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NURSES - Moving to Australia

Guest JoanneHattersley

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Yes I take your point - but why would they take just so long to make a decision based on something so elementary as not having a Degree - they have been asking me for extra evidence all the time (sylabus, etc...) all 37 pages etc... it is just weird


I cant do the bridging program (even if I get that) - because of the cost and also because it seems you cant apply for a student visa either. So that option is out


Is there anywhere I can find out about what NZ's requirements are please?... as alternative option


ALso, does anyone know of any Diploma nurses that have recently succesfully achieved AHPRA registration please?


I am waiting for AHPRA's decision since February. I am a Diploma nurse - and I am very worried because there seems to be some people being refused because they do not have a Degree. I got ANMAC acreditation (for degree) - but that aparantly does not count. And weirdly - I actually have a job waiting for me in Oz. And also, my agent who found the job for me seems to think I will get AHPRA. And yet if you look at this forum - it seems that Diploma nurses are being refused


Can anyone help please?

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Flipflop00 we can see that you are anxious about this - as are all of us who have been waiting, some for many months but unfortunately we know no more than what is posted on here. Ahpra give the same vague answers when anyone contacts them. There is no answer but to keep providing what they ask for sit it out. Ps you only need to post in one of the threads....all nurses in your situation will see your post. ;)

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I agree with Kelly flipflop, you can get angry, and upset, as we all are, and you're right, it doesn't make sense, but there are some of us (me included) that as well as successful ANMAC assessment, have our PR visas, which have cost us thousands! Some now in Oz working as care assistants because AHPRA hasn't registered them yet! Who applied as far back as last September. You needn't keep asking have diploma nurses achieved registration, as I said, the simple answer is no, as soon as one does, I'm sure it'll be on here, and we will all feel a lot calmer! If you take a look at twitter, AHPRA are on there, and many questions have been asked about diplomas, sadly the responds are not promising!

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Guest NuriootpaSA

You need to contact the Class Action v AHPRA ASAP as they are ready to present their case. You can follow and contact Class Action here (pm for link)

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I've recently joined this forum and I'm sorry if I burst anyone's bubble but I have just been told on Friday that ahpra are refusing my application for registration! They received my form on the 8th October 2013 and they have had me waiting 9 months to now tell me that my diploma is not recognised as it is not the equivalent to an ausralian bachelor degree. The most frustrating part is that I sent my form last year and there was no indication on any website to say that they would no longer be accepting English nursing diplomas. I'm also annoyed as the new assessment process for internationally qualified nurses was not introduced until February this year!! I wouldn't have bothered wasting all my time and money waiting for this reply!! I have been qualified for nearly 4 years and in that time i worked in a high secure hosptial in Liverpool (none of this seem to have been taken into consideration!). They have offered me the opportunity to do a bridging course. I am currently in Adelaide and I have looked at the fees in flinders universty and it says that it will cost me $23,000!! It's a full time course for twelve months which means I wouldn't be able to work to fund this. They have also said I can make a submission (which I assume it means it can appeal) but I'm unsure of what information I could give them for them to reconsider. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on this please?? Or is there anyone who has beenin the same situation as me?? I don't think I will get my registration but I feel like I need to try.



Thanks in advance




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Well. Thats it then. Atleast it softens the blow for me. I have to say that I am absolutly gutted.


I am still waiting for my AHPRA result. I did ANMAC as well. And ANMAC acredited my Diploma as an Australian Degree.


Surely - you can appeal on the grounds your Diploma is acredited as a Degree by the Acreditation board for nurses - which is ANMAC. That is the only thing I can think of. After all isnt the brisging program acredited by ANMAC?


I saw this on British Expats


Someone is trying to take a CLASS ACTION against AHPRA. I emailed them - and am still waiting to see if they will reply - to see if its genuine. But basicaly it seems as if someone is trying to build a case against AHPRA - on the grounds that you have been granted a visa to lvie in Oz on the virtue of being a nurse but cant actually work?! - which seems like a scandal. No Australian wants you to be there not working.... surely. If that happened in the UK - there would be a public outcry!!! On all the front pages of all the right wing papers... !




It seems a Lawyer or someone is trying to build a case against AHPRA. But it is hard to know if it is a scam or not - See more at: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/jobs-c....WaCMhcfT.dpuf - See more at: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/jobs-careers/203873-diploma-nurses-have-any-recently-got-ahpra-registration.html#post1936549168

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im absolutely gutted myself! I left home in October and came out to Adelaide as I thought my diploma would be enough. I knew people with diplomas over here who are working and didn't think it would be a problem.


