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Nursing visa 189 - degree?

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Sorry if this has been asked before but I'm trying to get things organised for my application.

I'm currently a diploma registered nurse (qualified in 2010) and only need to do 1 more course to be degree qualified. This means that I will be degree qualified/have a bachelor's degree without honours - does anyone know if this is eligible for registration with anmac/APHRA? I've emailed them, but their reponse was simply that a bachelor's degree was required so my understanding is that this means I will be qualified and eligible to register once my final course is completed :/


We are looking tto apply for a 189 skilled visa and head to Brisbane around September 2018 if all goes to plan.


Me and my husband will be 29 and 30 at the time and our daughter will be 2 years old.


Any advice will be much appreciated :)




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I've been working as a qualified nurse for a number of years so have plenty of experience in acute settings and A&E - as mentioned I will technically have a degree so this is what I was confused at as it will be without the honours part of it but still a bachelor's of degree of nursing x

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Any advice is appreciated :)

We've contacted a solicitors who believes this should be fine but I just hoped someone on here might know

Any advice on general emigration from the UK to oz? We are looking at Brisbane and have been reading up but things do seem extremely different compared to everyday life - reading up on the slang terms have had me and my partner in stitches as were pretty sure we may end up saying some rude things by accident haha ;)

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I am a registered nurse in Australia so i can shed some light into the process i had to go thru.

1. You will need APHRA registration - This will depend on your circumstance, if you can prove that you are an equilavent of an Australian Registered nurse then i dont see a problem in getting the registration.

2. After you gain your registration you will need a Degree Assessment from ANMAC. they are tricky to deal with as they assess your qualifications in detail and one cannot guarantee the nature of the outcome. Their current processing time is 3 months (yes i waited 3 months) provided they dont ask for more documents. I have a friend who has been waiting since Feb for the assesment. if you want to claim points for experience you have to let ANMAC assess that so that you can include that as evidence when applying for your EOI otherwise if you can still manage 60 points without experience then i dont see the point of getting it assessed.

3. EOI Application- dont worry too much about it. 60 is all you need and will be invited in the next invitation round no matter what. This is because the RN occupation ceiling is approx 16000 for the year 2016/17, and to date not half that number has reached.

This was my situation and steps i had to follow. Regarding if you will accepted as an RN is hard to tell as its all down to your education provider and if the courses meet the australian requirements.

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Thank you for your help :)

My university have given me a certificate containing my transcript on as well as my diploma certificate when I qualified so I'm hoping this will mean I can speed up the process (my university are apparently extremely slow in processing applications for transcripts)

I should have completed the final course by February so we are being optimistic by aiming for September but we have set ourselves the goal so that we are organised in getting all the documents etc together

Are you able to advice on whether it would be better to take the IELTS or the pearsons? We have been advised to complete this by Taylor Hamptons to bump our points up but the pearsons appears to be much smoother for me when I completed the practice exams online x

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I did multiple IELTS exams during my stay in Australia and during those time i never managed to get a high score.

I then decided to give PTE-A a go and got superior english which added more points to my application. I would say do PTE-A because;

You get ur results in 2 days so you dont have to wait for long to see if you made it to the required score.

I found that PTE-A is faster in terms of duration.

they use the same writting topics as in IELTS. I studied ielts material for my PTE-A as there is alot of free material online. My only other advice is make sure you know the format of the exam and how it is marked. This will reduce anxiety during the actual exam as you already know what is expected at every single stage. For retelling a lecture i used TED talks on youtube to practice.


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Some find IELTS 'easier' than PTE (meaning that the format of the test seems to work better for them), others find it's the other way around, and they have more success with PTE. It seems to depend on the individual. Whatever test you take, preparation is key. Google a tutor as they can give you a heads-up. Also youtube has some handy advice for you to check out.



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  • 3 months later...

Can I ask do you have to take an English test  if you can prove your secondary education was in English? 

I read this on one of the websites. I am getting  so confused with everything, I'm not sure now.

Do people take the tests just to gain points or is it a necessity to register as a nurse in Australia? 

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2 hours ago, Lrob said:

Can I ask do you have to take an English test  if you can prove your secondary education was in English? 

I read this on one of the websites. I am getting  so confused with everything, I'm not sure now.

Do people take the tests just to gain points or is it a necessity to register as a nurse in Australia? 

No - an English test is not required for AHPRA if you can provide evidence of completing 5 years full time education taught and assessed in English (including a minimum of 2 years in a pre-registration nursing programme).See AHPRA website for full English language skills requirements. 

I only completed a Pearsons Academic English Test for ANMAC to get a positive skills assessment) and to bump up my visa points.

