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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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hi all, have been keeping an eye on everyones posts as im too stuck in the void of waiting for that confirmation of approval. I'd like to contact my CO (WP) and ask for an update, but I feel it hasnt been long enough yet to justify contact. My stats are -


Visa 309/100 posted 29/03/11; Money taken: 30/03/11; Medical: 05/04/11; CO assigned and recognised medical due to take place on same day: 05/04/11.


Hi Queryguy,


So your money was taken out on 30/03 (8 weeks this Wednesday) I have noticed two people on here recently who have been given notice of approval for July. They both applied in early March....so they would have been between two and three months in when they asked their case officer's for an update! So if they are anything to go by, maybe you should wait for another 2 - 3 weeks!


I was assigned a case officer on March 1st. ( 12 weeks ago tomorrow) I asked my migration agent for an update. He told me he has no update and to wait the 5 - 6 months. That was last week. I'm a bit annoyed because it seems that people who didn't use a migration agent seem to be able to contact their case officer for an update. I think I am entitled to something - some indication! - at this stage!


Good luck!

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Hi Queryguy

I too have WP and my application was sent 24 March, so very similar to yourself.

I didn't want to hassle C/O but due to my restrictions of when I can hand in my notice at work (teacher) I ended up emailing her Tuesday last week to see if she could give me some idea of when the visa would come through. She very much went with the department line of 5-6 months and said she could not guarantee but it should be between 24 Aug - 24 Sept.

I was desperate for her to say the words 'it has been approved' and then give me a rough time, as I would only hand my notice in with a solid commitment that I was getting it!!


Anyway....... my O/H ended up ringing her, and she was very nice and as open as she could be in the information, but still not giving a definite date. She did however say, 'it's in my passed pile' and I'm waiting to be given the go ahead for a specific date.


On that info. I took it that it is coming and will be here by 24 Sept if not sooner.


I guess if you do contact her you will also be given the company line of 5-6 months. I'm not sure how/why other CO's seem to be able to give a shorter time frame and in some cases it seems a specific date.

Are you in a hurry to go, or needing to sell house/hand in notice at work?


Good luck


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Guest Queryguy
....so they would have been between two and three months in when they asked their case officer's for an update! So if they are anything to go by, maybe you should wait for another 2 - 3 weeks!


Hi Laura, based on everyone else's feedback I was thinking the same thing ... to leave it until early June and to then get in touch and see if she can give a little bit more info.


Are you in a hurry to go, or needing to sell house/hand in notice at work?


Hi Tracy, I guess we are in a bit of a hurry ... but it's more that we need to be making plans to leave and I hate being unprepared ;).


Ive taken voluntary redundancy at work and im due to finish at the end of July, so im looking for work and being in the mind that i'll still be in the UK, and hopefully not dipping into my redundancy money which I'll be using to get us re-established in Oz. It seems silly for my wife to give notice at work until we get a definite answer about my visa too.


But to be honest, if I had a leaving date in September I would sooner be taking this 'unemployed' time to move out of our flat and spend some time with close friends and relatives before we make the move.


Thankyou both for the info, its nice to have the support of other people who are making the move and to know that you are not alone when being in this state of anticipation!

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Guest powerpuffgurls
Hi all,

Don't think I need to worry any more.! My OH spoke to my CO, and although she was very careful not to say 'your Visa will arrive at the end of Aug' - she strongly alluded to it being in her 'passed' pile and waiting a date to be finalised - then gave the 5-6 month line.

I'm therefore taking the plunge and putting the house on the market and handing in my notice Monday (if I don't do it then I can't leave until Xmas!)

If my Visa doesn't arrive in August I'll be jobless and possibly homeless - fingers crossed.


Good luck to everyone else who's waiting and maybe some of us will meet up in Oz




Hi Tracy,


I would be very careful about deciding when to put your house on the market and hand in your notice. My boyfriend was told that his Visa would be granted around the 5th of May so we decided to arrange flights for the 31st of May thinking this would give us plenty of time. Our CO then moved to the 15th of May, we still don't have our Visa now and we leave in 5 days!!

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Hi Tracy,


I would be very careful about deciding when to put your house on the market and hand in your notice. My boyfriend was told that his Visa would be granted around the 5th of May so we decided to arrange flights for the 31st of May thinking this would give us plenty of time. Our CO then moved to the 15th of May, we still don't have our Visa now and we leave in 5 days!!


Hi - does your CO know you have flights booked?

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Guest sinead
Hi Tracy,


I would be very careful about deciding when to put your house on the market and hand in your notice. My boyfriend was told that his Visa would be granted around the 5th of May so we decided to arrange flights for the 31st of May thinking this would give us plenty of time. Our CO then moved to the 15th of May, we still don't have our Visa now and we leave in 5 days!!


