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Newbie looking for success stories


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Myself and my husband decided that we would set ourselves a goal to move to Australia in 5 years with our 6 children. We were stopped in our tracks when we discovered that criminal convictions over 12 months would instantly fail the character test. My husband had a awful childhood and was subject to abuse. He left the family home at 15 and fell into a bad crowd. Bad people took advantage of his vulnerability and offered him money to do their dirty work. He did 6 months in young offenders and then after 2 months out he got jail time of 4 years. He was on trial for robbery but they took into concideration abh, gbh and fraud that he'd also been picked up for. He came out and started to re build his life. At 24 he bought a watch from a guy for £50 the watch was a Rolex but he wasn't sure if real or not so took the chance and it turned out to be real. He thought he was quids in and took it to cash converters. Sold it for £800 happy days intill he got arrested as it had been traced via serial number and be was charged with handing and selling stolen goods. He got 12 months suspended sentence and community service. 

He is now 31 and when  we hope to make the move he will be 18 years past his jail time and 12 years past the watch fiasco. 

I've googled till my brain hurt but I struggle to find many success stories. We stand to loose a awful amount of money if his visa is refused and I just don't no if we could take that risk. But a life of what ifs and giving up the dream I've had since I was a kid doesn't bare thinking about either. 

Is there anyone on this forum who has any experience or who knows somebody who did succeed in getting a visa. 

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I would certainly speak to a registered migration agent. I hear as a general rule that any jail time of 12 months or more is not a good thing for entry to Australia, but I am not educated in this enough to know whether in any given situation/circumstances it would be accepted.

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The time since the last conviction is over 10 years so that is in his favour.  He will need to prove he is now reformed character and also any extenuating circumstances.  Although admitting and accepting responsibility is important rather than just making excuses, however valid.  He should write a statement and also get character references to show he is now a responsible law abiding citizen and has been for many years.


it is difficult to compare other peoples experiences as each is treated individually. Also the rules have tightened up considerably and are enforced more rigorously now.


unfortunately you can’t know until you apply and with 6 kids that is a lot of cash to risk. In fact the visa fee alone is currently $11,025 if all kids are under 18, plus costs for assessment, Medicals etc.    I would spend a fraction of that on some advice from a registered agent experienced in these matters and some help with putting together an application..

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Thankyou for all the replies. It's so worrying thinking that we could loose alot of money. Would it be a good idea to try and take a holiday first and see if he has any problems getting a tourist visa? 

We are applying for his records so we can see exactly what's on them and then get a agent to take a look. He was in such a bad way back then that he isn't 100% on what is on his record. 

We also wouldn't be moving for 5 years and I know alot can change in that time. From what I've been reading on forums I worry that it's only going to get harder to move as the years go on. 

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7 hours ago, Kbald86 said:

Thankyou for all the replies. It's so worrying thinking that we could loose alot of money. Would it be a good idea to try and take a holiday first and see if he has any problems getting a tourist visa? 

We are applying for his records so we can see exactly what's on them and then get a agent to take a look. He was in such a bad way back then that he isn't 100% on what is on his record. 

We also wouldn't be moving for 5 years and I know alot can change in that time. From what I've been reading on forums I worry that it's only going to get harder to move as the years go on. 

Tourist visas apply far more lenient rules than anything permanent so its no real guide 

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Whilst things could change visa wise, your children will also be getting older.  Not sure what ages they are now, but if they start to fall into late teens that can make it a little harder not only with things like proving dependency but they might have a boyfriend/girlfriend they feel they just can't live without .. causing headaches for mum and dad

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