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Dinosaurs' thread (long wait)


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I am very sorry for this. But I can not control myself to stop laughing by seeing people screwed by Australian govrnment Like me.:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

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A bit of missstatments.


An excerpt from CO's reply:


Some aspects of the verification process can take a significant period of time to complete, since they may require the cooperation of various authorities and organisations which can include those from the applicant's country of origin. The Department does not have control over the time this verification will take where other organisations are involved; therefore, I am unable to give you a definitive date for when the verification process will be complete.


An excerpt from mr. Wilden reply:


You have been advised the checks can take many months and unfortunately the length of time is not something that DIAC can influence. We have indicative timelines provided by some agencies but of course every case if different and some can be completed fairly quickly and some take considerably longer.


An excerpt from IGIS reply:


To ensure that all applications are treated fairly, ASIO processes these cases in the order in which they are received, unless they are allocated priority by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). I have been advised that this case is being considered in accordance with the priority allocated to it by DIAC.


My office has no role in determining the priority of a case. If you believe that this visa application requires a higher priority due to personal circumstances, I suggest you discuss the matter with the DIAC case officer. The case officer can prioritise the matter on compelling or compassionate grounds if the case officer assesses that to be appropriate.



Here we come. Everybody lies.


I just wonder, waiting time for more than 19 month since visa lodgement date, numerous retrostepctive priority changes we've come through and will face in near future is it enough to melt a compassionate reason on DIAC side? Or they are completely lost people?

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Guest Off to the Sun
I am very sorry for this. But I can not control myself to stop laughing by seeing people screwed by Australian govrnment Like me.


Pogo I think your Doctor can give you a pill for that :yes:

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Guest VickyMel

Fingers crossed for all you dinosaurs!!!!


Just in case you missed it there has just been a second 2008 dionosaur Visa this week.


Good luck to the rest of you.


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Guest The Whalley Rangers

I'd like to join too..........


Im no tyrannosaurus (hail to all you 2007 applicants)... more a brontosaurus....

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  • 1 month later...
Guest calvinated

Another dinosaur here.

I'm a 176 family sponsored.

Lodged my application in Mar 2008, and still waiting. Currently in Aus on a 457, and been working in my nominated profession for the last 4 years!


As of now, the DIAC website says- 3 years from date of lodgement. (Client Service Charter)


Wonder if this will hold true!


Good luck everyone :)

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Another dinosaur here.

I'm a 176 family sponsored.

Lodged my application in Mar 2008, and still waiting. Currently in Aus on a 457, and been working in my nominated profession for the last 4 years!


As of now, the DIAC website says- 3 years from date of lodgement. (Client Service Charter)


Wonder if this will hold true!


Good luck everyone :)


Good luck to you too!


There are lots of changes in migration procedures coming soon. You might benefit from them or maybe you can find an employer who's going to sponsor you under ENS scheme.

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Guest hopefulJESA

Hi there, McKlaut! Your latest visa grant is an inspiration to dinosaurs like me. Congratulations and good luck to your new life ahead.

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Guest pinal

Hi All,

Me too one of Dinosaur I have been waiting for 26 months in Australia Migration System as Visa applicant subclass 175 - 176. I had apply for TRA in May-2007 and I got the nightmare to be migrated in Australia in November - 2006. Almost passed 3and half year behind Nightmare.

Originally 175 applied in feb-2008.

Finger crossed for all and me to be no longer dinosaur

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Hello all, new to this site but been at PomsInAdelaide for a while.


Relatively young dinosaur of 15 months for 886 (Family sponsored - by my sis in Sydney). Studied here for 3 years and now working in MODL nominated occupation in IT (also have another occupation on MODL and CSL but now irrelevant!)


Bumped into someone I kind of know a few weeks back who works in Adelaide Migration Processing centre who told me things are way worse than what we are told and that I'll be very lucky to see my visa before 2012 and most likely end of 2013!


Asked my employer to sponsor me, they are very happy to do so as they have sponsored a few others here already. Contacted my agent to check things out and DISASTER! I have to PAY AGAIN for new application (including Health, police etc. as the others have expired), plus his fee and it has to be on offshore application (currently on BVA). Total costs already paid - $4000 (for 886), additional costs (for ENS/RSMS) - $4000 (plus another $1000 to go to NZ and get the visa).


