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I read and more importantly comprehend better than you do. Lack of research here is endemic and it's apparent many should not have moved in the first place. You can pick with a high degree of certainty those families/individuals who will not make it here. Prove me wrong.


No what you do better than most is to be opinionated, pompous and rude and clearly without thought. Why not change your name to Mr Nasty?


What do you mean "you can pick with a high degree of certainty blah blah blah" You are claiming to be all seeing and all knowing now? Perhaps you should be the Minister for Immigration. Don't answer I'm not interested.


Lack of research, how can you claim that, decisions are made on fact, perhaps other peoples input and multiple sources but importantly also on emotions - but you can't seem to grasp that. I do not regret one minute of the 20 years in Sydney so how can you say "it is apparent many should not have moved" your post is just absolute rubbish designed to annoy or upset, well congratulations because you have moved me to waste time on a response to you, but no more!


Your latest post about the truth, well you can't handle the truth because I guarantee you won't like it, perhaps have a look in the mirror and ask why you are so antagonistic maybe you will learn something although I doubt that!


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I see the truth rankles.


Not in the least but you arent really being very helpful. I venture to suggest that you have absolutely no idea what goes on for most of the people on this board. Whilst I do agree with you that an anonymous comment on a board should not persuade or dissuade someone from making a decision about their lives, you go on to make assumptions about peoples' motives and emotions - and there is certainly no accounting for the latter.


People make the best decisions based on the information that they have to hand at the time - well, one would hope that they do. Maybe they do, maybe they dont, we arent all rational human beings all the time.


Sure there are some folk that you can see walking into a disaster for a range of reasons but it is not our job/responsibility/duty to persuade them that they are making a wrong choice. Some of them may even come out of it smiling. Equally there are people on here who are making hugely rational decisions which turn out to be the wrong ones for them and neither they nor we would have any inkling about what would make it a terrible decision for them.


As for blanketing everyone who dislikes Australia with the "lack of research" tag - baloney, with all due respects. Some things begin to rankle with time and peoples' expectations and values mellow as they get older IMHO and what is to stop them making another decision about the direction they want their lives to go in - surely this isnt still a penal colony where you are kept against your will any more (although with the prices of air fares I do sometimes wonder:biglaugh:)


Live and let live I reckon - it works for some and not for others, going to UK as the next step in a life works for some and not for others the best we can do is offer support for those who ask for it and advice for those who want it. No need to be nasty about it at all.

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Guest Mr Happy

If I was to be nasty you would know about it. Way to much 'pussyfooting' around lately. To make it here you need to get off your backside and work at it, internet forum bs will not get you there.

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If I was to be nasty you would know about it. Way to much 'pussyfooting' around lately. To make it here you need to get off your backside and work at it, internet forum bs will not get you there.


I think that would be true of anywhere and some of us certainly have made it here (unfortunately:biglaugh:) and some of us poor sods are stuck here (yes I know all about free will and all that). I doubt anyone is using an internet forum to "make it" here - some of them are having a really bad time for whatever reason and calling them stupid no hopers really doesnt help them.

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Guest Guest37175
Thats strange Mr Happy, so many people helped me settle when I first came here, and I would like to think I could do the same for others as well...:notworthy:


You do Susie. Your posts are always positive and informative. I remember Kev (ItCouldBeWorse) defining a worthwhile post as something that contributed to a thread. I.E., that it provided the reader with useful info, was thought-provoking, empathetic, or just made them laugh (or something along those lines anyway).


Not sure what Mr H is disseminating here. Or maybe the word I'm looking for is 'inciting?'

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Guest siamsusie
You do Susie. Your posts are always positive and informative. I remember Kev (ItCouldBeWorse) defining a worthwhile post as something that contributed to a thread. I.E., that it provided the reader with useful info, was thought-provoking, empathetic, or just made them laugh (or something along those lines anyway).


Not sure what Mr H is disseminating here. Or maybe the word I'm looking for is 'inciting?'

How true Kev's words are Ozsceptic....looking forward to hearing about your trip back home, not long to go now..... travel is one of lifes' huge experiences, enjoy!:hug: love Susie x

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Guest Guest37175

Cheers!. I am missing home bigtime so it'll (hopefully - fingers, toes, everything crossed) work out ok. It's just the planning that I'm dreading. Moving back is proving even harder work than moving out here was!

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Mr Happy I can see you're having such a good time winding up us weak and woolly bs posters. As a sport it's a pretty sad way to spend your time - I would have thought that someone with such as strong and intelligent character as yours you would have been off your backside doing something far more interesting and intellectually stimulating than baiting us poor losers.


But perhaps that character is not as strong as you make out - me thinks he doth protest too much!

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Cheers!. I am missing home bigtime so it'll (hopefully - fingers, toes, everything crossed) work out ok. It's just the planning that I'm dreading. Moving back is proving even harder work than moving out here was!


Yes I think its harder going back as you dont have the blind hope to get you through - you know what you're going back to and know you're going to face another period of re-adjustment. I am feeling pretty worn out with the worry of it all at the moment. Especially how we can live without furniture for eight weeks!!!

