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Are all assies  barking mad or is it just me been here 4 weeks and hate it miss everything about uk I can’t get a job as  have to pay 1500 aud to result a test for a job I’ve been doing for over 35 years prob know more than them about the job  bee looking at flights home 

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I presume your only here on a Working Holiday Visa or something similar? Surely you wouldn't have emigrated to the other side of the world, only to head back after 4 weeks because you needed to have your skills assessed?

It is a different country with its own qualifications, licenses, standards etc, most people are aware they're going to have to go through a skills assessment, RPL, top up course, exams or similar before they can work in many industries in Australia.

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16 minutes ago, 1denno said:

I came here on my wife’s 457 visa but didn’t imagine it would be this difficult 

Definitely a lot more difficult than it used to be and I don't think it will get any easier.  How does your wife feel about returning?  Can't say I blame you.  Nothing more depressing than being jobless - running out of money - no friends - especially in a strange country.

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4 hours ago, 1denno said:

I came here on my wife’s 457 visa but didn’t imagine it would be this difficult 

Sorry to hear that but your story is not unusual unfortunately. Dependents on temporary visas do struggle to get meaningful work and - hate to say it - if you’ve been doing something for 35 years you’re probably getting a little long in the tooth (ahem) and Australia has a very definite age discrimination practice going on (though they would never tell you it’s your age). Bit of a double whammy there.

I think you’re probably wise if you have something you can return to and can reclaim some of your losses, being poor and unemployed in a foreign country is no fun and sometimes you have to be pragmatic. However, I usually tell folk to bank on taking 6 months to find a job then if it’s less than that you win.

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