OMG!!!:arghh: are you serious? ive booked my flights!! but for septmeber!!! was told id have me VISA by July!! have you rang and told you c/o you have booked you flights? if worse comes to worse, ring your airline and check date changes and fees so you know where you stand!!! Good luck with it all and keep us informed!!

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Guest powerpuffgurls

Unfortunately I cannot rearrange my flight as I will be starting work shortly after my arrival (we had arranged everything around the visa grant date). We have advised our CO about this who has said that it should be fine for my boyfriend to enter Australia on an eVisitor Visa for the time being and to fly out to Bali when the visa is being granted so that he can re-enter Australia on the Partner Visa. It is a bit of a hassle, and a waste of money, but we don't really have any other options at the moment. He could rearrange his flights but it would cost nearly as much as the flights to and from Bali will, so we figure he may as well get a little holiday out of it.

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Guest Tillyloola
Unfortunately I cannot rearrange my flight as I will be starting work shortly after my arrival (we had arranged everything around the visa grant date). We have advised our CO about this who has said that it should be fine for my boyfriend to enter Australia on an eVisitor Visa for the time being and to fly out to Bali when the visa is being granted so that he can re-enter Australia on the Partner Visa. It is a bit of a hassle, and a waste of money, but we don't really have any other options at the moment. He could rearrange his flights but it would cost nearly as much as the flights to and from Bali will, so we figure he may as well get a little holiday out of it.


What a bummer but at least he can go over. You would think since its gone passed both dates that she has given you she could just grant it.


I guess this is why they normally dont give specific dates.

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Anyone else have PS as a C/O? Hes mine, just wondering if anyone knows what hes like?


Hi Fulton


I had PS. He granted my visa on 10th May, 6 months and 1 day after initial email. I found him really nice. He was very thorough (I guess he is only doing his job and making sure everything is in order), very helpful and offered lots of advice about my visa as it was quite a complicated situation (time spent apart, no joint finances, etc) He was good to reply to emails and very pleasant on the phone.


Good luck!

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Hi Sammac & powerpuffgurls,


I just wanted to share our experience as well. Our case officer is also SV.


We originally applied for a partner visa in November 2010 and we had an email a few months back stating our visa would be granted on or around 2nd May. This date came and went.


On the 20th May we sent an email just asking if we could have an update or a revised estimation of when the visa would be granted but are yet to receive any reply :no:


Have you had any update to your applications since your post?





Hi Sammac,


I've had a similar experience. We applied in December and were originally told the visa would be granted around 5th May. We were then told it would be around 15th May (3 days ago!). We are still anxiously waiting for it to come through.


Our CO is SV. Were thinking of emailing her to ask for an update but were worried that if we bother her she may change the date again.


Has anyone else been advised a date and it wasn't granted on time? If so, how long after the date did it get granted?

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Guest Tillyloola
Hi Sammac & powerpuffgurls,


I just wanted to share our experience as well. Our case officer is also SV.


We originally applied for a partner visa in November 2010 and we had an email a few months back stating our visa would be granted on or around 2nd May. This date came and went.


On the 20th May we sent an email just asking if we could have an update or a revised estimation of when the visa would be granted but are yet to receive any reply :no:


Have you had any update to your applications since your post?


Call her, your now outside of the six months quote so you have every right to call and ask whats going on. From what I have read about your CO, she was off for quite sometime. It may be that she has actually granted your visa but hasn't actually got around to telling you. Thats what happened to somebody else.

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Guest ellynandpaul

Hi everyone! We are now awaiting an answer or for an interview for my partner's Visa. We sent it all off on the 6th of April, received & money taken on the 7th and we got our CO (also PS) on the 18th. Medicals were requested which we had done on May 10th in Cardiff and Aus House sent confirmation that they had received the results on May 17th.



is PS very thorough? He seems nice from the emails we have received so far! I am dieing to get back to Adelaide. I have never been settled in the UK and miss my friends, family and the amazing sunny weather so much! (does the sun ever stay out for a whole day over here? hehehe)


Ellyn x

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Guest beckstar81

Hi Guys


Ok... Im a UK res, living in oz on a working holiday visa that runs out 26-07-11, with my Aus resident husband.


I was just about to apply for my partner visa from here, but I have flights booked to come home with him in august and apparently Im not allowed to travel on a bridging visa unless a family member is dying or getting married!


soooo do you guys think I should go to england a bit early and apply for my visa off shore? if so, do you have a rough idea of how long it takes to be granted temp partner visa from england? as ill return to oz on a tourist visa and wont be able to work if i do it this way...


any help gratefully recieved!!

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Guest Tillyloola
Hi Guys


Ok... Im a UK res, living in oz on a working holiday visa that runs out 26-07-11, with my Aus resident husband.