I'm hoping the point you made about ANMAC will help me and also the fact that I had sent my form off before the new assessment process was finalised and released. they received my form on the 8th October 2013 then about a month later received an email to tell me that any forms received after the 7th October would be assessed under the process....I think that's an absolute joke!! they were ok taking my money off me and I have been on the phone to them at least twice a week over the last 6-7 months and not once did anyone suggest that a diploma would not be recognised.


I'm not too sure about the bridging programme to be honest, I literally just tried to look up how much it costs. Everything is still up in the air until I can speak to AHPRA tomorrow. My letter stated that when I appeal I need to provide further evidence, but I don't know what type of stuff they will ask for. Surely they should take your experience into consideration????


I totally agree that there would be uproar in the UK if this happened over there! I have been looking on different websites today and came across a blog which said that the NMC no longer accept Australian nurses because their diploma course is only 18 months..............it was suggested that this could be some sort of retaliation???????


I will have a little look at your link now.............just lets hope its not a scam and something gets sorted!!!

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Well - I started my AHPRA application in February. Well after the 10th of February - so I cant use that (as Im well into the new criteria bracket).


From what I understand, AHPRA is being put under enormous pressure to provide jobs for its own graduate nurses. As its quite an embarassing situation for them - as their own newly qualified nurses are just not finding jobs. So - it seems AHPRA have slammed on the brakes on the incoming international nurses. But - it appears as if they did it really badly. They just decided to do it without consulting anyone else it appears - which is so odd.


I mean - what is the point of actually having an acreditation body - if.... their findings - their conclusion is rejected by the then respective body. I mean - that just does not add up. I mean what was the point of me applying to ANMAC!?! I mean - at the time I thought it strange... to apply to two seperate bodies for exactly the same thing... I mean ANMAC and AHPRA have effectively replicated the entire process. But - to them, its easy money - and ANMAC was just another money hoop for them to cash in on.


I have been on the phone to AHPRA every week also, more than twice a week sometiems. ANd the people I speak to on the phone at AHPRA - JUST DO NOT HAVE A CLUE. It makes me wonder what they actually do - all they can say is "its being processed" and that is it. What a great job those people have. I just feels like a stitch up. I sometimes try and engage them into a conversation about how ANMAC is the acreditation body for AHPRA - but the people that answer the phone just dont have a clue - At All. And them answering the phones is a fire wall to getting to anyone with any answers.


The other thing I keep thinking about - is, I am just a "Diploma nurse". And I am telling you - my nurse training was hard. But to then feel like your Diploma is cheapend like this - is gutting. It was a 3 year hard slog.

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I've had exactly the same problem....every time I have spoken to AHPRA no one seems to have a clue about anything! All's they would say is "its being assessed and we cant give a timeframe for completion". I Don't understand how they can say a 3 year diploma is only an equivalent of an enrolled nurse when the course for that over here is 18 months.


I don't understand how ANMAC can assess you and accept your diploma for PR but then you cant use that qualification to get a job when your over here??? I had a job to start in November last year as well, I got the job before I moved to oz and now they're moving the goal posts!!


flipflop00 I have looked at the link and it does seem like its a spam doesn't it? They're giving away any info and just seem eager for people to join them.

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This may be me just overthinking things, but would UK Diploma nurses in AUS already registered with AHPRA be ok reapplying in the future? Surely they wouldn't change the criteria for nurses already registered?



Yes, I've renewed this year, although I have been registered in Aus since 2006

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Hello All!


I'm in a similar situation, I'm currently in Perth working as an NA at the hospital that will employ me when (and if!) my AHPRA registration comes through. I'm an advanced diploma trained nurse from the UK, I applied in Oct/Nov last year and received a request for further information for criterias 2,3,5,6 and 8. I have supplied this info and this has been confirmed with AHPRA that they've got everything they need regarding those criteria.


I'm a bit confused after reading the posts on here that other diploma trained nurses are being refused (so sorry guys, I'm devastated for you). Surely if AHPRA regarded my qualification as lower than an Australian bachelor degree they would have asked for further information regarding criteria 4 which states that the my qualification needs to be 'equivalent to an Australian bachelor degree (registered nurse) as a minimum.'?


I will be speaking to the highest up person I can possibly speak to in AHPRA if they refuse my registration as I have been told I need to provide further information on 5 different criteria and then they refuse me on one they didn't request any information for?!


Did any of you guys who got refused get asked for extra info on criteria 4?


Thanks :) Joe

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I've just looked back through my emails and on the 28th February they asked for further information on criterias 2, 3, and 8.They didn't ask me for any info for criteria 4 and they have refused me! I tried talking to them yesterday but they don't care and I don't think they have a c about any of it. They invited to make an appeal (a submission they call it) and when I spoke to them they basically said that I can't do that!! Doesn't make sense.

