us all probably.


We have just completed and sent off our Migration Review Tribunal aplication - another $1400 - so e will see what happens there. That could take up to 40 weeks forus to get a haring - I would llike to get a hearing whilst Catherine and I are still here so tht we can present in person and en mass - (with Kayden's family too)


Heather goes in to have the baby induced tomorrow - tues. so we are 'in charge'!! - I will probably go a couple of times to the play group!


take care - audie

do give me a call if you have a oment


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Guest mombie58@hotmail.com

hi again Phoebe - The office you are talking about is near the hospital where heather will be I think - I went there a few years ago and they were very helpful, although unable to make promises..............have you spoken with your case officer since you have been here, mine was wonderful and I imagine tht you have her phone number on your ppapers -


thanks to all the other posters to your plight too Phoebe - it is so good to know tht we are all in this together.



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