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Resident Return Visa - Child - Advice Needed Please


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We have flights booked for tomorrow.

Myself, husband and daughter have RRV's.

We still haven't had a response from our sons application. He's aged 10.

If we all fly out tomorrow will border control turn him away?

If there's no email confirming it's been granted before our departure tine tomorrow what would anybody advise please. Fly to Dubai as planned and then book a flight from there once visa is granted or continue journey to Perth hoping that it's been granted before we hit Oz soil?

Just don't know what to do. Hubby starts new job next week - help!!!!


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I very much doubt he would even be able to board the flight, he won't get anywhere near Australian border control.

No airline will fly a passenger without the visa/paperwork to allow that person to enter the country at the other end. The check in staff might be prepared to phone DIBP for you and see if its been granted and you just haven't yet been advised, but they don't have to chase it for you. You certainly can't fly part way without it, he just won't get on the plane. 

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Not sure if this is viable option or not.
If I cancel the RRV application online via my IMMI account, could I apply for an electronic tourist visa (to allow us all to fly tomorrow) and then submit another RRV application once we're back in Oz???

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8 minutes ago, LeighR said:

Not sure if this is viable option or not.
If I cancel the RRV application online via my IMMI account, could I apply for an electronic tourist visa (to allow us all to fly tomorrow) and then submit another RRV application once we're back in Oz???

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That's what I was thinking.  Just get him a tourist visa to fly and sort it out when you are here.

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Thank you Collie. I'm just going to do a bit of research now to make sure I don't jeopardise him obtaining his RRV at a later date if I cancel this current application.

I'm past myself with worry. Everybody else's were granted in 48hrs. If I can't go this route it's going to mean my daughter and myself flying tomorrow and then paying for another two flights for husband and son once visa grant is received ?

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1 hour ago, LeighR said:

Thank you Collie. I'm just going to do a bit of research now to make sure I don't jeopardise him obtaining his RRV at a later date if I cancel this current application.

I'm past myself with worry. Everybody else's were granted in 48hrs. If I can't go this route it's going to mean my daughter and myself flying tomorrow and then paying for another two flights for husband and son once visa grant is received ?

Be careful - technically a person can only hold one visa. Thus getting a tourist visa can cancel out the PR he holds. Then he can't get a RRV later cos he will no longer have a PR visa to attach the RRV to. Some people have been lucky and not had their PR cancelled by getting a tourist visa but there is no guarantee. 

I would phone an agent - choose one of those on here with a good reputation - and see what they suggest. 

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Ouch, didn't realise that Nemesis so thank you very much for the heads up!

We're just going to have to ride it out and if it doesn't arrive overnight tonight, fork out for another two flights when it does!

Thank you for your replies and advice.


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5 hours ago, MaggieMay24 said:

I'd apply for an ETA and leave the RRV application in process.  ETAs are usually granted within a few minutes and would let him board the plane.

I think I am going to do that. AA you said at least we can all fly together. I know if I don't do that his RRV will be granted while we're flying and I'll be fuming that I didn't. If obtaining the ETA cancels his RRV or his PR then I'll have to apply for a PR visa for him again. As both myself and my husband hold PR status and our daughter is a citizen I don't think I'd encounter any problems do you?

Thank you x 

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I've spoken to immigration dept in Canberra. They said don't apply for a ETA. They've looked at application while I was on the phone and say they are wanting more evifdence of ties to Australia as he's been away for longer than 5 years! And yet they've granted mine and my husbands no problem. He's 10 years old for goodness sake. Why grant the parents no problem and not the childs. I just don't understand the thought process. Looks like only 2 of us flying today and we're at their mercy as to whether our son ever actually gets his visa :(

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7 minutes ago, LeighR said:

I've spoken to immigration dept in Canberra. They said don't apply for a ETA. They've looked at application while I was on the phone and say they are wanting more evifdence of ties to Australia as he's been away for longer than 5 years! And yet they've granted mine and my husbands no problem. He's 10 years old for goodness sake. Why grant the parents no problem and not the childs. I just don't understand the thought process. Looks like only 2 of us flying today and we're at their mercy as to whether our son ever actually gets his visa :(

That's the way it goes unfortunately - at least you haven't screwed things up by getting him a tourist visa in the interim! Hindsight is perfect vision but DIBP do say not to make irrevocable arrangements until you have the visas in hand. Hopefully it won't cost you too much to reschedule flights. On the plus side, with both parents living in Australia it should be easy to prove ties to the country!

