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Dinosaurs' thread (long wait)


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When I read other people's stories and look at mine I see how difficult migration is. We knew it might take long time, be unpredictable but have always hoped for the easy way.

So, life plays it's own game with us. It's like sailing in unknown see in complete fog. Never know what happens next.

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Guest Off to the Sun
When I read other people's stories and look at mine I see how difficult migration is. We knew it might take long time, be unpredictable but have always hoped for the easy way.

So, life plays it's own game with us. It's like sailing in unknown see in complete fog. Never know what happens next.


McKlaut when we started out I was reading a lot on the internet about people in the middle of the process, one stated that "they really make sure you want to do this" and "its a terrible rollercoaster" I thought no they must have it wrong, DIAC say 6-9mths for the 175 golden ticket, and they know what they are doing, its laughable now that I was so naive.


We should have gotten SS when the manure hit the fan in Jan 09 but we wanted to have the choice to move around if we couldn't find jobs so we stalled which was a serious error on our part, SS before the first changes was seen as a lesser visa and only used if people didn't have enough points, but now its become the golden ticket.....Strange and ever so slightly unfair.


I've just asked my agent to enquire about expiry of our meds/police checks which are down on the DIAC website as being received on 20/02/09 but were done on 15/01/09, I'll let you guys know what they say.

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Guest Louise1971

Hi Mcklaut


Just jumping on your thread, our story is quite similar to those already on here. Originally met agent on 12/03/07 to get ball rolling. Finally put 175 visa application in on 18th May 2008 yes nearly 2 years ago. Wanted the 175 for the flexiblity if we could not find work, so waited and waited and finally applied for SS with western Australia on 8/10/09 so looking at another 3 month at least to get that, then it is in the lap of the Gods (DIAC) whether we get a case officer in the next year.


What really has p*ssed me off is that 2 friends of ours applied for a 175 about 3 weeks before us and in the lottery of whether you get a case officer or not (prior to all last years changes) both of theirs got picked up and they both celebrated last xmas on the beach! While we are left waiting again. If like they say we are unlikely to get a visa before the end of 2012 how ridiculous is it to expect us to wait four and a half years before the application even gets looked at??


We do look on it as live life for today and the kids have spent longer with grandparents etc, also we decided to see a bit of the UK before we left so have had some fantastic breaks last year Scotland and the lakes etc It is after all a beautiful country. Also did the London marathon last year, one of the best days of my life and a fantastic weekend in London. Something I would of missed out on if we had got the visa straight away.


The only other good thing is I might finally get to see Man City win a trophy before we depart, but knowing my luck will get the visa with date to arrive in Oz no later than the week before City win the premiership!


Good luck to everyone.

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Guest biohacker

My friends. I am a CSL with good points (that is what I thought on those gospel days), but my file is stuck. Nothing compared to your horror timelines but I see how those people behind me get their visas and my status is frozen. I am afraid that my application be forgotten and end up with a horror timeline. This has nothing to do with OZ but if you want to know I started a new application to NZ and found that those people are great. Times are short and the provide a lot of information, my timeline is beautiful and they don't betray you if you have already an invitation to apply. I have not applied yet but have done everything else. I just have to pull the trigger in 2 months (750 pounds) and everything is done. I do not know if NZ is better than Australia but one day I decided to improve my life and this will continue one way or another. Sometimes I think if Australia really wants us. Someday we will be their people and we do not deserve to be treated like that.

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi All


DIAC are the public service - they like everything to be calm, orderly and predictable.


The Minister for Immi, Senator Chris Evans, is the complete loon in the game in my view.


Professor Bob Birrell is another loon in my view. Earlier this evening I did some prowling round Google in the hope of finding Birrell's obituary. He is still alive & kicking, unfortunately.


It would seem that Birrell's latest lunatic theory is here:


Immigration to 'block' climate efforts


Immigrants are to blame for Australia's problems with Carbon Emissions according to Birrell.


I've never supported the Climate Quackery, Gropenhagen etc because it is known that the earth goes from bolt upright to a cant of about 33 degrees over a period of time and then it comes back up again. Because of the tilt it is sometimes further from the Sun than at other times. It has far more to do with the earth's axis than with greenhouse gases. But Climate Is Trendy for the politically correct who like hype.


The Minister for Immi can't continue to claim that the Aussie Economy remains on its knees when it never has been on its knees and is growing strongly and healthily again. He does rely heavily on every cloth eared mouthing from Birrell, though.


I wonder whether the Minister told Birrell to be seen to blame immigrants for the Australian climate now, as an excuse to keep the doors shut on immigrants????





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Hi Gill


I agree with you on Bob Birrel. I even emailed him last year when I was on a mission.... He replied within 24 hours and told me that I might be surprised with outcomes! How true was that ??...I told him what I thought of his stereotyping of international students and his scaremongering papers....it didn't get me anywhere but I felt better:biggrin:


Good luck all...lets hang in there and not go away, because thats what they want us to do....

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Guest rufndtuf

Hi everBUDDY!

not to leave me out! I am joining. waitng for a long a time now. started my process some 26 months ago and into 15th month since the launch of the application and stilll!! waiting (not for a PR)but only for a TR 475 visa ...........

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Guest Danny2Oz

Let us wait and see who among this Dinosours(including mine) will be back to life this coming days/weeks/months/years!!!! ;)

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Professor Bob Birrell is another loon in my view. Earlier this evening I did some prowling round Google in the hope of finding Birrell's obituary. He is still alive & kicking, unfortunately.


