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Guest guest36187

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Charming doctor at Maidenhead and relaxed consultation - BP behaved and as long as the bloods and X-rays don't show anything untoward, we're another step closer.


Nearly there now, good luck not that you'll need it


Katie x

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Hi folks

At 3.14 am the stress levels went down (a bit anyway) WE GOT A CO. :jiggy:Been very worried something was wrong due to us being 51 weeks from date of acknowledgement.:arghh: Any way all good now, even the exorbitant 2nd VAC seems irrelevant now. :eek: Waiting for return of Police checks, Medicals next week. On a roll, happy or what:cool:

Good to hear the meds went well jctc.


Congratulations on getting your CO, not much longer to wait now - it will all be worth it



Katie x

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Hi folks

At 3.14 am the stress levels went down (a bit anyway) WE GOT A CO. :jiggy:Been very worried something was wrong due to us being 51 weeks from date of acknowledgement.:arghh: Any way all good now, even the exorbitant 2nd VAC seems irrelevant now. :eek: Waiting for return of Police checks, Medicals next week. On a roll, happy or what:cool:

Good to hear the meds went well jctc.


Great news - hope all goes well and speedily for you now:yes:


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Guest the keggas

Hi Every one and anyone

First attempt at trying to reach some-one not quite sure what to do or how to reach anyone. We have been on the waiting list 12 mths for parent visa 143 and got up this morning to get email requesting we go and get medicals and police checks, still cant believe it ,scared to death and excited, only given us 28 days to get everything returned. We still have to sell our house and not having much luck so far, dropped the price yet again this morning. We would love to hear from any one and be able to ask for advise if possible .Trying to get to our children and 4 granchildren in Brisbane

so if any one willing to talk to us we would be so pleased

the keggas

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Guest Restellou 44

Hi Les ave a look.. many thanks for the info.. What happens if your house dosn,t sell in time? and do you have to be ib Oz by a certain date.. I'm asking this as I may be in a similar situation.. although I am living in France and not sure how to resource info here as the language barrier is always so stressfull !! Help

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Hi Every one and anyone

First attempt at trying to reach some-one not quite sure what to do or how to reach anyone. We have been on the waiting list 12 mths for parent visa 143 and got up this morning to get email requesting we go and get medicals and police checks, still cant believe it ,scared to death and excited, only given us 28 days to get everything returned. We still have to sell our house and not having much luck so far, dropped the price yet again this morning. We would love to hear from any one and be able to ask for advise if possible .Trying to get to our children and 4 granchildren in Brisbane

so if any one willing to talk to us we would be so pleased

the keggas

First of all please don't panic. The police checks won't be problem to get done in the time scale but the medicals will probably hold things up. There is a link to enable you to get your police checks a couple of pages back. Since the Australian government saw fit to cut the number of authorised doctors I understand it can take a while to get an appointment for a medical. I suggest you contact the nearest or most convenient authorised doctor to you and make your appointments. If you are unable to get an appointment within the timescale contact your case officer to explain. They are generally very helpful, ours certainly was. We asked for extra time to make the second payment and our case officer was brilliant. When you are granted your visa you then have 12 months from the date of either your police check or medical to validate your visa (which ever date is the earliest). We hadn't sold our house within the 12 months and so booked a return trip to Australia to validate, that was a year ago last April. House sale went through in September and we finally made the move over in November. Whatever happens, you have 5 years in which to make your final move. We are so glad we made the move even though financially we are nowhere near as comfortable as we had hoped when we started this exercise. We also will not be able to afford a house but we have no regrets.


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Hi Every one and anyone

First attempt at trying to reach some-one not quite sure what to do or how to reach anyone. We have been on the waiting list 12 mths for parent visa 143 and got up this morning to get email requesting we go and get medicals and police checks, still cant believe it ,scared to death and excited, only given us 28 days to get everything returned. We still have to sell our house and not having much luck so far, dropped the price yet again this morning. We would love to hear from any one and be able to ask for advise if possible .Trying to get to our children and 4 granchildren in Brisbane

so if any one willing to talk to us we would be so pleased

the keggas



If you look at http://www.chireckles.com/cpv/tracker.php it is the tracker that we all follow to see how everyone else is gettig along, But steve has also done a wonderful job of adding links to all sorts of forms and information you may need. Don't panic now you are in the last stage, I got up yesterday morning to the same e mail. :jiggy: Everyone on here will give what ever help and support you may need. Feel free to ask away.

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Hi folks

At 3.14 am the stress levels went down (a bit anyway) WE GOT A CO. :jiggy:Been very worried something was wrong due to us being 51 weeks from date of acknowledgement.:arghh: Any way all good now, even the exorbitant 2nd VAC seems irrelevant now. :eek: Waiting for return of Police checks, Medicals next week. On a roll, happy or what:cool:

Good to hear the meds went well jctc.