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3 hours ago, LeighR said:

I've spoken to immigration dept in Canberra. They said don't apply for a ETA. They've looked at application while I was on the phone and say they are wanting more evifdence of ties to Australia as he's been away for longer than 5 years! And yet they've granted mine and my husbands no problem. He's 10 years old for goodness sake. Why grant the parents no problem and not the childs. I just don't understand the thought process. Looks like only 2 of us flying today and we're at their mercy as to whether our son ever actually gets his visa :(

I'm so glad you managed to get in touch with them.

Crazy process, though now you three have RRVs it should be very easy to get one for him. I have seen agents advising that sometimes its better to get the main breadwinner the RRV first, then you can use that as additional proof of ties when applying for the rest of the family.

Also very glad you didn't go down the ETA route, much easier this way than having to apply for a whole new PR.

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14 hours ago, LeighR said:

I've spoken to immigration dept in Canberra. They said don't apply for a ETA. They've looked at application while I was on the phone and say they are wanting more evifdence of ties to Australia as he's been away for longer than 5 years! And yet they've granted mine and my husbands no problem. He's 10 years old for goodness sake. Why grant the parents no problem and not the childs. I just don't understand the thought process. Looks like only 2 of us flying today and we're at their mercy as to whether our son ever actually gets his visa :(

Now that you have been granted an RRV (155) your son will meet the Regulations for the RRV as follows:

(4)  The applicant meets the requirements of this subclause if the applicant is a member of the family unit of a person who:

(a)  has been granted a Subclass 155 visa and that visa is still in effect


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We arrived into Perth a couple of hours ago. To say I'm fuming and sad is the biggest understatement ever! Myself,  husband and daughter flew out and left our son with my Mum to bring out once his visa is granted.

Border control told us we could have brought him with us today no problem! As he's a minor, holds a British passport and both parents have RRV'S in place it's a given that he'll be granted one. They said it happens every day and the child is granted a 30 day temp visa to allow time for the RRV to be finalised. I explained what the woman in Canberra had told me re cancellation of his PR status etc and he said that's incorrect. 

So the immigration dept and border control are giving people differing info.

Just thought I'd update as it may prevent somebody else going through the same heartache. 

If we'd taken our son to the airport in the UK with us, advised check in staff of the situation, they'd have rang through to border control who would have put an overide on their systems, granting the 30 day temp visa thus allowing travel! 

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He MIGHT have been allowed entry on the temporary visa, if the airline even allowed hi to board in the first place, that would have been your first hurdle. 

And he MIGHT have had his PR cancelled if he got a Evisitor. I've been on forums many years and while I've seen some people get away with it, I've also seen people reporting cancellations which have sometimes meant a whole new application. Entry on that temp 30 day visa - yes I have seen it, once, when a long term (years) ozzie resident left the country without a RRV and returned a week later.

Fact is, its an unusual situation, and whoever you speak to is unlikely to see it often. I think the Border Control officer is stretching the truth a little to say he sees it every day. f it were that common do you not think that people on here would have seen it or experienced it and mentioned it to you? Especially as you have an agent posting on the thread. 


The immigration dept and border control give people differing info frequently - that too is well documented on forums.

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At least 3 of you are there and it shouldn't be long before your son arrives. You know he can come as an UM (Unaccompanied Minor) if your mum doesn't want to make the trip. They take good care of UMs and it could save you a bit. 

I think I would take the Border Control "see it every day" with a pinch of salt - and Border Control doesn't manage the visa process so they would have no idea about the implications on ongoing applications. I wouldn't beat yourself up about it. 

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17 hours ago, Quoll said:

At least 3 of you are there and it shouldn't be long before your son arrives. You know he can come as an UM (Unaccompanied Minor) if your mum doesn't want to make the trip. They take good care of UMs and it could save you a bit. 

I think I would take the Border Control "see it every day" with a pinch of salt - and Border Control doesn't manage the visa process so they would have no idea about the implications on ongoing applications. I wouldn't beat yourself up about it. 

Totally agree Quoll. I've seen you around for many years too and I think if you thought taking him on the flight on an ETA was a known route done frequently, you would have said so.

He'll have the adventure of flying without hus parents, I did that once many years ago and it was amazing!!

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