Now I hate what this joke of a Government is doing as much as everyone else but I accept that they have every right to decide who can and can't migrate. What I don't accept is that they can take my money for a service they will never perform, I want to get my 886 application fee back and use it for my new application. Thousands of others want their money back as well for various reasons. I can't afford another $4000 at the moment, it will take me a couple of months to get that together. GIVE ME MY GODDAMN MONEY BACK YOU THIEVING B****STARDS!


They have screwed many people's lives up cost us $$$$, caused us major stress, totally messed up everything, ignored the advice of MARA & MIA who are the EXPERTS and just to score political points / keep the Unions happy left tens of thousands of people in limbo with little or no information or means of redress, AND THEY ARE STILL TAKING APPLICATIONS!


I've yet to trawl through all the forums here or at PiA or Britsih Expats so someone might have already said it but here are the three words that might actually help a lot of people extricate themselves from a mess that was not of their making but they are being forced to pay for it:




And I'm not talking in Australian courts, the European Court of Human Rights would be a better and fairer place for this. It just needs to be a simple case - the Australian Government MUST refund all money paid for unprocessed visas if the client (us) wants to withdraw their application.


Any lawyers out there?


Failing that can anyone loan me a boat, fill it with some people you don't like then I can't drive it out to sea, set it alight, jump off and then I can finally get my residency?

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Guest stillwaiting79
Bumped into someone I kind of know a few weeks back who works in Adelaide Migration Processing centre who told me things are way worse than what we are told and that I'll be very lucky to see my visa before 2012 and most likely end of 2013!


Hi Jeffster,


This person you bumped into, works in the processing of applications? This is extremely worrying and was there any reasons/explainations about the "way worse" part?


Coz if you're a Cat 4/5 you'll probably be looked at sometime soon depending when you lodged your application as you're onshore rite?


Gosh...what a headache everyone's getting from this mess! I wish i just came here via a 457 then applied for my PR through that. Made the stupidest mistake with the whole student visa route!

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Hi Jeffster,


This person you bumped into, works in the processing of applications? This is extremely worrying and was there any reasons/explainations about the "way worse" part?


Coz if you're a Cat 4/5 you'll probably be looked at sometime soon depending when you lodged your application as you're onshore rite?


Gosh...what a headache everyone's getting from this mess! I wish i just came here via a 457 then applied for my PR through that. Made the stupidest mistake with the whole student visa route!



Yes, he works in processing. To summarise what he told me;


- They hate the Minister / Govt for all the arsing around as much as we do!

- The IT systems are lousy and seem to be in a permanent state of being upgraded

- They (DIAC employees) have a big turnover, many feel sorry for "us" and have to try not to let it affect them

- He doesn't know "everything", infact he goes to work everyday expecting something else to have changed and he has an entirely new job to do

- The "finalised in / end of 2012" statement is likely not to be accurate as the queue of applications is just too damn big and continues to grow (this really annoys them as EVERYONE at DIAC agrees that they should just stop taking applications and deal with what they have now.) He didn't have exact figures but in the 3 years he has been there he has seen how "slow" the piles move (each visa type having a separate pile), some piles have not moved at all, they are all getting bigger, not smaller and without some serious culling the backlog will go well into 2013 and beyond - in his experience

- He thinks the 2012 figure was conjured up in the hope that the Mayans were right! :biglaugh:


Yes, I am onshore, no idea what category I am anymore! Lodged Dec 2008 and "Application being processed further" is it's current status as of 11/2009.

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Guest jd1885



As you said, the person you met was from adelaide processing centre and your subclass is 886, almost like mine, 885. 885 and 886 subclasses are processed at brisbane processing centre. So i dont think, that information has anything to do with onshore applications.


Although this information might be true for offshore applications. i.e. 175 and 176 subclasses.

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Guest Coops

started process Aug 2007

now done 175, 176 now 121

will be over 3 years from start to finish if we get ours by summer.


good luck fellow dino's :)

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Guest pippa1



i am a fellow 886 Dec 08 applicant and am hanging on to the fact that on the service charter on immi.gov site it now states onshore non priority will be processed within 2 years from date of application. I'm sure this wasn't on there before, so just hoping there is a glimmer of hope.


I'm not sure what the service standards / charter implications are and whether they actually mean anything, but at this time I'm happy to cling on to any hope!