It would seem that Birrell's latest lunatic theory is here:


Immigration to 'block' climate efforts


Immigrants are to blame for Australia's problems with Carbon Emissions according to Birrell.



Hi Gill,


Wise people can understand that he is just a "mad doc." rather than a real scientist.

How can we be blamed for any of Aus problems if we aren't even there yet?

And when we are there we bring thousands of dollars in our pockets to spend to locals. But instead of using this or other money to make the economy less carbon emission they just lie on the beach and blame everyboby in the world for their problems.


It's not migrants who created this mess with Aus education and huge influx of newcomers. It's the government's greed for crazy money did it.

But it's migrants who to pay for their greed.

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Guest Off to the Sun

ha thats brilliant Gill what a pair of lunatics, there have been a few of those anti immigrant articles recently which seem to get published by national newspapers, interesting that. In Ireland (and the UK I suspect) there would be uproar if a journo printed muck like that. Facts fine, made up xenophobic nonsense no thanks.


We are now the cause of no water, high house prices, global warming, taking all the jobs and wimmin, sharks, floods and earthquakes. :eek:


Who'da thunk getting a visa made you a demi-god!!

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sorry to say it but that is definaltely the case, depending on the visa you have applied for.

we have been advised by our agent that most PR visa are now taking 2-3 years to be processed, unless your occupation is on the CSL. Also, any trade 475's are not being processed at all according to a friend who lives in WA due to a huge shortage of work in trades for people already in oz.


so it really depends on you job etc....have a look at some other threads and timelines to give you some idea.



from someone's post in this thread





I should have not applied at all. Honest. I made the wrong move. I can't share my own story because it's going to be so svcky. :cry:

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I should have not applied at all. Honest. I made the wrong move. I can't share my own story because it's going to be so svcky. :cry:

Why not. We'll hear you.


Just my thoughts.

I see you panic.

I'd recomend to slow down attention for your Aus migration process, try to switch to something else and let the things go their way. Not completely of course but to extent that it doesn't bother you too much.

I know as for myself that more than half of the worries come from everyday addiction to PIO and the whole process. But if they overwhelm your feelings and you can't control them it's not good because there is a great risk to make a wrong decision.

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Interesting update.


After two unanswered PLEs and a letter which I recently sent to my local Aus embassy regarding external checks today I received two letters one from my CO and one from ASPC with their sincere apologies for the delay of processig of my application. However, they admit that they cannot speed these checks as well as cannot finalise the application without them.


BTW. It's the same CO that has been assigned to my case initially.

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Guest VickyMel

Hi McKlaut

I'm really pleased to see that you actually got replies from humans (rather than the standard PLE reply) that had actually looked a bit further into your application.

Lets hope they also nudged the people who are doing the checks and tell them that they are still waiting and that it progresses.


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Hi McKlaut

I'm really pleased to see that you actually got replies from humans (rather than the standard PLE reply) that had actually looked a bit further into your application.

Lets hope they also nudged the people who are doing the checks and tell them that they are still waiting and that it progresses.



Yes. This time it was two letters written by humans, and I think they really wanted to make apologies.


Of course, I would be happy if the could speed processing of the checks but it not always depends on Aus side. If they sent request for security information to my native state then, most likely, it difficult to force the state to issue that reference fast.


waiting game again.....

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Another one to add to your thread. We appointed our agent in Feb 2007. After Warren passed his TRA in Aug 2007 our agent told us to frontload our PCs and meds, which we duly did in September 2007. We were then told by agent he needed to do a few more months in his trade, so couldn't apply to Feb 2008. Needless to say meds and PCs ran out, so lost money on that. Still waiting and hoping.



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Guest rachbarlow

Can I join? I feel I have been at this for years now, which I have. I gave up half way through after pathway D closed and an agent ripped us off, but started over as on my timeline. Over 3 years doing this............ ARRRRRRRRRRR, OZ house prices were great, our equity was great but now.... I just hope that when our time comes we can sell our house what it was valued at those years ago.. but i doubt it!


I am still waiting for WA SS, week 26 now. When I applied told 6-8 weeks, I e-mailed after 20 weeks and was told 16 weeks??? Phoned told 7-10 days, 10 days is tomorrow? You seem to go from one massive queue to the next, but I would like to be in the 176 cat 5 queue, then there seems to be a light, even if it is lightyears away. I am still hoping for a major rule change, like sept 23rd but in our favour to put us back in the pecking order sooner!!!!

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Let me join the rest of my fellow dinosaurs


475 Paper lodged: Sept 2008

Meds & PCC frontloaded: Feb 2009

Case officer : August 2009

23 Sept changes:...lost into oblivion !!!!!!!!





You're welcome!

I see your meds and CO timeline is very similar to mine. Hope we'll get rid of this waiting game soooooooooon.

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Its because some of us were stupid (sorry!) enough to take the Aussie Immigration by their word, we did and we got screwed royally. We also took their immi website and their published guidelines as gospel, which we later found out should be taken with a huge bucket of salt. I'd say they are having a great laugh at us while they spend our money on Christmas Island.


We also took our agent (MARA member) by their word and discovered that they are also only after one thing - again, money, we got Qld SS without them, they wanted €500 for filling in one form, what a pack of scumbags they turned out to be.


Neither of them really gives a toss as we found out to our detriment, I'm sorry if I sound bitter but I am at the amount of stress and time and heartache and money this has caused our family. Ok rant over lol, that was theraputic :wink:

I Cant control laughing myself. We screwed Royally. Yes it is. I cant use bad language here but I want to tell you that we all are F*****.

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