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About Charliepawz

  • Birthday 28/10/1988

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Member (2/6)



  1. Hi how do you know this? Is it for dip he nurses?
  2. Neither have I'm just trying to send as much as I can since I'm a diploma victim hoping that every little helps not that I think it will
  3. No these are the clinical ones that were signed by my mentors where u have to do 10 observed practice in each placement and fill in competences which are then signed by your practice mentor Uni don't jlo a copy of these as you just hand them in with your portfolio and get them back when it's marked.
  4. Hi! I'm going to e sending all my medication assessments from Uni to AHPRA but do I need to get them all certified or can I just send copies? Thanks
  5. Haha true I even emailed their main page to double check and they haven't even got back in touch! I will email again with ahpra and see what happens x
  6. Yeah I tried that too it sent but I've had no response do they take awhile to get back intouch? Both email addresses on this letter end with aphra.
  7. Hi everyone today I received my letter for more info to be sent to aphra seems pointless since I'm a diploma nurse but anyway every time I try to email the CO I get the email returned as a bad gateway. The end of the email address is @aphra.gov.au I thought it would of been ahpra how does everyone else's co's end?
  8. What can I send tho I don't really understand it? To be fair the nmc haven't asked for another payment yet as my application is in a que. The man I spoke to didn't sound impressed with the current work load situation!
  9. Well I received my notice of requirement today and it looks like I have to send everything again even tho Anmac have sent my file!! So that's another £34 for verifications and the nmc have said there's a massive back log due to ahpra changing the criteria as some registered nurse in oz need there qualification verified again. Another £75 for a transcript! What have people sent for criteria 6?
  10. Yeah I seen that too! Hopefully get an answer on that!
  11. Yeah keep me posted please. I got a similar email from AQF but referred me to tra who will no doubt refer me to anmac. But since I replied to AQF they haven't been back in touch. Hopefully it will help those prior to the change but I'm not hopeful for mine as I only submitted it in June this year so I'm going to have suck it up and do the bridging course hopefully if I get offered!
  12. Hi Claire I haven't I emailed them but haven't heard anything and I emailed AQF with details of the uk diploma and length of time etc and about ahpra assessing against it but have heard nothing. If others keep emailing hopefully something will change!
  13. ive emailed AQF back and informed them about ahpra and that our diploma is a 3 year university course and that with extra credits what would it be compared to again. I will let you know what my reply is. If anmac did it that way following that surely they all should!
  14. hi I emailed aqf and as I wanted to know where my diploma and 4 post grad courses were placed and this was their response Dear Danielle This Office does not establish the equivalence of overseas qualifications with AQF qualifications. That is done by Trades Recognition Australia . You will need to forward your query to that Office which contact details are at: http://www.tradesrecognitionaustralia.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx Still no further forward. Danielle
  15. Its a total nightmare! I hope they do take the post grad into consideration. when I did the diploma the only difference between that and the degree was we had to do a report and the others had to do a dissertation and that was only 3 years ago the hospital placements and other modules are exactly the same!! lucky u being a lady of leisure :smile:. I am planning on applying for the visa in October when I have my 3 years experience but need to know what's happening with the registration first as Im moving on my own and don't have not financial back up.
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