I was just about to apply for my partner visa from here, but I have flights booked to come home with him in august and apparently Im not allowed to travel on a bridging visa unless a family member is dying or getting married!


soooo do you guys think I should go to england a bit early and apply for my visa off shore? if so, do you have a rough idea of how long it takes to be granted temp partner visa from england? as ill return to oz on a tourist visa and wont be able to work if i do it this way...


any help gratefully recieved!!


When I applied for my de facto in Australia after a WHV, I wanted to come home to see my mum and all I had to do was apply for a bridging visa B that allowed me to travel. I just told them that I was missing her as I hadn't seen her in a year and it was granted. That was in 2003 though so it may have changed but I don't think so.


I would be very weary about leaving Australia to apply if you do, you will lose the work rights that would be transferred from your bridging visa a. Your over there so you may as well lodge over there and have work rights if your planing to come back on a tourist visa anyway. Visas are taking anywhere from between 4 - 6 months to complete off shore at the moment, so you could be stuck for quite a long time without being able to work. Its fine if you can afford it, but I've just done two months in Australia on a ETA and I was so freaking board not being able to work. Its like your just stuck in limbo.


Which office would you be lodging in? I have seen a couple of timelines on another site recently that seems to suggest that NSW have a super fast turn around if you give in a decision ready application (a guy got his in a matter of days), so it may be worth considering this, although as ever, there are no guarantees. On shore as a rule tends to take a bit longer and I believe that the given timescale is 9 months, but in the mean time you can just get on living your life as you would be when its granted.


Good luck::smile:

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Guest beckstar81

Thanks so much for the advice I think Ill go for that then, I am planning on re doing my wedding when we go to england in august as my family werent there for the original one. So I can provide a booking receipt for the reception, also my mum lives in spain and shes booked tickets to london for the same dates so hopefully they will grant it on those grounds!!

Im in victoria - do you think i can lodge in a different state? I live in Melbourne.


Thanks again for your help!

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Guest Bek7

Just a question..


If your on a fiancée visa, Once you get married how long do you have to appylied for the partner visa? does it need to be done instantly or do you get time after you get married to sort all the paperwork out??



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Guest Tillyloola
Just a question..


If your on a fiancée visa, Once you get married how long do you have to appylied for the partner visa? does it need to be done instantly or do you get time after you get married to sort all the paperwork out??




I would assume that you have to lodge your new visa application before you other one runs out. Your visa lasts for nine months no matter when you got married.


How long have you had it?

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Guest Bek7
I would assume that you have to lodge your new visa application before you other one runs out. Your visa lasts for nine months no matter when you got married.


How long have you had it?


We haven't recieved it as yet, still waiting, applyied in feb.. We're getting married in november and I was just wondering how much time we would have to apply once we get married.. Guess I'll just get as much paperwork ready as I can and send it off asap after the wedding

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Guest Tillyloola
We haven't recieved it as yet, still waiting, applyied in feb.. We're getting married in november and I was just wondering how much time we would have to apply once we get married.. Guess I'll just get as much paperwork ready as I can and send it off asap after the wedding


So it should be coming fairly soon then. You should have at least a couple of months breathing space but its always good to be organised with these type of thing. I wasnt (or rather should I say my husband wasnt) and lodged my application two months later than we intended. Gutted now as I would most probably have the visa by now...or at least be very close to grant.


Just out of intrest, what more paperwork do you have to provide, I would have thought that you would have had to send everything relevent for the spouse visa with the PMV, or is it just proof of wedding and stuff.


Congratutaions on the wedding btw.

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Guest Tillyloola

Applying for our visa hasn't been all bad, in fact it seems to have brought us closer than ever (ironic since we are so far apart). Having to examine our relationship and going through everything from when we first met to now. Walking down memory lane has really been a fantastic thing for us for. Also being so far apart has made us appreciate one another so much more. It might be a total pain in the ass waiting, but its actually given me a gift...a better and much deeper relationship with my husband and I'll quite happily take a couple of months wait for that. it was good before now its just amazing.


My husband and I have decided to renew our vows. We didn't exactly get the wedding of our dreams the first time (registry office, casino for dinner and a bar crawl. We were poor at the time and just wanted to get it done). So we are going to do the whole big white (well maybe not white lol) wedding and despite not exactly being a girly girl (more like a boy with boobs if I'm honest), I'm really getting excited looking a venues. Were not going to do it until March / April 2013 to give people from the UK time to save to get over. Best thing is, the people that I would have to invite but don't want to will be the exact people that wont come all the way but can watch it from a webcam...win win.:biggrin:


Just wondering if any one else has gone though the relationship bonding that we have. I would expect that its quite common

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