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Guest siamsusie
Cheers!. I am missing home bigtime so it'll (hopefully - fingers, toes, everything crossed) work out ok. It's just the planning that I'm dreading. Moving back is proving even harder work than moving out here was!

:hug:Just moving Ozsceptic is stressful, apparently moving along with travel and holidays are great advocates for divorce:eek:....you will get there, and next Christmas I will have a faint glimmer in my eye reading the stories...keep us posted!:wubclub:Susie x

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Guest Mr Happy

I see indecision person calls herself a 'poor loser', I rest my case. As for Quoll her partner doesn't have the sense to go and live in the U.K for a while to put her out of her misery. He doesn't realise what he is missing.:confused:

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I see indecision person calls herself a 'poor loser', I rest my case. As for Quoll her partner doesn't have the sense to go and live in the U.K for a while to put her out of her misery. He doesn't realise what he is missing.:confused:


LOL aint that the truth. He's an Aussie, say no more!

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Guest Guest37175
Yes I think its harder going back as you dont have the blind hope to get you through - you know what you're going back to and know you're going to face another period of re-adjustment. I am feeling pretty worn out with the worry of it all at the moment. Especially how we can live without furniture for eight weeks!!!


Definitely strikes a chord!. I get tired just thinking about the logistics of it all!

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I see indecision person calls herself a 'poor loser', I rest my case. As for Quoll her partner doesn't have the sense to go and live in the U.K for a while to put her out of her misery. He doesn't realise what he is missing.:confused:


I think I got that wrong though cos when I go back to the UK I will find myself becoming a rich loser.:cute:

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I think I got that wrong though cos when I go back to the UK I will find myself becoming a rich loser.:cute:


LOL, yes, makes a nice change to be a cashed up ex Aussie - think of all those years when the Aus dollar was in the pan and travel was only for the rich. Woo hooo, live it up big time:biglaugh:

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Guest Guest37175
:hug:Just moving Ozsceptic is stressful, apparently moving along with travel and holidays are great advocates for divorce:eek:....you will get there, and next Christmas I will have a faint glimmer in my eye reading the stories...keep us posted!:wubclub:Susie x


One of the things about going home though is whether I can still justify coming on P.I.O. - it's become an addiction over the past two years!. So much so my missus refers to herself as a "Poms In Oz widow!"


I'm gonna have to get a hobby or do the garden or something instead!

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One of the things about going home though is whether I can still justify coming on P.I.O. - it's become an addiction over the past two years!. So much so my missus refers to herself as a "Poms In Oz widow!"


I'm gonna have to get a hobby or do the garden or something instead!


I find that the addiction comes from sharing the experience with others - if you still need support then PIO is still here if not cos you're life is so busy and you dont need it any more then great. Either way win win - except for the poor missus!


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The only problem I have is understanding why you would say it is ludicrous for someone to post that they are missing out on family occasions and shouldnt they have thought about that before they left.


How can you really know how you will feel until you try - migration is full of gains and losses. We are all so different and I imagine lots of research and soul searching goes into making these decisions , I certainly know it did for us and good luck to you if you never question your decision but its a mistake to never say never as you can't possible know how you will feel say if something happened to a cherished family member and you were on the other side of the world.


I never regret my 20yrs in Australia we may still go back if it doesnt work out back here . I dont see that as BS - just posting my personal experience and reading about others which I personally have found helpful.


I for one find the information and experiences of moving to Oz and back to the UK helpful. I also have been in Oz now for 22 years but as time goes by miss England more and more. Its a bit like "i'm tired now and want to go home". Just my experience, and thank you to 20yearspommie for letting me know its normal to find yourself wondering about the whole experience. The move back will probably never happen as all my immediate family are here now and have been for 15 years, but this still does not help when you think about the old familiar things about home. I think also with exchange rate it makes me wonder!

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Guest jackie Macdonald
Are you seriously suggesting people didn't consider being away from family would be a problem? Give me a break!



Oh here we go, another troll who has nothing better to do than push for a fight! all I can say is that whoever you are you are one ignorant individual and if you have nothing of significance to contribute to this thread, please discontinue posting this forum and go away for all our sakes.


j xx

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Guest siamsusie
One of the things about going home though is whether I can still justify coming on P.I.O. - it's become an addiction over the past two years!. So much so my missus refers to herself as a "Poms In Oz widow!"


I'm gonna have to get a hobby or do the garden or something instead!

You can always justify it Ozsceptic, you get to know the characters & wee personalities eh...and hey we want to hear your going home stories, what you are getting upto etc... dont be a stranger... and there is always stamp collecting Ozsceptic:mad::hug:
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Don't fight it, just post. We all like to hear everyone's stories mate.



One of the things about going home though is whether I can still justify coming on P.I.O. - it's become an addiction over the past two years!. So much so my missus refers to herself as a "Poms In Oz widow!"


I'm gonna have to get a hobby or do the garden or something instead!

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Guest siamsusie
Oh here we go, another troll who has nothing better to do than push for a fight! all I can say is that whoever you are you are one ignorant individual and if you have nothing of significance to contribute to this thread, please discontinue posting this forum and go away for all our sakes.


j xx

A woman's rule of thumb "if it's got tyres or testicles it's gonna be trouble" :wubclub:dont worry Jackie you are happy:hug:
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