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What to do when you first land?


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I don't know of any checklist but I'd say when you "first land",  your first priority will be to book into your temp accommodation.  Then get up early the first few mornings and either go out for breakfast and sit at a pavement café, or if you've got a balcony/garden at your holiday place, sit outside for breakfast.  Having an hour or two in the sun early in the morning will help you all recover from jet lag much quicker.

The first thing we did was buy a car, because we were in a regional area and there was no way we could get around to view rental properties without one.  We just used our temp accommodation as our address - don't tell them it's temporary!    Of course that means you need insurance etc too.

Next steps - sort out the bank account, start looking for a rental property on realestate.com.au and domain.com.au (don't bother with the papers or magazines, they hardly bother advertising there these days).  In some regional areas, you may find allhomes.com.au is better.  Most libraries have free internet access, just go up to the desk and say you're a new arrival.  

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Just the usual.

Get yourself to your accomodation, sleep if you need to. If you want take a day or two to chill, get your bearings and relax. 

Then things like picking up your bank cards, signing up for Medicare, getting an Aus drivers licence sorted. Those things will all count towards your 100 point ID that will be needed for rentals etc. Plus TFN. 

After that it depends on you and if you need to find a rental, job etc. Sign up to the library and make use of their computers and internet access if need be. 

Get a mobile phone sorted, even if it’s a pay as you go for a month or two. Other things like the pre paid public transport cards, sign up to a GP or have a few listed you can call on.



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