Good luck all

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Guest rachbarlow
Yes, he works in processing. To summarise what he told me;


- They hate the Minister / Govt for all the arsing around as much as we do!

- The IT systems are lousy and seem to be in a permanent state of being upgraded

- They (DIAC employees) have a big turnover, many feel sorry for "us" and have to try not to let it affect them

- He doesn't know "everything", infact he goes to work everyday expecting something else to have changed and he has an entirely new job to do

- The "finalised in / end of 2012" statement is likely not to be accurate as the queue of applications is just too damn big and continues to grow (this really annoys them as EVERYONE at DIAC agrees that they should just stop taking applications and deal with what they have now.) He didn't have exact figures but in the 3 years he has been there he has seen how "slow" the piles move (each visa type having a separate pile), some piles have not moved at all, they are all getting bigger, not smaller and without some serious culling the backlog will go well into 2013 and beyond - in his experience

- He thinks the 2012 figure was conjured up in the hope that the Mayans were right! :biglaugh:


Yes, I am onshore, no idea what category I am anymore! Lodged Dec 2008 and "Application being processed further" is it's current status as of 11/2009.


I woke up this morning feeling so positive about the new SMP coming out from what I have read on here. Now I don't know what to think!! Maybe buy a boat??!! haha!!:twitcy:

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Guest Wannabeoz
I woke up this morning feeling so positive about the new SMP coming out from what I have read on here. Now I don't know what to think!! Maybe buy a boat??!! haha!!:twitcy:


I agree! What I don't understand though is how come the category 4s move so much faster than the category 5s? There is someone on another post who applied in December and already has a CO... how come there seems to be a freeze on Cat 5 downwards, but 1-4 move so quickly? None of this makes sense and I'm so tired of it!!! Some days I feel positive and some days I think it will never happen!

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Guest Danny2Oz

I dont remember if i i already joined this club(dinosour), but i'm sure i am most qualified to be one!:biglaugh: Just see my timeline below...:arghh:

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As you said, the person you met was from adelaide processing centre and your subclass is 886, almost like mine, 885. 885 and 886 subclasses are processed at brisbane processing centre. So i dont think, that information has anything to do with onshore applications.


Although this information might be true for offshore applications. i.e. 175 and 176 subclasses.



Yep, we weren't talking about specific subclasses just in general. I would be at Brisbane anyway since I applied online but my agent says certain classes are processed in multiple places. He was telling me that an ENS processed in Sydney would take longer than in Melbourne - 6 to 7 months if it goes to Sydney.


In response to the latest posts I am also fed up with certain categories moving very fast as well. An Indian mate who studied accounting is telling me his friends have been getting theirs in 3-4 weeks and he will get his very soon (has CO already). How in God's name can they be giving PR to people in 3/4 weeks WHO DON'T HAVE A JOB and it, now, takes 3-6 months for an ENS (ie. people who HAVE A JOB)? Furthermore, an Aussie accountant I know tells me they get 40-50 applications for a position at his medium sized firm...go figure.

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Sorry for intruding on the dinosaur thread :wink:, but I just read it and was surprised to see that so many people had bad advice from agents.


This reminded me of my experience, I had an agent at first although I dumped them after skills assessment as they messed that up. My agent told me that I would have to have IELTS +7 at the time of application in order to be considered for CSL. I didn't have this (UK passport) but needed to apply quickly due to work experience reasons so I resigned myself to being non-CSL accountant.


It was only a few months later, once I started reading the immigration forums that I realised my agent had told me the wrong thing. So, what I am saying is that if I was not on the forums but just had an agent I would still be waiting too. (Started process in Feb last year). I know some agents to a great job and I often recommend them to people, but you really do need to have the right one.

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Guest nowrs

Hi there :)


I think I do qualify to your club as well...

I lodged my application in november 2008 (120 points-175 visa MODL non CSL)


I hope that they will change some rules in mid 2010.

I just can't wait till 2012-2013...

why should we wait that long if we meet all the requirements ? considering that my occupation would be one the new SOL why should I wait another years ? If they need certain occupation at the moment why wait that long.

I think that in this situation would be logical to renew processing applications of people who applied a long time ago ,and their occupation will be on the new SOL.

maybe I'm wrong,but it seems logical


ok guys I wish u all the best hoping that we all finally gonna land in OZ ;)


catch ya later

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