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59 minutes ago, PsychNurse said:

No - an English test is not required for AHPRA if you can provide evidence of completing 5 years full time education taught and assessed in English (including a minimum of 2 years in a pre-registration nursing programme).See AHPRA website for full English language skills requirements. 

I only completed a Pearsons Academic English Test for ANMAC to get a positive skills assessment) and to bump up my visa points.


Thats the snag. AAHPRA do not require an English test but if an ANMAC skills assessment is required, then IELTS or similar is essential.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi. So I am looking to apply for a 189 skilled visa, currently I get 45 points (30 from being 25 and 15 from a bachelors degree, I have worked for 2 years on an ICU so do not qualify for any points regarding this which I think is ridiculous, but I digress) I am a little bit confused about the English language proficiency as I realise that being from the UK I do not receive any points for my English language ability and would need to take an IELTS or equivalent to achieve a band score of 8 or higher to receive the points I require to meet the 60 point requirement. However, I am already registered with AHPRA and have been since April however have not yet worked as a nurse in Australia. When I apply for my skills assessment through ANMAC I should only have to do the modified skills assessment, which would mean they do not require me to complete an English language test. Would this mean that I then receive 20 points from the English requirement or would I still need to take this test to receive the 20 points needed (I have filled out a visabureau.com assessment who are a migration agency that suggested I would get 65 points in total with the answers that I showed them, however I am not sure that this is correct and dont particularly want to pay to find out the answer, although I imagine eventually I will have to anyway) if anyone knows anything about this it would be a great help. Thanks, Elliott. 

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1. You are correct in stating that you would only need a modified skills assessment as you are already registered with AHPRA.

2. You do not need to complete an English Test for ANMAC as you already have AHPRA registration.

3. You just need an English Test to increase your points for your visa. As you have 45 points, you need to get maximum 20 points = Superior English.

In each of the four test components (speaking, reading, listening and writing)

-for IELTS General or Academic  (8 and above)

-PTE Academic (79 and above)

-OET (A's)

-TOEFL 28L, 29R, 26S, 30W

Hope that helps ?

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Hi All, 

My daughter has also just gone through the nursing visa process. 

Don’t forget if you decide to do Aphra reg first you would need to present yourself in person within 3 months. For this reason it may be more cost effective to apply for Anmac skills assessment first ( do ielts before applying so this should be your first step ).   When skills assessment returned put in a EOI and once invited submit full application with all the trimmings  ( medicals, Working evidence including bank statements and tax return etc etc ) 

During the waiting game you then need to decide how soon you would like to come to Australia. If it’s asap and you are ready to leave promptly or are planning on a reccie to validate then you can risk sending in for aphra registration about 3 months after visa submit or once you hear that you have a case officer etc - with some luck it should arrive and tie in with visa grant.  

If however you want to play it safe and need time to wrap up your life then wait for visa grant to arrive before submitting for registration to aphra ( once registration in principle determined you will need to go an aphra office to complete within 3 months so time this to when you want to arrive in Australia )

  Aphra registration from application date took about 3 months. 

For those about to go through this process start collecting stuff now such as obtaining full birth certificate, putting together your work evidence for however many years you are claiming for etc etc )  Some stuff is very repetitive, has no time lapse and will be utilised for all applications, but other stuff such as police checks and the aphra international criminal history check have limited life before they run out and you need to reapply so check ensure these are only done when necessary. 

Good luck folks, and I hope you have deep pockets 

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Hi, I am new here. Would like to get some advice regarding AHPRA Registration. I had 6 years experience working in the pediatric hospital. I finished my diploma in Singapore and took my undergraduate degree from UK Uni. I am wondering whether AHPRA will be accepting my degree as it is a kind of top-up degree after my diploma. submitted my application to AHPRA on 26th, they received it on 3rd Nov and till now, no news yet. :/

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Ahpra will contact you via email if they need any information. If you have a nursing degree then hopefully you won’t have any problems. If your degree is in child nursing then obviously you will be registered solely for paediatrics. 

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On 2017/11/23 at 01:28, Win Sue said:

Hi, I am new here. Would like to get some advice regarding AHPRA Registration. I had 6 years experience working in the pediatric hospital. I finished my diploma in Singapore and took my undergraduate degree from UK Uni. I am wondering whether AHPRA will be accepting my degree as it is a kind of top-up degree after my diploma. submitted my application to AHPRA on 26th, they received it on 3rd Nov and till now, no news yet. :/

same as my wife, she works as RN in SG and got a top up degree in SIM UNI. She has registerd and waiting for the LOD now

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