I hope this answers your question joe

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Morning everyone,

I am obviously new to the forum, but have been watching what has been happening for a while now. Firstly I would like to say how sorry I am to hear how far people have come, and how much money Nurses have had to spend only to find out that AHPRA will not register us Dip HE Nurses.

I am 14 years qualified with a Dip HE and have been working as a band 7 in the UK for 7 years. I was also a band 6 for 2 years prior to this. I have worked in acute surgery for the whole 14 years. I have submitted my ANMAC which I am waiting for a response.


So, I phoned AHPRA today as I wanted to ask if there was any point in applying, and was told that there was no point as all nurses have to be degree! I asked about the AQF levels and why Dip HE was a 6 not a 7, as the website guidelines state that a diploma is only a 1.5 - 2 year course. The person at AHPRA stated that she did not understand the framework either (very helpful!!!)


I have just tried to phone AQF, but have had no response. I was wondering if anyone else has made contact with AQF and asked them where they would place UK Dip HE on their framework?


I have also spoken to a HR manager in AUS and explained the AHPRA situation. He was completely unware of any problems with DIP HE nurse registration and infact told me that they recruit Dip HE nurses from the UK often and said that a Nurse manager with my experience would be highly sought after in WA. It appears that nobody apart from AHPRA is aware that UK Dip HE registered nurse qualifications just don't cut it anymore!!!


It also seems unfair that the AHPRA website does not make it clear that DIP HE nurses need not apply, despite many successful ANMAC assessments, job offers being submitted and sponsered visas being offered, often at some cost to Australian employers. Can't help but feel it's a way of getting more money from us. The $11,000 bridging course sometimes offered, could apparently take up to 3 years too according to AHPRA.


As a senior nurse, I am not going to be taking jobs away from Australian nurses. In fact, I would be likely to act as a valuable mentor for them. However, if AHPRA feel that they want more inexperienced nurses who have the right bit of paper from their University, then what can I say?




Sorry about long post.

Take care

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Morning everyone,

I am obviously new to the forum, but have been watching what has been happening for a while now. Firstly I would like to say how sorry I am to hear how far people have come, and how much money Nurses have had to spend only to find out that AHPRA will not register us Dip HE Nurses.

I am 14 years qualified with a Dip HE and have been working as a band 7 in the UK for 7 years. I was also a band 6 for 2 years prior to this. I have worked in acute surgery for the whole 14 years. I have submitted my ANMAC which I am waiting for a response.


So, I phoned AHPRA today as I wanted to ask if there was any point in applying, and was told that there was no point as all nurses have to be degree! I asked about the AQF levels and why Dip HE was a 6 not a 7, as the website guidelines state that a diploma is only a 1.5 - 2 year course. The person at AHPRA stated that she did not understand the framework either (very helpful!!!)


I have just tried to phone AQF, but have had no response. I was wondering if anyone else has made contact with AQF and asked them where they would place UK Dip HE on their framework?


I have also spoken to a HR manager in AUS and explained the AHPRA situation. He was completely unware of any problems with DIP HE nurse registration and infact told me that they recruit Dip HE nurses from the UK often and said that a Nurse manager with my experience would be highly sought after in WA. It appears that nobody apart from AHPRA is aware that UK Dip HE registered nurse qualifications just don't cut it anymore!!!


It also seems unfair that the AHPRA website does not make it clear that DIP HE nurses need not apply, despite many successful ANMAC assessments, job offers being submitted and sponsered visas being offered, often at some cost to Australian employers. Can't help but feel it's a way of getting more money from us. The $11,000 bridging course sometimes offered, could apparently take up to 3 years too according to AHPRA.


As a senior nurse, I am not going to be taking jobs away from Australian nurses. In fact, I would be likely to act as a valuable mentor for them. However, if AHPRA feel that they want more inexperienced nurses who have the right bit of paper from their University, then what can I say?




Sorry about long post.

Take care






hi I emailed aqf and as I wanted to know where my diploma and 4 post grad courses were placed and this was their response


Dear Danielle


This Office does not establish the equivalence of overseas qualifications with AQF qualifications. That is done by Trades Recognition Australia . You will need to forward your query to that Office which contact details are at: http://www.tradesrecognitionaustralia.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx


Still no further forward.


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Hi Danielle


That's very interesting!! Considering that AHPRA website directs you to AQF framework. I think I will contact them via email, hopefully I will get the same answer as you ( hopefully they will be more consistant than AHPRA). Then there will be two of us with evidence from AQF.


Thanks for the link, I will also contact them and let you know how I get on.


Thanks again.

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Seems it going round in circles as TRA is for some occupations . Anmac carry out nurses but ahpra state not equal as per AQF they then say oh no that's not us it TRA(nearly sure TRA not used for nursing! Will check web later) it's a bit of a joke if my employment wasn't resting on ahpra!

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