Keep smiling :yes:



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Hi Every one and anyone

First attempt at trying to reach some-one not quite sure what to do or how to reach anyone. We have been on the waiting list 12 mths for parent visa 143 and got up this morning to get email requesting we go and get medicals and police checks, still cant believe it ,scared to death and excited, only given us 28 days to get everything returned. We still have to sell our house and not having much luck so far, dropped the price yet again this morning. We would love to hear from any one and be able to ask for advise if possible .Trying to get to our children and 4 granchildren in Brisbane

so if any one willing to talk to us we would be so pleased

the keggas

Welcome-there are loads of people here willing and able to offer advice if needed-we have all benefited from it ourselves over the last year or so. Don't panic-book your medicals first as they can take some time. Converting your sterling to pay for the AOS bond and the visas is something that you might find useful to ask advice on....we've all suffered the pain of that and there's good experience on this site

Best wishes


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Guest the keggas

Thank you so much have been going around in a daze all day just so worried that we will not sell the house in time to pay the large lodgement fee but to hear from others is so good perhaps will calm down by tonight

the keggas

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Guest the keggas


thank you both so much, feeling so many different ways today.

but your message pulled on my heart strings nice to know people out there in same situation just pray we can sell the house in time trying to thing of other venues to raise the cash for the final lodgement fee if we have not sold

the keggas

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Guest the keggas

thanks for this info, when you asked for extra time due to not having sold your house could you advise how much was given? the market is so bad at the present time its scary but hopefuly the drop in price we gave today will help down by 10k

what happens about the bond money though

through the sale of our house we will be sending this out to our children for payment as well as the large lodgment fee required due to our ages 55 and 56 so you can see why we are worried


the keggas

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Thank you so much have been going around in a daze all day just so worried that we will not sell the house in time to pay the large lodgement fee but to hear from others is so good perhaps will calm down by tonight

the keggas


Most of us have found the odd glass of wine here and there helps. hic.:swoon:

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Guest Cakey
thanks for this info, when you asked for extra time due to not having sold your house could you advise how much was given? the market is so bad at the present time its scary but hopefuly the drop in price we gave today will help down by 10k

what happens about the bond money though

through the sale of our house we will be sending this out to our children for payment as well as the large lodgment fee required due to our ages 55 and 56 so you can see why we are worried


the keggas


I know exactly how you feel as do most of the people on this site. Please don't worry too much about your ages, I am 66 and my husband 67 you are both spring chickens compared to us. We have both been working doing cleaning jobs this last year, we have done loads of car boots, saved pennies in a Jar......anything to help pay towards the huge visa fee which scares me stiff but now i'm so close to getting it I can hardly sleep with the excitement of a new life waiting for me and I know it will all be worthwhile


Cheers Cakey

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thanks for this info, when you asked for extra time due to not having sold your house could you advise how much was given? the market is so bad at the present time its scary but hopefuly the drop in price we gave today will help down by 10k

what happens about the bond money though

through the sale of our house we will be sending this out to our children for payment as well as the large lodgment fee required due to our ages 55 and 56 so you can see why we are worried


the keggas



Just a little note and we all know how twitchy and nervous you are at this time. If you click on "quote post" instead of "quick reply" you will get like wot I have writ. Sorry northerner creeping out again must put him away. We can then see whose quote you are replying to. It is a stressful time,:chatterbox: we all know, but big breaths, slow down, as earlier, glass of wine and it will come right in the end. phew!:wink:

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Hi Les ave a look.. many thanks for the info.. What happens if your house dosn,t sell in time? and do you have to be ib Oz by a certain date.. I'm asking this as I may be in a similar situation.. although I am living in France and not sure how to resource info here as the language barrier is always so stressfull !! Help


We are flying out to Brisbane to validate our visa in the school half term week at the end of this month.


We felt we would rather take this option now and have plenty of time to sell our house without the pressure to consider a low offer if we start to run out of time in the 12 months that you have to enter Oz.


May/June has the cheapest flights and from this time onwards a one way flight will cost as much as we have paid for a return.


We have no time that we need to be in Oz by to live, we will stay with our son until we find a place to rent but we expect our house buying money will remain in the UK until the rate of exchange picks up.


We have another son who is staying in the UK :cry: so as a last resort we could ask him to sell the house if things take too long.

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To all those who have sent congratulations on our CO Many Many Thanks.

Saw the comment from Les about exchamge rates and just a bit of rambling,Very much my own observations But.................

Daughter has reported that some areas of north Perth are showing a marked decrease in house values at the lower end (400K) of about 10- 15 %. This is on top of a more sensible approach to house pricing that started around middle of last year.

Mortgage defaults appear to be rising but that could be like UK, people over stetching in a low interest market and now paying the price. Watch this space.

It is reported the chinese are raising interest rates to combat high inflation so their economy may slow down, reducing Australian Exports, (China is a major market).

There were also comments on agricultural exports reducing coursing concern to the Aus economy.

Are we going to see a weakning of the Aus dollar soon???? Not looking for a collapse but back to the 10year norm at 2.10 ish would be nice

Anybody read /seen anything else?

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We are flying out to Brisbane to validate our visa in the school half term week at the end of this month.


We felt we would rather take this option now and have plenty of time to sell our house without the pressure to consider a low offer if we start to run out of time in the 12 months that you have to enter Oz.


May/June has the cheapest flights and from this time onwards a one way flight will cost as much as we have paid for a return.


We have no time that we need to be in Oz by to live, we will stay with our son until we find a place to rent but we expect our house buying money will remain in the UK until the rate of exchange picks up.


We have another son who is staying in the UK :cry: so as a last resort we could ask him to sell the house if things take too long.


Makes sense Les. We're coming the other way, next week, and I may have to stay for a while as I'm still employed in the UK. Working with the time difference has gone well, but is still a major challenge. However I'm grateful for the chance and thanks to technology for making it possible.


The current exchange rate is a false one, but as long as the RBA keeps pushing interest rates up (yes, there's another on the way), and the UK keeps the lid on, there won't be a quick return to normality.






PS - good luck with the journey!

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